Cinematic Sunset / Comments

  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    I get that, that whole desire to want to keep something special to yourself. But they deserve it and in the long run, it's just selfish.

    They are adorable. I can't even imagine how hard it must be for them with the whole on and off thing and on top of that Alex being gone for extended periods of time. Honestly, all i've head them call Jack is the lead guitarist of All Time Low, Jack Barakat. Hopefully it will stay that way. Yeah, it's hard not to assume that Cassadee and Rian are dating because they really are always together. And I'm pretty sure Zack isn't dating anyone either. I hadn't heard about this Australian girl, but sure, lol.

    Most band girlfriends are. Than you get the few selfish ones that don't want their boys gallivanting off around the world. I see where they come from and all but thankfully the All Time Low girls aren't like least from what we know.

    If you were sitting outside my window right now....I'd like to think I'd know, lol. Don't worry, I know you're not some stalker, lol. We must be more alike than we know, lol.
    January 17th, 2011 at 06:03am
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    I hate not getting back to people right away so I'm really sorry! But don't worry, I always sound like an idiot. I've recently discovered that when someone is talking to me, I'm never fully there. Like I'm listening, but my mind is wandering off to other things at the same time so i'm not really listening. It makes more sense when I say it in person, lol.

    Yeah, lol. But there aren't many places to sit. Even when the tables are out you have to navigate towards them and I don't really like crowds. The close proximity and all, it's just weird. I guess I have minor touch issues with people i don't know, lol.

    It actually took me a while to understand what you meant, lol. Studying for finals have fried my brain, lol. I'm honestly, seriously contemplating rewriting it. I've already rewritten the first chapter, lol. I'm liking that idea, deleting all the chapters for STABLU and Forget About Me and MFOE and just reposting from the start.

    Lol, sailor works too. I always get soo paranoid because I swear at school and with friends so often that I know it may one day slip in front of my parents who will kill me. And finals are this week, so I'm studying like no tomorrow. I can barely focus half the time but I'm pushing through.

    Procrastination is a beautiful thing, lol. And thank you! I honestly take that as a compliment because I do try very hard to do my best in school. I just don't want to disappoint anyone and I have this natural desire to want to do good and challenge myself. Trust me though, it wasn't an easy process in understanding that things aren't going to be easy and handed to me. I guess after a while I found out that nothing will be handed for me and that I will have to work for it. Sadly, I know that there are people who think High School is the high light of their life because it's the now. But there's so much more. There are so many more possibilities outside of those walls. I don't act like many teenagers in general, lol. I know that sounds conceited and like I'm full of myself, but I'm not. I'm not boy crazy, not into partying, drugs, experimenting, alcohol, sex, none of that. I just plan ahead and think about tomorrow, like when I graduate, where I'll end up and how I can please everyone else. I'm a people pleaser, lol.

    Yeah, I love being around people and my friends, but sometimes I just can't be around anyone. Cause there are times where I know I'm just gonna be with crazy, mean, rude bitch and I don't want to hurt anyone when I'm like that. I need that balance though.

    so I'm gonna start a new comment just to be safe, lol.
    January 17th, 2011 at 05:50am
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    Finger crossing doesnt do shit because you got cut off, lol, in the middle of a word too! I'll just copy and paste that part below so I can be really OCD about it again, lol.

    we should all accept their relationship beca

    ^^^That was the last sentence -_- I'm never pleased when comments get cut off.
    January 10th, 2011 at 12:22am
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    I've kinda started noticing myself distancing myself from everyone lately and it's sorta shocking me. I have this uncontrollable desire to just get away from everyone because I think i hit the point where I just can't be around the same people all the time anymore. Like I need a break, I love you all, but go away, lol. Totally agree, when the noise is going on and everything you sometimes think, omg go away! But than when it's gone you find it sooo strange and you're kinda like, wait, what the hell? And your just consumed within your own thoughts that you need a distraction.

    Yeah, I feel like everyone is like that, especially those who knew them starting off. But if they truly love them they'll want what's best for them and they deserve that radio time they don't get. Honestly, I don't get a bad vibe from Lisa, I actually think that her and Alex are soo cute together because they're high school sweethearts. And I love what she's doing with Incredibly Green, but that's just my opinions, lol. Omg, I had the same thought process about Jack and Holly! I don't want him to be known as that either and the age difference is kinda...weird. But I've seen pictures of them together and they both look genuinely happy, who am I to say anything against them. I liked Kara too, and I don't know enough about Cassadee or Hey Monday to even have any sort of opinion there so I'm not saying anything. Is Zack even dating anyone? Exactly! The girls aren't getting in the way of the band, if anything they're probably the band's number 1 fans considering that Lisa's been there since, well the start. And even though Rian's not dating her anymore, Kara has too.

