marcus mumford / Comments

  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    What's he going to school for? Sorry, dun wanna seem like a creeper, haha. If it makes you feel any better my sisters a 22 year old stuck up bitch personal trainer/model/n00b

    Holy shit dude, after work I went to put gas my in my car and I fucking FROZE to death,it's like 20 degrees here, oh me gawwwdddd. So fucking cold.

    The picture isn't showing :( Some weird ass thing came up

    So how's you? Frozen tod eath?
    November 27th, 2010 at 05:47am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Hahaha, aweee. I ALWAYS wanted a brother, like since I was a baby. My mom had a miscarriage when I was in preschool, she was supposed to have a boy and I remember making clothes outta paper and stuff, ugh. Does your bro live in Ohio?

    I love rain but if it's gonna be cold as balls outside it might as well snow. I can't wait until it snowssss.

    I'm so incredibly bored and my sister is watching soem stupid shit on the Kardshiens. Fuck em'.
    November 26th, 2010 at 04:06am
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States
    Aww! Thank you for the photo comment. :D
    November 26th, 2010 at 03:55am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Japense guys are soooooooo hawwwwwwwwttttttttttt. Yummmmy.

    Same bro. Just counted up all the candy fundraiser money I made from Mon and Tues, made 159 dollars!

    So how's the weather? It's been raining like insane all day, like my uncle lives like 40 mins. away in the farm area/new developments and I was flipping out driving in the rain in the dark.
    November 26th, 2010 at 03:47am
  • Patty Lovell

    Patty Lovell (100)

    Haha, thanks for the photo comment! xD You and your friend sound awesome! :3 Banannas rock.
    November 26th, 2010 at 03:22am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Duuuude, same! Ugh, fuck em.

    Awe, i wish i had a bro :( Does he like japense food? I wuvvvv eggplant tofu

    I <3 food! :D
    So what''s new?
    November 26th, 2010 at 02:27am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    It's like the opposite for me :/

    Dude, I honk allll the time when people dun use their turn signals. Douchebombs.

    Aweee :( What'd you get your bro?

    How was yo turkey day?
    I'm good, serious food coma. Had a yummy meal and hung out with my uncle and his fam. Had a great time and cuddled in bed with my baby cousin and watched Lilo & Stitch :) LOVE That movie. Cry every damn time >>
    November 26th, 2010 at 02:06am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Trust me, it's not that exciting, haha. Like seriously, my organization is like borderline OCD. Like the upstairs bathroom is strickly mine because everything needs to be the right way and I have seizures when the smallest things happens. Like if my sister uses my some of my makeup or something, she ALWAYS puts it back in the wrong place so irrritatingggg :/ I seriously have issues, hahha.

    Yeah dude, people are stupid. And I fucking hate people who don't use turn signals FUCK EM!

    Why was shopping a bad idea? :(

    Dawwww, yeah my dog's a beast now, I wish he was a puppy again :(

    So how're you? Happy almost Thanksgiving btw!
    November 25th, 2010 at 04:07am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Ugh, my organization is so bad and I know I needa fix it when I become a teacher because plans change constantly and shit. Ugh, you don't even understand how organized I'am, it's beyond irritating.

    Fuck stupid drivers man. There's an abundance of them downtown. Good thing you guys didn't get hurt homegirl.
    How was hanging with Matt?

    Jimmy was my horse when I was a kid too! He's my baby, I wuv him to death.
    November 24th, 2010 at 02:35am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    See I kinda wish I could be like you. I'm so fucking organized I could never like have no direction? Like I dunno, I'm so organized that I flip out mentally with the smallest change in schedule. Like I already have everything planned out untnil I'm like 35. I'm so fucked up in my head, hahah. I hate being so oranized >>

    Why nervous? About Matt?

    Dawwww. Is Anberlin your dog?
    My dog's a pure bred white german sheppard! :) He's my baby boo, had him since the secondday of kindergarden and he's still super healthy. He sleeps right next to my bed at nighttime since nobody's home and he's my security guard :D
    November 23rd, 2010 at 04:48am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Tell me how you like it! Because none of my friends went there, most of em went to kent or local community colleges since they're poor. So you wanto to be a physcologist?

