carcrashhearts. / Comments

  • Lovely Insanity

    Lovely Insanity (100)

    United States
    Wow it seems like forever since I've seen one of your messages! It feels like it, anyway :3

    How life? I think I might be going to homecoming at my friend's school with all those people I love so much! (And my crush just so happens to be there lol.) My school is super tiny with no sports team.

    In fact, technically we're a part of the college, and so even though we're an agriculture school and our sign has a horse on it, we're the "pumas." No joke. It's the weirdest thing ever. Pumas aren't even a farmed animal or anything. *shrugs*

    I have like no sleep and coffee in me, so I apologize, once again, for my randomness.

    Oh! I randomly found a girl who does amazing ink drawings. She was drawing and fhrefuinrf it was beautiful.
    September 28th, 2011 at 01:49am
  • permanentdeclaration

    permanentdeclaration (100)

    United States
    See, I haven't read it because I feel like I [i]wouldn't[/i] like it, lol.
    September 28th, 2011 at 01:18am
  • permanentdeclaration

    permanentdeclaration (100)

    United States
    LOL no, I have not. Why? Should I?
    September 28th, 2011 at 12:42am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    lol. It's sad, I know. :P I don't know how, but I've somehow had time to check out all of those stories. :P But yeah, same here. :/ I think that's why I have so many, because hardly any have been updated, so I find new ones to read because they're not really updated. :/
    lol. Yay! :D I'm glad it at least got you thinking about it more. :D lol. I feel special! You're welcome. :D
    Same here. :P Yeah, I know what you mean. I tend to write a lot of run-on sentences when I write. :P
    That must get a little annoying. But hey, there's a lot of different ways to spell it, and they're just going by what they've heard, so, yeah. But then you can prove them wrong by going, 'nope!', lol, and then telling them the right way to spell it. :P
    And aha, thanks. That makes me feel a little better. Because I've crossed at least three or four on here, lol. And then in real life in like, the media lately I've been hearing it all the time. :/ I just feel like my name's over-used, so it doesn't feel that unique to me. It used to, but not so much anymore. :/
    September 26th, 2011 at 02:07am
  • Lovely Insanity

    Lovely Insanity (100)

    United States
    Never heard of that book :) I have a message in my inbox so I hope it's her lol.

    And I . . . need a car.

    Out of curiosity, what is your opinion on smoking? Personally, I abhor it, but I can stand it because my mom smokes. Basically everyone in my family has at least smoked for a while, and today there's this sophmore who rides the bus with me (idk who she is) bummed a smoke off of some guy I talk to sometimes.

    In my mind, I was like "ew" but I didn't say anything. I got the feeling she doesn't do it very often (if at all). And she definitely doesn't look like the type to do it, but-

    And I'm rambling about smoking. :P

    That's it, I guess lol.
    September 23rd, 2011 at 02:38am
  • permanentdeclaration

    permanentdeclaration (100)

    United States

    Okay, update on [i]the boy[/i] ;)

    I went to Peer last night, but it was at a leader's house instead of the church so we had a bonfire. And only FIVE PEOPLE showed up, me included. And [i]he[/i] was there, so I hung out with him for, like, two and a half hours. Eating hot dogs and s'mores and ughhhhhhhh. I am in [b]deeeep[/b]. Deep, I tell you.

    So we got on the topic of tv shows and he told me that he likes to watch funny shows like Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory, as well as the news, because he loves to laugh. And dear Lord I must have made the boy laugh at least ten times last night. Like, full on, head back, eyes closed, full-on grin laughing. I feel proud xD

    So then, I went to bed last night and had the THIRD dream about him in THREE WEEKS. I swear I have one every week xD

    This one was super odd, though. The beginning was cute, I have to admit. We were hanging out at like a park or something and he kept saying all these cutesy things (pretty much flirting with me) and then finally he just said, "Why aren't you picking up what I'm saying?" And I'm like, "What?" And he goes, "I'm trying to tell you that I like you." So I'm like, "Oh." And then we kiss.

    But then it just gets weird. I find out he has a child with his ex-girlfriend (Note: I don't know if he's ever even had a girlfriend, so...fictional, lol). And I'm all, "Oh, that's fine." (Another Note: I would not be like this in real life, ahaha!) But then we get into a fight (I'm not sure what about, but it's NOT about the baby-momma ex-girlfriend) and he leaves or something (I don't remember). So later I find out that that night, after our fight, he had sex with his ex-girlfriend and knocked her up again. So then we break up. And then I wake up.

