marcus mumford / Comments

  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Awe what's wrong? I have a stupid cold :/ Dude, I'm so freakin' pale it's rediciousl. Like I'm naturally darker toned but for the love of god i look ilke a little white girl now. I hate it, i look malnutrioned or something haha, like it's not natural for me

    Yuck mathhh. I'm debating to do post secondary next year to get rid of the basic math and science college credits, not sure though. And for education majors there's a bunch of sutpid classes.

    He is a fucking douche! Like I didn't even know he did until Mike Shea texted me and was like "i'm disappointed in you" and i'm like wtf? Then i looked online when i got home from work, like seriiously he's fucking garbage, like who does that? Ughhhh, i hate him. Everyone at school has seen the pictures, like it's horrible. Like I seriously never want to go to school again.

    Same here bro, things are alot better. I've found a solid group of friends and stuff.
    January 9th, 2011 at 05:04am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Dude same, I've been sneezing and stuff all damn day, stupid bug going around school.

    Buffalo Wild Wings? LOVE that place, tryin' to get a second job thurr.
    Wooka wooka, so what classes are you taking exactly? I know for teaching we have to do a bunch of bullsiht courses and stuff before we get to the good stuff.

    I'm honestly weird. So Kiel hacked into my FB, AIM MAIl AND twitpic account and posted a shitlaod of personal picrures. Like he went on my FB and posted like really personal shit and I couldn't log into it for 2 days, I seriously cried my eyes out because now EVERYBODY has seen it, the damage's already done. Same with my twitter and stuff. And he's being a huge dick. He's pissed off because he found out me and my friend Nick hung out and stuff, like why does Kiel even care? We've been over for months and I don't hassle him at all. God, I fucking hate guys.
    Anywhore, today was really rad. My aunt made her famous homeade pizza and I had my fake bf (his name's Ty) my friend juju from work, friend sara and two friends eric and mike come over. They got to hang out and play COD with my uncle, haha. And we went ice skating which was rad, I surprisingly didn't fall on my ass nine hundred times, it was fun. Then we drove around and covered my friend's car with post it notes whie he was working :D I'm just really glad things are getting better now
    January 8th, 2011 at 05:29am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Oh lalala, scandlous.

    Deyum, we did a few shots of tequila at work. I don't even know what I all drank at the party, it was whatever somebody would hand me, haha.

    How're you? What's new? Still working?
    January 7th, 2011 at 02:19am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Hahahha, that's what ended up happening to me after like 12:30ish, don't remember much. Hahaha, was yo make out buddy a boy or girl? I remember kissing some chick like on the cheek as a dare, i'd totallllllllllly make out witha chick though A CHICK LIKE LADY GAGA! Nomz. I had a ton of fun though, which is rare since I've moved in with my uncle and stuff. It felt great to just let lose for one night esp around people new people with the expection of my work friends. I'm hopefully headed up there this weekend to party.
    lawllllzzzzzzzz, what did you drink woman? And I hate puking for booze, I puked saturady morning after i woke up but that was it, i hate hate hate puking.
    Dawwww, i cry sometimes when i'm drunk, don'tfeel bad. Haha, I wanna see Black Swan!
    January 5th, 2011 at 03:20am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Gah, I can't fucking wait for Europe. Can't waittttt, gonna fuck shit up.

    It was rad bro, me and a few dudes from work went to a party at my fake boyfriends dorm at a local college. We pregammed at work in the backroom then went there, it was so rad. Had alota fun, gotta kiss from a cutie at midnight :) How about you?
    January 5th, 2011 at 02:33am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    That sounds rad, I love The Pacific
    My uncle and aunt got gave me 500 bucks cash for my Europe trip, I put it in my bank account so it can get interested over the next few months, six months from today I'll be in Ireland!
    My mom gave me a hundred dollar check, which means nothing to me seeing she's taken so much fucking money out of my bank account without my consent. My sister said she'd take me shopping but she never keeps her promises and we never even talk so I doubt she will.
    My friend Ken bought me a Bayside ticket, Mike Shea gave me AP tour tix and my boss gave me 30 bucks cash, I deserve a fuck more for the way he treats me.
    Nothing else really, I'm just so grateful for my uncle and aunt, they mean alot to me.

