Seeking Company for My Mental Illness

Hi guys.It's me. (I'm in California dreaming... #adele5ever)Anyways - so.... I'm struggling a bit, I guess, to just write this post at all. So I think for those reading, that in itself should just be a general sign about "the struggle."I'm a grown ass adult that lives at home and goes to grad school. I've got some dope ass parents that are awesome and pretty chill about me doing my educational...
January 7th, 2016 at 04:50pm

Being an Adult and Moving Back Home

Hey guys, do you remember when you were like twelve and your parents probably still made you go to bed at a certain time and you were like "When I'm an adult I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want."Man, that's the life.Suddenly, there's student loans and wearing adult clothes (Apparently I'm not allowed to wear Nike shorts and oversized t shirts to work?) and who the fuck decided that I had to deal...
July 10th, 2015 at 05:31am

Man Bun Apparently Does Have Lumbar Issues

Sooooo...OKAY.In my last journal where I'm out of my mind neurotic I was talking about how this hot guy from one of my classes (with a man bun) was potentially checking me out in the library, cause he was "stretching" and looking in my direction, which I think we all know what that's code for.I don't either.ANYWAYS.Sooo, I have been crushed (haha, get it "crush"ed. ya okay sorry) because my future...
November 21st, 2014 at 06:12am

Man Buns and Awkward Eye Contact

Okay sooooo, Christ I can't even type.OKAY.I am having probably the biggest case of school girl crushing ever, like, ugh cannot. He has a man bun and I typically go for really clean cut men, but like, guys. GUISE.We have a class together, and me being a creepy psycho, I stare holes into his face when he's not looking, and supes cash pretend I don't see him when he's even sort of looking in my...
November 19th, 2014 at 07:34am

Being Home for the Summer

Guys - I came back home for the summer for the first time in like three years, and - it's not okay.I love my family to death, they're my favorite people in the world, but I don't understand how I lived at home for eighteen years and was just totally okay with my life.Everything is weird.I feel weird if I sleep in, cause everyone else is awake, but I'm still snoozin till late afternoon.I feel weird...
July 13th, 2014 at 04:28am

I'm super insecure, but also I think I'm fabulous

Like, I feel like a walking contradiction most days.Because I'm comfortable with who I am and who I've become. I mean, in like middle school and probably even the first three years of high school I was like just... not okay with my body and who I felt I was trying to be.I went through these phases where I would feel upset or happy or angry - not because I genuinely felt those emotions - but...
January 19th, 2014 at 05:11am

Colin Kaepernick is totes going to be my future husband

Wouldclimb thatlike a treeBut for real.(lol jk, I'm like the biggest virgin ever)I am, however, hoping we make the superbowl again this year.I'm taking a January intensive course right now, which means I'm stuck in a room for eight hours a day. The professor is a super Republican, and it's not that I have any issue with republicans (or democrats) but the amount of Political Incorectness that is...
January 9th, 2014 at 03:07am

Bashing Stephanie Meyer doesn't make you better than her

Like, I'm just at that point where I'm so done with having to hear people putting other writers down. Especially Meyer. Because, there's a difference between not liking what she wrote and finding error in her writing, and straight up saying things like "Well if people like Stephanie Meyer can get published then I guess anyone can make it in the industry."Like, who are you to judge? Who are you to...
December 13th, 2013 at 06:55am

You're going to make it through finals. It's gonna be okay.

Hey - yes you, yeah turn those sexy lookin' eye balls over here.It's gonna be okay. You know why? Because it's already like practically Thursday, and after that it's Friday and then finals are done.It may seem hard right now. The text books are piling up and you're waking up with highlighter on your face, not from a crazy highlighter fight you had, but from falling asleep on lines and lines of...
December 12th, 2013 at 05:01am

finals are DUM.

I'm done with studying.It's seven degrees (F) outside and the roads are too dangerous to drive on which mean DOMINOES IS NOT DELIVERING. What is my life? My roommate and I have been living off of leftover Rosa's for the past two days.I made an omelet, but it was bad.So I decided to procrastinate doing the school thing with the grades and what not by writing a new chapter for Kissed but then it...
December 7th, 2013 at 10:30pm

I made it! (pictures!)