    Awwwwww! I'm glad I helped make your night wonderful! You're story deserves that mentioning because it's amazing!

    Alright, well I'm going to go comment on A Sunrise On The East Side and than I will do my dreaded homework.
    January 6th, 2011 at 11:34pm
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    So I'm pretty sure it's been a really, really, really, really long time since I've replied and I'm sooooo sorry! I just got sooo busy and I never got a chance to sit down and actually think out a reply. When I reply to people with really long stuff like this I don't like BSing it, I need to put my whole mind towards it, so please forgive me.

    So onto my reply! Yes, it's terrible! There are these times at my school where we have send offs for athletes that are going to state so everyone goes to the commons/cafeteria area and I can't see anything, lol. Everyone is just so goddamn tall! They definitely don't do it all the time, and trust me, if they did I'd let them think they could lean on me than walk away so they stumble, lol. I can be evil....well sometimes, I usually don't like to be.

    Thank you soo much for the supporting words! I really, really am thinking of rewriting it cause every time I look at the story as a whole I just see flaws upon flaws upon flaws. And Idk, like should I just delete all the chapters but leave the stories upso I keep my subscribers? Or should I just delete the whole story and tell people I'm rewriting it? And than all the comments would be left on there too if I kept the story, so idk. What would you do? Cause I have all my drafts saved on mibba, I'm not worried about that at all. Would you read it again if I rewrote it though?

    Lmao, a 60 year old trucker? Nice analogy. Yeah, I swear way too much, one of my friends told me I sound like an angry/swearing Hello Kitty cause it just sounds so wrong coming out of a "tiny and adorable" person. Yeah, wayyyyy to funny that she said that, lol. But I did kinda catch a break. This past week back at school has been a breeze cause we have finals in two weeks so we're cramming in stuff and reviewing.

    Yeah, that's exactly what I do. I do my homework first and than I do whatever the hell I want. Or if the mood for procrastination strikes (which it is now, lol) I'll put it off, but I still leave myself enough time to get it done properly without doing just the bare minimum. Cause I work really, really, really hard for my grades and it's hard but I have that motivation and that self control that I think some people lack. Like, I know the internet will not contain all the answers and I need to do shit myself because things aren't going to be handed to me. Like that's another thing, I feel like teenagers are so used to getting stuff handed to them that they take advantage of that and it slowly begins to show in their daily work ethic. But I totally agree, I hope something hit's our generation in the face and wakes us all up because technology can only get us so far.

    So I'm going to start a new comment so this doesn't get cut off, lol. I'm notorious at doing that, I just always have a lot to say, lol.
    January 6th, 2011 at 11:22pm
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    So I wan in the process of replying to you, well into the reply I will add, and firefox decided that it wanted to crash on me -_- so I will (hopefully) reply to you tomorrow. I'm too pissed at the internet right now.
    December 27th, 2010 at 06:13am
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    Lol, very nice! And I'll just copy and paste the section instead of trying to poorly explain it, lol.

    if i don't like a band dude's girlfriend, it's because i got bad vibes from her. everyone just needs

    that was the last sentence, lol. But kudos for saving it just in case! It came in handy, didn't it, lol.
    December 21st, 2010 at 04:03am
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    So, I got your comment, and I read the whole thing the first time I read it, but than I got another profile comment just because I was going to reply and the end of your comment got cut off -_- I'm sorry, but I have an OCD where I need to reply all at once or I get confused, lol. So could you please, possibly, if it isn't too much trouble resend me the end to it???? I know we talked about how much we hate having to rewrite stuff, but PLEASE??????
    December 21st, 2010 at 03:38am
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    Trust me, you do not want to be as short as I am. It's terrible walking through the hallways at school and having everyone towering over you. Especially those really tall guys who I feel like don't even see me half the time. And buying jeans is always annoying because I always have to get them tailored, no matter how small or short they are. And yeah, I did get pissed but I know they're joking so I was okay with it. Especially because it was a one time thing, lol.

    Didn't drill into my brain the way it was supposed to, lol. I'm sorry, I found that really funny :D Anyways, lol, it's just an odd habit of mine, I can't not save things.

