Wow... so here's a quite something I'd like to share...

To start this off I'd just like to say that yes indeed, I have read the books in the Twilight series. Twilight sucks! I'm sorry kids... no. Actually I'm not! All of the books suck balls! I'm so fraking tired of girls prancing around about how much they love the fucking fruit Edward Cullen! He is a dirty son-of-a-bitch that doesn't exsist! Nor shall he ever exsist! Even if he did... he wouldn't...
July 24th, 2008 at 05:23am

Happy MCR Day!

Happy MCR Day!Once again the calender brings us in to another triumphant day for all My Chemical Romance fans! Let us rejoice! Sing it out!To all of the fans whose lives were literally savedTo the fans that might never be able to attend a concertTo all of those fans that worried about Bob and his burns, helped Gerard get over alcohalism, obsessed over Ray's 'fro, wanted to be the one on Mikey's...
July 23rd, 2008 at 06:18am


Today I got to meet and got a picture with Vitalij Kuprij! You know... the famous pianist. Well he's getting married to Misa's cousin Kristy on Vk's birthday. (a.k.a-July 4!) And yeah I helped decorate the hall...well...hehe not really... more like sang random songs and amused everyone there with Misa. But yeah! It was awesome! I love VK's accent! And I'm so glad I had the opertunity! *heart...
July 4th, 2008 at 03:46am


Ugh! Rehearsals are getting harder and people *cough cough* the third bass *cough cough* can't play his........ I mean their parts right. Goddamn musically challeged people in band! Damn them all! *head/desk* All is good other wise, however.I've been thinking about relationships. Some of my friends have been having problems with theirs. And they make it so dramatic, but they have another option...
June 28th, 2008 at 08:33pm


I don't seem to stop writing these. Haha A few days ago I hung out with Aubrie and saw Kung Fu Panda... then yesterday I saw it again. And me and Aubrie desided that the beginning is like my life story. I'm that loser withe the action figures, not caring about what I do to be happy, and drooling over the cool things in the Jade Palace. *spins around until gets dizzy, then falls* Yup. I'm sorta...
June 17th, 2008 at 02:33am

Club Mifflin... can't get in without a glow stick

Righty-right! So for the past two days Club Mifflin has gotton been the most hoppin' place in Governor Mifflin High School. Haha but seriously, we have alot of fun in the band room. And today during the stupid freaking award ceremony, me and a few friends started our own rave. Someday we're all gonna walk around with glow sticks. And when people ask what is with them, we'll say we are members of...
June 6th, 2008 at 01:06am


I like pie...and eggplants. XD Yeah, I'm really quite bored. And I'm not sure about what to write for mah story. Soooooo here's a little story about how it got its title. I was bored one night while thinking about what new story I should start. 'Cause I do that when I'm bored... I write things I'll never finish. *laughs* But as I was saying, I was also listening to random music on youtube. And I...
May 27th, 2008 at 12:34am