sing along. WHOA!

sing along. WHOA!
United States
Joined date
May 15th, 2008

Who Is Ana?

I'm Ana.

I'm seventeen years young but at times, I'm twenty-five, and other times, I'm five.

Literature, writing it and reading it, used to be a huge part of my life. Sadly, I don't have
as much time for it as I once did.

It's really hard for me to believe that I've been reading fictional stories online for about five
years now. It's truly insane. I used to write them too. For the longest time, when things
got a little rough, I used to escape to the world of my characters and see exactly what
adventures they'd go on next. Then, I would write about it and share it with all of you.
It started with Harry Potter and escalated to a world of my own imagination. It helped
me evolve as a writer. And I am insanely thankful for whomever it was that started this
entire phenomenon. Honestly, it has changed my life.

But I'm not who I once was. While I still have my love for literature and my own world
still exists in my mind, I've sadly learned that I need to deal with my own life. It got to a
point where I would rather invest my feelings in a fictional world than my own, and that's
not okay. So, that's why you haven't seen any updates from me in awhile. I'm just at a point
in my life where I need to focus on my own life. And I truly hope you understand...if there's
any of you left anyway.

That's another reason why I love sites like these. You can make great friends that understand
your passion. You can bond over what may seem silly to others but means the world to you.
I'm forever thankful to the people I've met on these sites for giving me their friendship. They've
inspired me.

I plan on coming back to writing, there is no doubt about it. And I have never STOPPED reading
anyone's stories. I still lurk, I'm still here, so please, don't hesitate.

However, when I do come back to writing, I hope to do it on my own terms, my own characters, my own new world. No more fan fiction. Well, except perhaps Harry Potter. Because that never
gets old for me! But I'm past the phase of my life where I write stories about the Jonas Brothers
or Brendon Urie or other famous people. No offense meant to those who do write of course! I still read them. But I just can't bring myself to write it. It's gotten to a point where I can't not imagine them as real people you know? And I feel bad manipulating them to fit a plot in my head. Call me crazy but it just doesn't feel right to me.

I hope I don't offend any of you with what I just said. Please don't take it the wrong way. It's just how I feel when it comes to writing. Don't think that I hate fan fiction because I don't, at all. I still read it. I still immensely enjoy it. What some of brilliant authors can do with your characters. I swear you've all made me laugh, and cry, and be pissed. You've made me experience heartfelt joy and excitement. You've made me feel like I'm in your story. You're all so talented. I'm always in awe.

This "about me" renovation turned into my rant blog. I apologize for that!

I truly wish you the best on your writing and reading endeavors on this site. It's full of brilliant authors and enthralling plots. I won't be surprised if we had potential New York Times Bestselling Authors in our midst.