    My dad is a stupid asshole, I' msick of his shit. Seriously, I don't give a fuck about him anymore. He needs to get his own shit together before he insults anybody.

    I KNOW! Like these European people are INSANNNNEEE they go so hard, I could not keep up.

    OMG, it's so bad now. So the dude I'm "Dating" told the creeper that we've had sex in the backroom and all kinds of shit, omggg, it's so bad but the creeper has backed off a bit. But like now the guy I'm supposibly dating thinks I ACTUALLY like himand stuff, it's so awkward working with him, like he'll playfully untie my apron or rub my arm or something, like I don't mind it's a laughing matter but I don't want him to get the wrong messsage. Ugh. Men are so stupid, i hate them.
    December 29th, 2010 at 05:41am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Haha, maybe I can be a kesha coke whore history teacher? let's see if any school district is desperate enough to hire that.

    Sounds fun bro, i can't wait for college. How was your christmas, what'd you end up getting?

    Eh, I dunno. Yesterday morning my mom and sister came over my uncles for christmas brunch, it was just really awkward and just bad. My mom was beinga bitch, my dad had to work so he didn't come and my sister was being okay, we're not close at all so having a conversation with her is awkward as fuck. And yesterday my dad came over my uncles to drop off gifts and he didn't get me or my uncle/aunt anything, just my two cousins. He didn't acknolege my exsistence at all and when i gave him some gifts I had bought all he said was "thanks" he didn't hug me or anything. It hurts so bad becauseI moved here so things could get better but they jsut keep getting worse. And my uncle had a few beers so he was kind of tipsy and he freaked out on my dad and my dad ended up punching him in the face and leaving. It was really bad and like, I don't know. I feel like the biggest bitch ever because my aunt has nothing to do with this, there's no reason my parents should be mad at her at all. And my dad is NEVER violent, he's never ever ever been violent, so it was really shocking to see him hit my uncle (his brother) and like, ever since my grandpa died my uncle and dad have been super close, it brought them together and now I feel horrible for tearing them apart.
    Seriously, I can't stand this but I have no idea what the fuck to do.

    But towards the end of the day things got better, my uncle sobered up and my little cousins and I helped my aunt finish up dinner, that was fun. Then a few of my friends were homefrom break (they go to school down in Cinci so they're never home) and I went out with them last night and that was fun, Europeans know how to fucking party. I wathced some guy do 10 shots within 2 minutes and he was't even drunk.
    And things at work are super icky becuase of the prison creeper. He keeps hitting on me and shit and like he texted me on christmas and I NEVER gave him my number so I'm pretend dating this dude I work with so I can get him to leave me the hell alone, he;s SO creepy. He has like a tattoo of the devil on his chest. :/
    December 27th, 2010 at 05:02am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Same here, i'm so indecisive but I have my heart set on teaching. Or becoming a coke whore Kesha wannabe, we'll see which ones more fun.

    Ugh, same here! Any type of friend I have fit within those 3 catorgories.
    Things just keep getting worse and worse, I moved in with my uncle yesterday, packed all my shit up and left. My dad's super pissed at my uncle and Just fuck my life for real. I'm so stressed and tommorow is going to be hell. I'm not looking foward to it, ughhhhhhhhhhh

    So how's your christmas break giong? Do you start school in January after christmas break or next semester?
    December 25th, 2010 at 03:21am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Awe yay! Still studying physc?

    Same bro. Ughhhh, i just want high school to be over and get out of here, I'm sick of all this bullshit. I'm basically moved in with my uncle now because of all the bullshit at home. And I'm finishing up my year at the high school now just because I'm not sure how pernament this change is. But it's so god damn expensive driving back and fourth from my uncles to my job. Ugh, life is so complicated :/ And like none of my "friends" remotely care. Seriously, I'm spending my new years with a stupid 3 year old baby who probably has more friends then me.
    December 22nd, 2010 at 04:11am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    What school?! Awesome though!
    stupid boiiizzzz, they're all dumb :(

    I'm alright, Christmas breaaaaaaaaaak! Just working like 11 hour days now, hopefully landing that job at Walgreens. And just bored, I miss Kiel sometiems just because I have like no friends. Me and my friend Ken are really close and used to hang 24/7 but he has a stupid gf now :( And my friend Eric got a job. I hate being so lonley
    December 18th, 2010 at 03:48am
  • cardiotoxicity

    cardiotoxicity (100)

    New Zealand
    siiiiiick profile
    December 17th, 2010 at 12:49pm
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    I hate that shit dude. Like my friends have been doing the same shit with me since me and Kiel broke up. Dude, I don't want to date some random fuck. Like seriously, it's so irritating.

