MelanieSuicide / Comments

  • It would have been freakin' awesome to see that! It just would have been so adorable. I'm playing it in my mind right now, and it's just epic! Haha. Man, I really would have loved to see that man be a father. Without a doubt he would have been one of the coolest dads ever.
    August 6th, 2010 at 06:39am
  • Haha. I didn't think you went too off topic there. I can see some of the guys being that way. Would it be nice if all guys were like that? Yes, yes, it would. But in reality, it probably doesn't happen as often as women would like. I see TSS Brian being this way taking into account how his character is in the series. In actuality, I can see Matt being that way and there's a good chance for Brian seeing as how he's stated that he'd like to have kids and stuff. Z and Johnny I'm up in the air on. Jimmy I could see, actually. I'd have loved to see him as a dad, teaching a new generation the art of chasing stallion ducks. Haha.
    August 6th, 2010 at 06:30am
  • Hahaha. Well, I do have some plans for that story. I hope that I don't disappoint too much on it. I just needed more to Time Stands Still than Brian being adorable because of the baby. I can see him talking to her stomach and everything while she's pregnant. And yes, I am admitting that the only reason I started TSS was because I wanted to write him being all cute when the baby's coming. Haha.
    August 6th, 2010 at 06:11am
  • Aww, you do? Wow, I didn't know that someone could actually like that about them. Most of the time people are telling me that Brian and Angel are far too lovey that it's not believable. But I'm happy to hear that you actually think that they seem genuine. I don't know what I do to make it right to you, but I'm glad that I can be one of the few that can write it and you aren't thinking "Fuck no!" Haha.
    August 6th, 2010 at 05:47am
  • Yeah, it can be really hard dealing with multiple stories sometimes. But then again, having multiple stories at once means that you aren't being bored with just one. Well, at least I know sometimes I get bored with a story if it's all I'm working on. Sometimes the others help you clear your head and stuff if you're stuck on something. But I do have my moments where I wonder if I've gone bonkers with all these stories. Haha.

    I really hope that it doesn't turn out to be like Move Along. I mean, sure she's got a kid and will most likely fall for Brian, but still... I am not seeing Piper and Brian being as lovey as Angel and Brian. I know that I've lost so many people with Time Stands Still because of how Angel and Brian are. But I'm sure that they'll come to miss it as the story progresses. At least I hope so. Haha.
    August 6th, 2010 at 05:19am
  • Yeah, I know what it's like to fall behind on stories. I like to say that it's because I have six stories that I do on my own that leads to me falling behind, but really I don't know if that's the real excuse. I mean, I'm four months behind on some updates. That's terrible. Hopefully we'll both be able to get into the habit of updating more frequently.

    Oh, and thank you! I really hope that story turns out well. When I started it, one of my friends said that she thought it was going to turn out too much like Move Along, but I don't think it will. I'm trying to make it different at least. Haha.
    August 6th, 2010 at 04:30am
  • I've been alright. I was finally able to update one of my stories today, so I feel accomplished. How are you?
    August 5th, 2010 at 05:16am
  • Well, I'm happy that you have nice things to say as opposed to bad things. I'd listen to you, but I'm not sure how badly I take constructive criticism. Haha.
    August 4th, 2010 at 07:14am
  • Welcome :)
    A fellow A7X fan is always a friend of mine xD
    August 3rd, 2010 at 10:10pm
  • Aww, thank you! I'm happy to hear that.

    And it's nice to meet you, Melanie. I'm Angelica, but everyone on here call me Angel.
    August 3rd, 2010 at 04:16am
  • Thanks for the add!
    August 2nd, 2010 at 05:14am
  • hey hun.
    thanks for the add! xD
    im Charla :)
    July 31st, 2010 at 12:31am
  • hey! :D
    can you please check out my Zacky Vengeance story called Asked to Compromise?
    please read and comment?
    Thank you SOOOO much if you do! :D
    - God Hates Us.
    July 30th, 2010 at 03:00am
  • Dude, no worries, seriously. I absolutely ADORE the new album; it's by far my favorite the guys have ever put out. I feel so horrible that a masterpiece such as this was brought about by the loss of one of the greatest, most kind men to ever walk this earth, but I'm so grateful for it. I believe that if anything, it's brought the entire Avenged Sevenfold family - all the fans around the world and the band - closer together. It's so soothing to hear Jimmy's voice one last time, even though I cry like a freaking baby almost every time I listen. I can't help it though, ya know? I know he wants us to be happy, and this album has helped me come to terms with his passing more than I was before, but some times I can't help but cry at the fact we lost him.
    Ack, enough sad stuff lol. I'm making myself cry :/
    July 29th, 2010 at 08:08pm
  • OH. MY. LORD.
    Nightmare is beyond anything I could have expected. I knew it would be amazing, but it literally blew my mind. I've never felt as many emotions in hour as I have listening to that CD. And Mike Portnoy did a fantastic job. Not for one moment did it feel as though it wasn't Jimmy playing.
    July 28th, 2010 at 07:08pm
  • it's kind of a natural thing.
    but sometime's i do do it on purpose.
    July 27th, 2010 at 07:29pm
  • cause i am an ass.
    talk with my long enough and you'll see.
    July 27th, 2010 at 05:59am
  • haha Hello :}
    and thanks, should I be scared o.o
    July 26th, 2010 at 04:15pm
  • I hear ya, babe.
    Tonight is their first live show without Jimmy :'( I wish I could have been there to support them in person, but I've been thinking of them all day and sending all my love and support. I know they'll make Jimmy beyond proud, and Mike is an absolute God-send (or maybe he was sent by Jimmy...?) for doing what he is. He's definitely got a place in my heart.
    July 25th, 2010 at 11:43pm
  • thanks. I'm good. :)
    July 23rd, 2010 at 07:35pm