Phenakistoscope. / Comments

  • do you go to a private school?

    yes, exactly, and it's super boring!
    but i will find something fun to do,
    like dancing! and um... video games! and painting random objects! yay :D

    good luck on your exam, even though your parents don't care haha
    wow seriously? they can't give you detention for that! can they?

    May 31st, 2008 at 01:52am
  • hahaha i know :D

    well not really, because i'm so bored. so that makes me anti-lucky.\

    they're all out of town with their parents :\
    but we have the rest of the summer! unless i leave...
    May 30th, 2008 at 07:25pm
  • oh how fun haha
    nothing really, schools out so i'm pretty bored
    until my friends come back home!
    May 30th, 2008 at 12:01am
  • ello :]
    i'm ely,
    what's up?
    May 29th, 2008 at 07:28pm
  • Hahah! Awww *blushes*
    Frank you!

    May 29th, 2008 at 12:30pm
  • thanks for the comment (:
    May 29th, 2008 at 12:16pm
  • awe naw blackout!
    i dont think we've ever had one of them,
    the powers cut once or twice for like 2 minutes and thats it :P
    lol aww maths isnt so bad if you get your head around it.
    things dont seem to make sense to me until the last minute!
    so in the exam im like
    ahaha but in my mind cause id get disqualified if i shouted that out :P

    im weird cause im okay at biology and maths but crap at everything else
    and those two subjects dont go well together
    so where do i go? what do i do?

    eugh dont you just hate it when teachers are like

    just feel like saying, look we have lives. why would be want to practice maths in our spare time?!


    Lol aye! We rarely have a nice summer :'(

    I bet it's lovely over there in the summer?
    Ive decided im going to chuck your next door neighbours out and move there :)

    hahaaha cyber cake ftw !

    gravity won't aim the knives at my face ;p
    i'll throw the knives
    run away
    and get a really mean person to stand there
    so they get about 50 knives in their faceee.

    yass :)

    May 28th, 2008 at 12:36pm
  • ahh Krish i love our life long comments :)

    aye it was hard - now i just dont care you know :)

    hehe weird people are so much cooler than those people who are like not weird....

    ahhh i dont know what i mean >_
    so how are you todayy?

    O_o im trying to think what time it is over there.
    but ive just done 2 hours of solid maths so my brains burnt out :(

    i was stupid enough to take higher maths >_>

    -_- it's raining still.
    it's the end of fucking may and it's fucking raining!
    and cold and windy!
    i mean what the fuck


    im 17 next thursday :)
    if it isnt sunny then im going to throw knives at the sky...


    May 28th, 2008 at 11:24am
  • =/ i did that once
    my mum isnt very nice
    and once i went up to scotland to see her
    and things were going fine until she started acting like a complete twat.
    she blames me for ruining her life =/
    when really it was her and my dad who decided to have sex RIGHT?
    ew sorry off topic. ew.ew.ew.

    anyway we had this HAYYY-OOGE arguement and i swore at her loads and she swore back =/
    my dad never swears =/
    if he hears me swearing he "sends me to my room"

    *sarcasm starts*oh please anything but my room, it only has my bed, my i-pod, my computer, my stuff in there however will i have fun. *sarcasm over*

    haha i swear too much anyway especially when im mad every other word is



    ahaha shitt i talk too much :(
    lmao weird is good though right? :)

    May 27th, 2008 at 12:38pm
  • aye it was horrible tbh.
    at school the head rounded up a bunch of retards like me
    and forced them to do this programme
    where you talk about stuff
    and it didn't help me one bit!
    If anything i started ditching classes just so i didn't have to be forced to go!
    ughh stupid teachers!

    awe :(
    just tell the person who's yelling at you to fuck off.
    ugh phones suck!!

    LOL aye! they cant fucking predict the future and i hate it when people are so optimistic and positive ALL THE TIME!
    Cause seriously it's okay to be negative sometimes right?

    ;o get them updated and posted then :P

    my new story is distracting me !
    im supposed to be studying fae 10 exams :| *dies*
    but im like.....UPDATE!

    awe thanks that was shweet ^_^
    but i tell you it's probably not the best thing :)

    woah how long is this comment?

    im distracting myself tbh.
    i was doing this past chemistry exam paper
    and i was just like O_O at the questions.
    i mean seriously these examiners must be old lonely bastards with nothing better to do than to make a level exams so hard that students eyes bulge out.

    okay rant over ;P

    ly! xx
    May 27th, 2008 at 11:08am
  • aw, not fun.
    I'm okay. On summer break now. :]
    May 27th, 2008 at 12:51am
  • hey! how have you been?
    May 26th, 2008 at 07:08pm
  • :) awe! i hope you do well!
    positive thinking mate!

    in fact im going to shoot myself for saying that
    because everytime someone says that to me
    im like "¬_¬ fuck offff."

    ahaha actually im quite surprised im not thinking

    =/ maybe that stupid confidence workshops working?

    just remember you'll be fine as long as thrs no phones!


    I can say it'll be fine but im not going to
    cause every other person out there says the same thing
    and i get angry when they do
    cause they dont know whether it'll be fine or not!

    [sorry wee ramble]

    good luck :)

    May 26th, 2008 at 02:30pm
  • Lol I can't really hide mine seeing as it's on my profile.....I think lol mines a shitty all girls high school but the boys school is across the road XD
    May 26th, 2008 at 01:49pm
  • Oh that scks EXAMS ARE GHEY!!!!!!!!! hehe i'm only 12 and I'm in yr 8 and i have a test tomorrow T.T NO FAIR I'M NOT VERY GOOD AT MATHS infact this year I haven't passed one maths test T.T I'm gonna' be in the shit when my report comes back T.T anywho what scool do you go to?


    (frankyou for liking my comments)
    May 26th, 2008 at 01:42pm
  • yes. yes she is =]
    May 26th, 2008 at 09:49am
  • thanks =]
    my friend did it for me though
    May 26th, 2008 at 08:44am
  • i know! we'll be lyk bffs 4evr =]
    May 26th, 2008 at 12:33am
  • lmao aye
    i did have a wee routine
    and then i broke it
    cause i got bored
    ahh well
    some day.
    i feel sick :(

    what do you think of the new story?

    eek i have a whole week off school for half term to study for my exams!
    2nd june = 4 exams
    3rd june = 3 exams
    4th june = 3 exams
    5th june = EXAMS OVER + I TURN 17!!

    good luck in yours :)
    May 25th, 2008 at 03:31pm
  • ^_^ heyyyyyya!

    lmao aye it does suck.
    But hey there's nothing I can do about it other than get editing and y'know.
    But I'm getting a wee bit sidetracked with the new story :P

    So how are youu?

    May 25th, 2008 at 11:22am