Anime. Is it really something to be ashamed of?

Hello my fellow Mibbians! Listen, as you probably might have guessed, I'm pretty much an Anime freak. Hehehe ^_^"But anyway, you see, ever since I've started watching anime, which began last year, my parents have been kinda mad at me. Not all the time of course! Just when I'm watching it on the computer or on tv in english. (Although the dubbed versions are never that good -_-")And it really makes...
May 24th, 2008 at 10:49pm

Friend Problems.

Hi to anyone who's reading this. I'm kinda having a friend problem.You see, I have about 7 friends and I mean, they're good but not all the time. Cause here's the thing, I'm TOO nice. I keep my anger in and I keep my mouth shut so we don't get into arguments and now, I think they're starting to take advantage of that. I mean, ever since school started, they've been really on my nerves, to the...
May 24th, 2008 at 02:34pm