
DATE; Sept/1/09
MUSIC; Fall Out Boy Or Panic! At The Disco
UPDATE; Her Prince Finally Came To Save Her (one shot for a bday present)

What's there to know about me. Not much. i am a normal girl who lives in the middle of nowhere. i am in college right now and i shall be done next year but i am going back for my one true love, photography.i have been told many times i am an amazing photographer and was even told this by both Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump. that was one of the best things ever for me to hear. i love love love going to concerts and for me that is the place where i am the happiest at. music is my life. end of story. there is no way i would be where i am at now if it was not for Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance. those bands are the reason i am still alive to this day. i go to alot of concerts. at least one a month sometimes more. i have been called a die hard Fall Out Boy fan by Pete Wentz himself so that pretty much made my life. but yea that is about it. want to know anything else ask and i shall tell


Thanks to action jaxon for this layout!