    So how're you? How's the deal wit h matt?
    December 16th, 2010 at 03:35am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Hahahah, i got my dad a snuggie, my mom new kitchen knives, my sis the office on dvd and a pug calander. i went all out for my little cousinsthough. they're not assholes yet.

    Dude, it's fucking insane here. We have likea foot of snow and it's so windy a bunch of trees are down in my neighboorhood and ontop of that it's like negative degrees with the wind chill. I had a snowday today! Actually got some sleep since I didn't get to sleep in all damn weekend.

    Awe, oh well the lady can deal with it atleast you had a chill night.

    Ughhhhhhhh, my family is driving me completely nuts, i can't stand it. And school is stressing me the fuck out. ughh. But I saw Modern Day Escape a few days ago, rad time and since me and Neek talk online he put me and my friend on the guest list and we got to hangout and stuff, it was rad. And I dyed my hurr, it's like a dark reddish color I love it.
    December 14th, 2010 at 03:28am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    I hear ya about the pissyass mood thing. Did you go shopping yet? I picked up some shit, didn't spend too much since my family is so god damn irritating.

    It's snowed like insane here but again I live in the lake effect snow belt.

    So how's you? Sorry it took me so damn long to reply.
    December 12th, 2010 at 03:45am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    You hate Christmas? :(
    ATleast it's fixed, and same bro. Ughhh, Christmas shopping is so stressfull even with a job.

    rofl, i wish i could cook bro.

    Yeah plus it's snowing like shit here I hate driving in it.
    December 6th, 2010 at 04:26am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Because I didn't put gloves on when i poured a bowl of fucking soup, look you bitch I didn't rub my hands all over your god damn food or spit in it you dumb fuck, ughhhh. I HATE my job man, and too top of this whole shitty stressfull situation i need new brakes in my car asap and i have like no money and i still need to do ALL of my christmas shopping. oh my god i'm going to start stripping.

    How'd you cut yo finger? :(
    I wish i could sleeep through the weekend but I'm so busy, work both days and I'm getting my hair done tommoz and getting some of my christmas shopping done before work. Then sunday i work all day.

    I'm just so stressed out man, i'm breaking out so bad and ughhhhhzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    December 4th, 2010 at 04:59am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Awe :( Cheer up

    UGhhhh, see the problem is I'm too nice to everyone and let all the employees walk all over me and it's too late to fix that. I got blamed for a missing 100 dollar drop and 7 peices of bread missing. So yeah, I'm about to fucking quit. Some douche customer threw a fit yesterday and siad he's calling the health dept on me, so let's hope I get fired. My friend Eric is trying to hook me up with a job at Walgreens, hopefully I can get it! I'm just so fucking stressed out man :/ ughhhh

    so hows you>?
    December 3rd, 2010 at 02:05am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Do you wanna skip because of the weather?

    Like I'm always bitching but seriously, I'm fucking done with my bosses bullshit. He treats me like shit and nobody else who works there get's treated like this becaues most of the employees are his friends kids and they never get in trouble and I'm ALWAYS the scapegoat, I'm so beyond irritated. I'm hopefully getting a job soon, I filled outa shitload of apps today, I can't wait to put my two week notice in man.
    December 2nd, 2010 at 10:50pm
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    :(((((((((((( nuuuuuuuuuu

    So how're you?
    Dude, I'm about to quit my fucking job
    December 1st, 2010 at 02:53am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    That's coooool :)

    Hahahhahaha, Fuck dat biatch Palin.

    Are you going to the ETID gig bro!?
    November 29th, 2010 at 02:17am