not again

Soooooooooooladidadida...oh yeah there was a poin to this thing ...the last journal post I posted was about my grandfather who died of cancer in october right before my birthday after batteling for a year.It was my first real experience with death and cancer. I have know people die before and I've know people with cancer but never that close to home.. If you know what I mean.Now that's all over...
May 1st, 2009 at 08:20pm

Just a few thoughts i needed to get out there...

yeah so my grandpa died a couple weeks ago and i've handled it well but these thoughts just keep runing throug my head and i needed to get them out. What better way than to write..or type them down and i thought why not post them on here.I'm a pretty boring writer this entry is just something for me so yeah i'll just put them under here.oh and this is not only for me but all about me sorry if i...
November 1st, 2008 at 12:54pm