    Gah, I hope things work out smoothly.

    Dawwww! I love weiner dogs, they're so damn cute. My sisters boyfriends pug is my homie, but he never comes over because my dog is a meany to them :(
    November 23rd, 2010 at 04:08am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Yeah, I'm gonna visit there and see what vibes I get off the campus and shit. They seem to havve a good teaching program. What're you going to college for?

    Dewd, but no guy would spend so much time and introduce you to their family. Men suuuuuck.

    Dude. I'm flipping out! Ughhhh, :( I hope she doesn't even bring it up or anything, like one of those we saw it but won't mention it type of situations?

    Dawwww, where'd you get her? Doe sshe get along with the other kitties/dogs?
    I love doggies! I want 2 pugs, an english bulldog and golden retreiver :) Baby otters and giraffes and elephants are so damn adorable.
    November 22nd, 2010 at 03:41am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    I'm too organized to do a transfer >> if i don't get acceptted i will transfer though. But still I dun dig the idea. I'm visiting BG after the winter is over, I don't feel like visiting when it's cold as balls outside, haha. How far do you live from BG? I'm about an hour and half away.

    Puking is the WORST! I hate ittt.

    Dude, come on. He clearly has some type of feelings towards you. Maybe it isn't completely obvious I wanna run across a field and throw you against the wall and fuck the living day lights out of you, but still, he has to have some type of feelings. Has he even made a single move?

    I just can't get over him, I love him. Ugh, this really sucks :(

    Last night my coworker and my friend Juju who;s a really cool guy (we went to school together, he's a senior but does post secondary now so i only see him at work) dragged me downtown with 4 other guys i work with, i knew 3 of them but the other guy Tony I didn't know because he works at the other one. But I felt comfortable since I knew all of them. And on the car ride there we were pregaming it with wine coolers (minus tony he was driving) and we went to this club Barfly and juju and his brother have connections there so we all got in even though Tony was the only one over 21.
    But regardless, I haven't felt so uncomfortable then I did as soon as we got in there. They all abondoned me right away and it was so fucking awkward. Like oh my god, I was a little kid and there's all these drunk whores and man whores around me. After like walking around awkwardly for 10 mins some lesbian bought me a drink and introduced me to her group of people. I got drunk and danced around with random people. I was so drunk I didn't realize one of my fucking art teacher student teachers was there. I was so drunk and like me and this random chick went outside to smoke and i was like "oh my gawd miss. crawl" -insert stupid drunken slurring- And she grabbed my ciggerette and started SCREAMING at me and i was too drunk that I kept laughing. And oh my god. i DO NOT want to go to art class tommorow >> it is going to be so incredibly awkward seeing her. And ughhhhhh. I don't even know what happened but I woke up with a bunch of scratches on the bridge of my nose and i guess i spilled orange juice all over juju, the car sear and my dress and then spilled water all over the hoodie juju let me change into when we got home :/ I seriously hope she doesn't call my mom or soething. Holy shit I'm so paranoid dude, if she calls my mom i'm gonna tell her she got me confused with somebody else. Besides she was dressed like a hooker and I doubt she went to that club with intentions of not getting drunk. I'll blackmail that biatch.

    Awww! Boy or girl kitty? What's it's name? I'm not a huge fan of cats, they're cute and stuffz but I'm more of a dog person.
    November 22nd, 2010 at 02:31am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Helllzzz yeah. We be so fly in a nunish way

    Yeah, it's just OU has an awesome study abroad program for the teaching class and it was like 90% of their graduates got a job within 3 months of graduating, so OU > Kent. But ughhh, school is hard :( Well just chem and math but still, I just don't get math and chem is ALL math :/

    Like do you puke or what? Like last week I kept puking, it was so gross >> My sister made me take a pregnancy test, it was super embarassing.

    DUDE. no "friend" introduces you to their family, he definitly has some type of feelings for you, it's so obvious. Did you guys chill today?

