life & other things

I came out to one of my best friends today. And it was wonderful because she didn't even flinch. I was just like: I have something big to tell you and she was just like "You're a lesbian?" And Jumper was playing on the way home so today was okay. Unfortunately, that does not change the fact that yesterday was very much not okay and that you guys probably won't be seeing me much, if at all. I'm in...
February 6th, 2011 at 11:40pm

Guess what minority I am?

It just hit me all the sudden in History the other day when my teacher said that all Americans are equals that I’m looking forward to a lifetime of numerous people telling me:* Who I can and cannot marry.* What benefits I can and cannot have* When and where I can and cannot be safe from attack- physical or verbal.And I’ve got just as long to look forward to the attitudes, that instill...
December 18th, 2010 at 09:57pm

Maturity, people.

Most people don't understand that getting your friends involved in an argument is stupid, immature, and will inflame the situation further. I'm so sick of people getting upset over some tiny thing, dragging their friends into the situation, and having them blow a gasket and make everything 100 times worse. I don't understand why no one can fucking deflate their ego for two minutes and talk things...
October 15th, 2009 at 01:17am


I'm part of GSA this year (Gay-Straight-Alliance) and it's really fun so far.There's a huge hold back though; only seven people joined.It's kind of sad that we had to put a GIANT notice of the board saying "The S is for straight!!!!!!!"Like, come the fuck on, why does everyone think that you'll turn queer if you join GSA? :/OOOOOO IMMA INFECT YOU WITH MY DEADLY DISEASE OF GAYNESS OOOOOOO.HEARD OF...
September 28th, 2009 at 11:45pm

Mibba hiatus.

Here's the deal, my grandmother has been really sick. She was emitted to the hospital last night and she's getting out some day today or tomorrow. She can't really function on her own so I'm going to her house to be a sort of housing nurse. I'll be gone for a week or so starting some time in the next two days. Since she has no internet or even a computer, I will not have access to Mibba for the...
July 1st, 2009 at 05:57pm

Two journals in one day. Annoying. IKR?!

Oh yeah, this is why I hate Christmas. All I can think about on Christmas is mortality. Every year. Who the fuck even knows why, but I do. It's just there.Death. Life. Immortality. Achilles heel. Graves. Candles.Technicolour day dreams of past and future lives.Faces spin in my brain, each aging rapidly until they're nothing but dust.Sick. Sicker. Dying. Dead.The sky is always gray on Christmas. In...
December 26th, 2008 at 01:22am

Just because.

All we are is a speck of dust. A pixel in a photo. Every person blends together to make up our world. While we may think we're important, we're nothing but another head among millions. Most cynics believe this and would defend it vehemently. But lets face it, even if you're unnaturally sanguine, we all feel like this sometimes. We all feel unimportant at one point in our lives. But what happens...
November 26th, 2008 at 04:30am