Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan


All credit goes to;
lips of deceit


[Date/Time] October 4 @ 11:48 PM
[Listening to] Tonight Alive Starlight
[Feeling] content
[Updated] literary habit

long time, no see, fuckers. for some reason, i thought that just because i wasn't writing, that maybe i would still update my profile to let everyone know what was going on on my end. but i know no one reads this anyway, and i didn't see the point in just coming in and changing the fucking picture to whatever book i was reading.

i've been working an assload, which isn't really a surprise. as soon as you tell an employer that you're always available, then they will hop on that opportunity to ask you to fill up every shift that's fallen open. i'm okay with this for the most part. mostly, i just miss being able to stay up until 4 in the the morning and lying on the couch while talking to my dogs. so that kind of means that, of course, i haven't been writing at all.

the good news is that, sometime back in september, i had made the decision to re-read chapters on a page. it's just something i need to do every once in a while, especially with a story that has grown as long as this one has. so i've gone and noted grammar and spelling and whatever other mistakes for me to correct. as soon as i'm done with that -and it shouldn't take me too long- i'm going to start right on the new chapter! i've missed writing, i truly have. and if anyone is actually reading this, then i apologize for such a long wait, because you guys are the reason i still even post my shit anywhere instead of just leaving it in a notebook hidden away in a binder.

so look for an update from me in the coming weeks!

Cinematic Sunset >>

You may call me Faith. I'm 21-years-old, and I've been writing since I was 13. I like to think that I've gotten much better since those days sitting in an eighth grade English class on the last days before summer break, writing away while everyone else watched Hercules.

music. writing. buffy the vampire slayer. all time low. photography. platypuses. nail polish. zombies. phineas&ferb. movies. craig owens. reading. misfits. elephants. palahniuk. harry potter. snow. galaxies. versaemerge. 10 things i hate about you. fashion. adventure time. the hunger games. my dogs. boots. the walking dead. vampires. a song of ice&fire. dexter. d&d. night swims. a lot of british/uk tv. long talks. john green. pizza hot pockets. actors that play asshole characters. mustaches&beards.

Why bother with dislikes? I like more things than I dislike, so let's not focus on negatives, eh?

In all honestly, I'm an awkward adult stuck in an awkward kid's frame of mind. But I'm friendly enough and I'm always up for new conversations with new people.


Chapters On A Page
Main Character: Val Rutherford
Chapters: 60
Focus: Alex Gaskarth
Status: Active

A Sunrise On the East Side
Main Character: Kenley Alanis
Chapters: 35
Focus: Jack Barakat
Status: Complete

Serenading Sirens (Part I)
Main Character: Clarke Holliday
Chapters: 25
Focus: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
Status: Complete

Phrases Left On Paper (Part II)
Main Character: Clarke Holliday
Chapters: 25
Focus: Alex Gaskarth
Status: Complete

'Cause Love Is A Selfish Thing (Part III)
Main Character: Clarke Holliday
Chapters: 25
Focus: Alex Gaskarth
Status: Complete