    Ugh, :( I've been ignoring him since and I just don't know what to do. I want to forgive him and make things work but I can't. But I miss him but then I don't? I don't fucking know. I hate this. It's like if his friend never sent me that pic message would I have ever known he cheated on me? Because I doubt he would have ever told me. It's like drunk Kiel is everything Kiel hates, when he's sober he's amazing. I just can't put aside the fact that we got in a physical fight because that's not okay and I ugh. ://////// people suck
    and for sure, that's why we should be nuns. Men = confusing. Women = bitches.
    November 20th, 2010 at 07:16am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    We'll be nuns together. Cept we'll drink booze and mosh.

    Kent was alright, I just didn't get the same feeling I got as Ohio University. I think OU is ultimately gonna be my first pick, just I'm doubting I'll get acceptted :(

    Awe, is your tummy okay now? YOU PREGNANT WHORE.
    So how's the Matt situation?

    I'm mehsihzserlkjsdfoijdsf.
    It's a long story and I know I'm fucking retarded. But Kiel came over last night, when we were dating he'd come over almost every night because my rents both work night shift and my sister pretty much lives with her boyfriend now. And I don't know, we sort of talked things through, we had like a heart to heart kinda conversation. He ended up staying the night and we slept together, not sex or anything, nothing happened at all. He just kinda slept in bed with me and God. It's so hard to hate him and I know I shouldn't forgive him and tell him to go fuck off but a part of me wants to make things work. I just don't fucking know. I'm sostupid and I just wish he'd go move to Alaska or something :/ He left at 7 this morning because he had class and all he did was kiss my forhead, I was have asleep and said something stupid like "okay, see you babe" or something, I can't fucking remember but I know I said babe which isn't good because I dunno.
    onagoasdhfkdjklfsdklfsdfksf I hate men :( why can't i be attracted to females? ughhhhhh
    November 18th, 2010 at 03:28am
  • Bella Bella

    Bella Bella (100)

    Thank you for the comment (even though it was asked for) it made me happy :)
    November 14th, 2010 at 05:35pm
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    I just hate this whole situation. I still can't belive it's been almost 2 weeks and i still can't get over his stupid ass :/ Ugh love sucks DO NOT DO IT. Be a nun instead.

    Today was surprisngly nice, I went out to Kent stae for an open house today, it was beautiful out today. I'm sure it'll start snowing sooon

    So howr'e you?
    November 13th, 2010 at 12:51am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    It went HORRIBLE. He was like a pathetic little bitch "oh baby im so sorry, i love you blah blah blah" I've been through this before and it's all bullshit. I feel like his apology wasn't I don't know, authentic? It basically ended up with me crying for 20 mins straight at Starbucks while he apoligized and people stared at us. It sucked. I hate this. I don't want this anymore, I wish we never dated. i seriously can't stand this anymore.

    Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh x5767867

    Anyways, how's the weather over thurrr? It's getting chilly here
    November 12th, 2010 at 04:44am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    Yeah, I guess. We talked today, breifly I couldn't handle a conversation. We're meeting up tommorow and I'm already dreading it. I have a feeling it's not goign to go well. But a part of me just wants to see him.

    Hahahah, girls suuuuck.

    I know right! He's such a douche, he writes up as bunch as bullshit as he can because he gets 250 off every single complaint he writes, so I guess it make ssense to him. But still, fucking stupid.

    I know!!! I really fucking hope he gets fired soon dude, he scares the living fuck out of me!
    November 11th, 2010 at 05:17am
  • AMANDAbroken

    AMANDAbroken (300)

    United States
    I just hate how quick it ended ,like i would have NEVER seen that coming, esp not from him. I don't know dude, I just still can't wrap my head around the whole fight.

    Girls are meanyfaces, by sticking with Matt and not being a bitch to her you'll just piss her off more, which is always a plus

    The health inspector in north east ohio = total dick. He wrote me up for having bright red nails. Urhm, how is that a health hazard? apprently it was "distracting" 0_o

    And prison dude is so fucking weird and scares the fuck out of me. Like the one day he left at 8 and he didn't do anything his whole shift and I bitched/vented to the one guy I owrk with the next day and he told my boss for me and my boss bitched at prison dude and prison dude today was like "i ain't afraid to fuck up a hoe, i beat up hoes for a living. If I find out who snitched on me i fuck em up". FUCK THAT DUDE! I'm so scared :/
    November 10th, 2010 at 05:34am