    I'm not sure what this means.
    September 23rd, 2011 at 12:13am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Yeah, I guess. lol. I know a lot more now, though, then I did when I first started out. lol.
    Aha, I have like, 15 pages worth of stories I'm subscribed to. No joke. lol. It's pretty sad. :P That's where it was the last time I checked, anyway. In no way would I be able to read them all if they were all updated daily, though. lol. Sadly a lot of them have remained... vacant. Or unactive. :/
    And I saw! I'm glad you are! :D Did us talking about it kind of spark interest? lol. Cause I find it oddly coincidental... :P
    But yeah, that's awesome! Can't wait for it! :D
    lol. I ramble in these and in author's notes. Like, you have no idea. I probably have some of the longest author's notes that you've ever seen. :P
    Aw, Bekah! lol. I like the way you spell your name. I noticed that on your profile too. :D Like, instead of like typical Rebecca, yours is definitely different. I wish my name was unique like that. :/
    September 22nd, 2011 at 01:59am
  • permanentdeclaration

    permanentdeclaration (100)

    United States

    I love it :D
    September 21st, 2011 at 10:32pm
  • Lovely Insanity

    Lovely Insanity (100)

    United States
    I know I was actually reading it on the bus, and when I read the part about the diner I was like "[i]Uh, there's a diner with the same name one street over from where I am right now, but it's probably not the same one because there's like five or something in Arizona . . .[/i]

    And theeeeen like five minutes later the protagonist took over the car and said they were going somewhere like ten minutes away, and I was like "[i]Yay! Change of scenery! (so I can stop feeling so creeped out)[/i]" but I read the name of the bookstore and was finally like: "[i]Creepy creepy creepy, no way, this is [/i]so[i] not happening."[/i]

    But now I have to finish my cereal and go to school :P Adios!
    September 21st, 2011 at 03:59pm
  • permanentdeclaration

    permanentdeclaration (100)

    United States
    Lol I know. And thanks :D
    September 21st, 2011 at 02:45am
  • Lovely Insanity

    Lovely Insanity (100)

    United States
    You just summarized exactly what I feel about commenting and commenters in a single paragraph! Well done!

    You want to know something creepy? I was nonchalantly reading this one awesome story and all of a sudden I read that it's in my state . . . and then I read that about two landmarks (a resturaunt and a specific used bookstore) that are both within 15 minutes of my house. I'm 99% sure these landmarks are the ones I'm thinking of because the author wrote that they are about 10 minutes apart, and aha, they are. I'm going to find out who this author is NOW.
    September 21st, 2011 at 01:33am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    You're very welcome! :D
    That's cool. :) Take your time, really. I understand. :) It's good to get a good headstart on a story before you start posting so there isn't so much a delay with updates. lol. I'm kind of doing the same thing with one of my own right now. I'm making sure I have a future update written before I post a new chapter. :)
    And no problem. It's cool that you made it. I wish I could make something like that. :P My layouts are pretty crappy, though. :P
    Hm... and that's good to know. I figured it wasn't because if it was I figured you would've deleted it or something by now. But I'm glad to hear that you still want to write for it. :) And yeah, I understand. :) So take all the time you need to as well. I'm a paitent person. I'm still subscribed to stories that I have no idea if they'll be continued or not. lol. But I stay subscribed as long as it's still up. I obviously can't if someone deletes. :P
    So yep, you're welcome. lol. I'm just responding to your response the story comments and I still managed to ramble myself. I probably said more than you did. lol. :P
    Well, I guess that's an introduction for ya! I'm Jenna by the way. :D
    September 21st, 2011 at 01:19am
  • permanentdeclaration

    permanentdeclaration (100)

    United States
    (I hate saying these things, let alone even thinking them, just fyi) I'm not sure if you'd like him if you saw a picture. I mean, sure, personality means a whole heck of a lot but he's not your typical 'hottie'. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person at our school who "likes" him. And I hate thinking this, but one of the things holding me back (much less so than the fact that I'm not looking for a relationship right now) is that if him and I [i]did[/i] happen, I'm afraid people would laugh at us, or me inparticular. He's....different, and to me that's a good thing, but I don't think others would get it, you know?
    September 20th, 2011 at 11:46pm
  • permanentdeclaration

    permanentdeclaration (100)

    United States
    Pshhhk. Whatever, Bekah.
    September 20th, 2011 at 11:02pm
  • Lovely Insanity

    Lovely Insanity (100)

    United States
    I would like mail the second two books to you but I never had them myself lol my friend is more obsessed than I am.

    Check out the previews, btw. I meant to put more but I had to post quick and get working on other stuff, but I'm planning on putting more later this wk. You're one of the more insightful commenters ;)
    September 20th, 2011 at 05:44am
  • permanentdeclaration

    permanentdeclaration (100)

    United States
    The dream [i]was[/i] amazing.
    September 20th, 2011 at 03:29am
  • Lovely Insanity

    Lovely Insanity (100)

    United States
    Aaaaand I was reading your profile and I came to spam you about starting that "Just Like Lightning" storie you have planned ;) It souuuunds exciting, so when you get that first chapter up tell me! :D
    September 20th, 2011 at 02:20am
  • Lovely Insanity

    Lovely Insanity (100)

    United States
    The girl who wrote the books wrote the screenplay so it should be verrrrry close to the books! I have HUGE hopes for it. Have you gotten the second book yet? :3
    September 20th, 2011 at 02:10am
  • lovelyhope

    lovelyhope (100)

    United States
    So glad you liked the ending! Thanks for reading and all your comments :)
    September 19th, 2011 at 12:03am
  • permanentdeclaration

    permanentdeclaration (100)

    United States
    I'm going to copy and paste the enormous posts I sent my friend Becca. So this is going to be really long. I'm going to put dates before each comment so you know when I wrote them, mkay?