    That's exactly it. I just hate that I have to put it on hold because I'm on the third installment in that series but I just can't even make myself write it anymore. I have a strong desire to re-write the first two stories before I even finish it. I know I can't thought because I have to finish it before I do that. Well, actually I dont have to, I just know my readers will be happier if I do that first.

    Yeah, hopefully. But I don't think I will be doing nothing because I'm actually working and have a shitload of homework, excuse the language, lol.

    It actually is hard to find motivation from within, I'm just really, crazy motivated when it comes to school and doing good. Actually, the other day my bio teacher was telling my class that the freshman this year are terrible because they lack the drive to do well and think they can just get by, by doing that least amount of work possible. I found that really sad because I kinda blame that on technology. Only being a sophomore and all, I feel like there are people in my grade like that too, but still.

    I'm sorry your alone so often! I wish you weren't, lol. But I get what you mean. Sometimes I just want people to leave me alone to my own thoughts and when they don't I'm just like, ahhhh, people irritate me. I'm kinda the opposite most of the time tho, I love being around people, only because it keeps me away from my really sad, depressing thoughts. The moment I'm left alone, my thoughts get really sad, and really.....depressing? Idk, I sound so demented, lol. I guess I'm just a little strange. And yes, it would be horrible if we were all angry all the time.

    Exactly! I could not have said that better myself, lol. They deserve all of that and it's beyond selfish of us to keep them to ourselves. So what are your thoughts on people hating on their relationships? Cause honestly, I don't care who any of them date as long as they're happy. It irritates me when people automatically think the girls a bitch or a slut or anything. You don't know her, don't pass judgement on her. And exactly, they've helped me learn to express myself and just be myself so much.

    It is. I love giving compliments because I know that something that small can make my day, why not make someone elses. I know, it's so awesome that they think of me like that.
    December 19th, 2010 at 05:42am
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    Lol, yes, in a weird way that is. But I totally relate to her being so short cause I'm barely 5 feet tall and I absolutely hate it cause I'm ALWAYS the smallest one. Seriously, I've had some of my 6 ft guy friends use my head as an rest as a joke because Im that short. But yeah, her dad is that weird kinda guy that usually means well but doesn't really know how to express it almost.

    Yes! That's a perfect analogy. Thankfully I've never had the power go out while I was on the computer working on something I hadn't saved yet. I usually save at weird intervals because I'm prone to accidents in all way, shapes and forms.

    Yeah, that's exactly how it is because I just can't help but do it now, it's so weird. Exactly. Like I'm putting one of my stories on hold for a while because I just can't get into writing it. And I know that it's going to suck if I just pushed through and write because I have no actual desire to write it like my other stories.

    My mind is just everywhere lately because school just sucks. I honestly don't know how I get all my homework done and remember it. Yeah, I always push myself. My own personal motto when it comes to things like that is you need to push yourself to your limits, but you don't know your limits until you pass them.

    I'm always one of those people who will try their best to brighten everyone elses day. I don't believe that if I'm pissed at the world everyone else should be. So if I know that someone smiled because of me than I know the day wasnt a total waste. Smiles and frowns are so contagious that I dont like spreading frowns. Everyone should be happy no matter what because we all deserve it.

    They are role models. I think people forget sometimes that they actually worked to get where they are. Fame wasn't handed to them, they worked their asses off throughout high school for their dream and I admire them so much for that. It just shows that hard work pays off in the long run. And exactly, especially in High school when you dont really know who you are, theyre inspirational is a sense.

    Yeah, I enjoy doing that and I love it when it happens to me. I totally agree with you though about the most important person or least telling us that we have talent. And yeah, it is pretty cool. I never knew that they had such a strong faith in me and I never knew I left such a strong vibe for being a good writer.
    December 11th, 2010 at 12:35am
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    I know, I thought it was awesome too! That's be really cool if it does stay like that throughout the story. I will say thought that the way you described her is nothing like me.

    It's so irritating because you took forever to write it all out and you can never write it again just the way you write it before.

    Awww, thank you! I used to never be able to do that before. Before I used to try to do it, now it just flows out from me. Exactly! You need to mean what you're writing for anyone else to find any meaning in it.

    Yeah, I started doing it when school started. I feel kinda bad because I haven't updated Mixed Feelings Of Elation of over a month but I just can't....I have horrible writers block with that story right now. All I want to write are my Jack story and my other Alex one. Oh, and trust me, I have the worst focus ever. I have to force myself to focus otherwise I get no where.