Ugh, guys. Guys. Guyyyyys.It has been a long five weeks. Scratch that, it has been a long - and I mean loooooooong ten weeks. I have been rushing and pledging for the past five weeks and I am officially a member of Alpha Kai Omega.Ugh, I am just so happy.I've had to wear heels every day for the past five weeks, and I've had less than four hours of sleep on average per day, and I am just so...
November 2nd, 2013 at 07:48am

I honestly don't like people, and I'm okay with that

You know how some people are introverts, I'm one of those.Like, having to deal with people is just really exhausting for me. I can do it, and that's okay with me, but I enjoy just sitting and reading or just sitting and thinking. I mean, that sounds weird, I enjoy sitting and thinking and literally really not doing anything, and even I think it's weird.Not only that, but people in general really...
October 28th, 2013 at 05:29am

I have no recommended stories

I was like - hmmm - which stories have I recommended?Like - two.It's finals week and I feel like procrastinating, so you may, at your whim or fancy drop a name of something perchance for me to read. It would be greatly appreciated.My roommate really wants me to watch "The Boy With the Striped Pajamas." and I've heard about the movie a lot, but I already knew the summary/how it ended and it sounded...
May 2nd, 2013 at 04:13am

Eating Disorders

mmmmmmmph.I'm stuck guys.I used to have really big body image issues, and if I'm being honest I still do, but I've learned how to deal with them in a semi-healthy manner. But I have friends who also have body image issues and have toed the line of eating disorders.A friend of mine had her mother tell her that she was fat. She wasn't fat. She's a swimmer and has really muscular thighs, but her...
April 23rd, 2013 at 02:41am

I poured a bowl of cereal only to find out I don't have any milk

I'm so poor.And I had already poured the bowl of cereal and it was coco pebbles, and you and I know damn well that you can't get that back in the box. I probably could have just saved it until I could go get more milk, but I didn't.I put water in it.That was nasty.Don't do that.Have you had a first kiss yet? Was it OK?I was thinking about mine. It was awful. Ughhhh. Like his tongue was everywhere...
April 4th, 2013 at 02:48am

went to a shrink for the first time - awwwwk.

I've been under a lot of stress lately with school and money issues and just having that "the fate of the world rests on my shoulders and at any moment I could drop the world and everything will die" type of feeling.And it wasn't that I don't want to talk to my parents about it, but it's just hard and it's not the kind of think that I feel comfortable talking to my friends about, so my mom kind of...
March 28th, 2013 at 01:44am

sometime you have to choose to be happy or to be logical. that sucks.

I'm making myself upset right now and it's hard.I'm not happy right now. I don't like the school I'm at and I don't feel like my major is where my heart is at.I don't have the money to change schools and I don't feel like the place I'm at is the right fit for me. I feel stuck and it just makes me feel stressed.I'm an international studies major right now, and I'm good at it, but I don't like it....
February 8th, 2013 at 04:07am

car wrecks, tears, and the blood of my enemies

Got into my first car accident today.I'm back from college and my mom needed me to go get some last minute groceries for holiday cooking and she sent me in her car (since mine is back at school) and her car is much larger than mine. It's a lot longer in the front so as I'm pulling in to park the car it bashes into this mini van.It was bad.So I'm sitting in the car hyperventilating and freaking...
December 24th, 2012 at 04:41pm

Quitting you job - FINALS WEEK!

This was my first job as a server and I learned a lot, but it's time for me to move on.The tips are not what they need to be, mainly because the clientele are elderly folk who can't afford to tip more than 13%. My boss doesn't seem to understand that I am a full time college student, and I am over worked and too tired to be doing this much for so little.So today I have decided, after weeks of...
December 10th, 2012 at 07:32pm

you guys know nothing about writing

Had a writing class and I got my first edit back with red ink all over the place and I went home and talked to my stuffed animals about how everyone was just jealous of how amaze-balls I am and that's why my life is such a deep mutherfucking abyss."YOU GUYS DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE. MY MOM THINKS I'M GREAT. EVERYONE LOVES ME."Guys I'm glad I'm not planning on a career in writing because I would...
December 3rd, 2012 at 10:04pm