    Aug. 17th - I went to this thing at my church tonight called Peer Ministry. We have it every Wednesday. It's basically Youth Ministry, if you know what that is; we just call it Peer Ministry because we're with our peers. Basically you go and talk to your friends about God.

    Anyway, so today was my first day of school. So I wore a really pretty dress, and after school my mom and I went shopping for the schools supplies that I needed for each class, and by the time we got done I had to go to Peer Ministry. The reason I'm saying this is because it's important to note that I did not go into that Peer Ministry hoping to 'catch' a guy's attention with my dress. This is God's place, after all.

    The activity we did tonight had to do with signs, road signs to be exact. We each had to grab a copy of a road sign (printed off a computer and glued onto colored construction paper) and think about what it literally means, what it means to us in our life (spiritually or not) and then write a prayer to God after thinking about those two things.

    So this guy, we'll call him G (I don't want to disclose his identity; also, that is not his real initial), was sitting next to me and he had a stop light. So he says that in real life it actually is a cruelty to color-blind people, which he knows because he's colorblind himself. And then he says the spritual-stuff which I won't get into because it's personal for him.

    But the rest of the night I couldn't stop looking down at my dress. I quite obviously wore it to school today to make a good first impression on the first day of school. But here's this guy, and while yes, he can see my dress, he can't see the colors of it. It's purple and white and green and my belt was brown and.......he only sees black, white, and gray. Now, granted, he can at least see, just gave me chills thinking about it, that's all. How we all make ourselves up to be these people and that's not really who we are, particularly. We try so hard to make impressions that sometimes we lose focus of our real selves.

    September 13th - So....last Thursday night was interesting for me.

    But first let's back up to the Friday before last. I had a dream about that guy from church, the color-blind one? It was really weird, lol. I dreamed he got all these piercings and tattoos.....yeah.

    Okay, back to last Thursday. I volunteered at a local food shelter and he was there and we talked and joked and laughed, etc. So I go to bed that night and I had the greatest dream, omg. It was so awesome. The guy was in it again, but this time it was romantic. (Okay yes, I'm pretty sure I have a crush on him.)

    It started out that we were on this bus, going somewhere, I'm not sure exacly where, though. So he gets off the bus and for some reason I don't right away, but then I have this 'epiphany' that I love him or something, because before I know it I'm running to the front of the bus and leaping into his arms and we share this epic kiss, like the one from The Notebook in the 'If you're a bird, I'm a bird' scene. And then it skips to me sitting in a chair and he's talking to his friends and then he walks over and pulls me up and smiles at me and then we kiss, but this one's more like a peck, so obviously we're going out at this part in the dream. And then the end......omg it still haunts me today. It was perfect, Becca. We're out in this field and we're running and playing and just having fun, and then it's time to go. I'm not sure what that symbolizes, but either way the end gave me hope. Okay, so it's time to go and he casually walks over to me and grabs my hand, looks me straight in the eyes, and says, "Goodbye, you."

    I woke up to go to the bathroom and almost died when I realized what I had dreampt. Holy moly that was an intense dream, ahaha!

    September 14th - I saw him tonight. Ugggghhhh. We have Peer Ministry every Wednesday night and the whole time I'm sitting there, like, "You're supposed to be thinking about God but you're thinking about him." It's pretty serious, I'm afraid. It's not, like, total craziness (I still got a lot of the night God-wise) but oh. em. gee. I haven't felt this way since 9th grade. NINTH GRADE, BECCA. I've been deprived and now the feelings are all swooshing back at me and ughh.

    Also, just because I feel like telling you this, his entire wardrobe consists of plaid shirts. I came to this conclusion after I saw him at school one day and he was wearing a plaid shirt and every Peer Ministry he's wearing a plaid shirt and then, he was also wearing a plaid shirt at the food pantry last Thursday. So now, every time I see a guy with a plaid shirt my heart skips a beat, just because it might be him. Which is hilarious because we're friends and I shouldn't feel awkward around him. It feels weird to feel like that around him but I can't help it because he's so darn adorable and......yeah.

    Also, because I've been thinking abou this lately and I'm already talking about him and his plaid shirts, I cannot stop thinking about how he dresses himself. I don't mean that in a creepy way, like "Hmmm. I wonder if he puts his shirt or his pants of first." but he always looks put together, color-wise. He has white socks on all the time, and today he was wearing a red plaid shirt and a solid red tee underneath and I'm like, "He's colorblind. How....?" It feels awkward to think but maybe his mom helps him or something? Or maybe his closet is color-coordinated. But even then, how would he know if the shades go together.

    Maybe I'm totally overthinking this. He's a guy, he doesn't care what shades he has on, lol. But I keep imagining him like, after he puts his clothes on in the morning, going to his mom and asking her if he looks okay.

    September 18th, 2011 at 05:50pm