    Same here! I'm pessimistic on some matter and optimistic on some matters. it really depends on my mood, lol. Like the past few days I've been like, giddy with joy. I'm never like that so I embraced it and went with it, lol.

    Yeah, to some people they're like a symbol, letting kids know that different isn't bad. Being who you are is the best decision you could make for yourself because as Alex Gaskarth said, you're the most important person.

    Lol, the age card. It's cool, I know it's just a number but thank you! Being only 15 and all it's nice to hear you have talent because it gives you the confidence that many people my age lack and it just makes you feel good, you know? I really do love encouraging people who like to write just like me. As few of my friends like writing as well and for some reason they always come to me and show me stuff that they write for opinions. And when we write essays in literature or something I'm always the go to person, even if we're interpreting stories or poems or something.
    November 23rd, 2010 at 01:27am
  • rivals are insane

    rivals are insane (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i love it thought :D
    November 18th, 2010 at 10:37pm
  • Akayytoremember

    Akayytoremember (100)

    United States
    I'm very excited for the Jack story and rushing to read it noowwwww. lol
    November 16th, 2010 at 07:55pm
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    So I feel really, really bad for taking forever to reply! I'm sooo sorry! But the moment you told me you posted your Jack story I flipped and went to read it write away! I absolutely love it because, well, if you read the uber long comment I left than you'll obviously know, lol.

    Omg, I hate when that happens! It's happened to me waaayyy too many times for me to even count. It's just irritating.

    But anyways, awwwww! Thank you! I've been told that numerous times, that I make it easy to relate to the character. I'll be honest, I don't try to do that, I just write. When someone first told me that I was like, wait, what? Really? Yeah, lol, we do put alot of heart into what we write, it totally makes up for it.

    I'm just like that! Seriously, I get sooo irritated. But recently cause I barely have time to write I'm doing my best with doing alot of editing before I post so it's really good because I know theres going to be a long gap before the next update.

    Everyone does. I feel like there are so many pessimissts in the world. We really do need start looking on the bright side. I will admit though, I am a pessimist on some matters, lol.

    Exactly! They just dont care and for a while they helped install that into my brain. I usually didn't care before I started listening to them and knew who they were. But than I started to love them I was like, I can be different and not give a shit, it's totally okay.

    Awwwwww! Now that made me smile! Thank you! But you've been writing for 6 years? That's pretty insane. I've only been writing for about 3 years on and off. It wasn't until last summer or rather early May, than I got really serious because that's when I started Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid and Tradition Changes. I can't believe how far I've gotten in both of those stories. And I totally agree, I love giving the love back, especially when amazing writers aren't getting the praise they deserve.
    November 15th, 2010 at 11:40pm
  • rivals are insane

    rivals are insane (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i love the sound of it so far :D
    November 13th, 2010 at 11:35pm
  • rivals are insane

    rivals are insane (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i shall, can you tell me when you start posting it though
    November 11th, 2010 at 07:53am
  • Akayytoremember

    Akayytoremember (100)

    United States
    I'm really slacking I missed last nights and last weeks!
    Tell me everything, please I want to be spoiled! lol
    November 9th, 2010 at 03:16am
  • username123456

    username123456 (100)

    United States
    Omg, I know. Especially because when I write I focus alot on emotions and how the individual develops throughout the story. I guess you could say I have a style similar to those of the romanticism era, but I'm no where near as good, lol. But I think we are doing a good job of making it all seem so real.

    Yeah, I always re-read updates so many times that I get sick of it. Which sometimes is good but sometimes its really bad because Im just like, screw it, Im done, everyone can deal with this suckishness. Lol, I get frustrated sometimes.

    I know! Whenever I like something that I write I'm usually in a better mood, lol.

    Exactly! I love that about them, they live their lives they want to live it even if it means that people will pass judgment on them without knowing them. They never let that effect them.

    Awwww! Thank you sooo much! It's always a relief to hear from an amazing writer that they like your writing. It makes me feel like it's not as suckish as I thought it was.
    November 7th, 2010 at 02:52am
  • Akayytoremember

    Akayytoremember (100)

    United States
    I did like her in ten things too...maybe, I almost said maybe they need to bring heath ledger in...brain fart :(:(:(

    However I did miss sundays episode :O
    November 4th, 2010 at 02:02am
  • rivals are insane

    rivals are insane (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    its no problem :D
    i love it so much
    November 3rd, 2010 at 10:11pm