Well, I may as well introduce myself some more...

So, I'm new here. My name is... I'm not going to tell you, but you can call me KM. I used to be on Quizilla until a few days after the stupid relaunch (my original account was crazedguitarplayer96, if you were curious), and it seems like this site is much better for me already. I am a grammar/spelling freak; I won't read a story if someone uses unecessary chatspeak or has the dialouge in script...
May 13th, 2008 at 12:26am

Effing Quizilla...

Stupid Quizilla relaunch! Because of that, I decided to join here instead. You may know me; my Quizilla account is crazedguitarplayer96. And my other is Acoustic.Layouts, but I'm going to delete that one soon because we can't do layouts anymore. (As you may have guessed, I play the acoustic guitar). So, I heard about this site and I decided to check it out; it's pretty cool, so I thought I'd join....
May 12th, 2008 at 10:24pm