She... / Comments

  • hey you know me as punkpigeon but my acount was hacked so this is my new acount xxxxxx daisy
    October 1st, 2008 at 12:55pm
  • yeah well its nice to write for fun, but when you've got a deadline it's hell :P it's working out though I'm busy witch chapter 3 now and it's a very funny horror-comic :p xxxxx
    September 20th, 2008 at 01:04pm
  • Hahahaha. I'd probably say something similar if I couldn't see my boyfriend. I'd be pretty pissed. Why do parents ground their kids? It's not gonna do anything!
    September 18th, 2008 at 10:23pm
  • Thank you so much for supporting my story and commenting. I shall let you know if I write another. Hope you're well.
    Sam x
    September 18th, 2008 at 11:24am
  • yeah :/ and it won't get any warmer from now on. I just hope there will be a real snowy winter! Snowboard ^^ I hate when it gets dark ;/ It would look nicer if there was snow o.o damn. there's so much work, but we got today back our little tests, which I thought I screwed up. Whgat's weird I got 8/10 so I kinda... got this hope that I can improve ^^
    How are you?
    September 17th, 2008 at 08:21pm
  • I'm glad that you had a nice time on your trip. Woah, 50 years ago? I'd probably be scared shitless if I was riding on a plane like that. O.O

    I got myself I guess you can say 'ungrounded' yesterday. I asked if I could go out with a friend and my mom said no because I was grounded and all, but then I said "Why not? If I'm bad again, you can just ground me again!" and then she said "No, because usually when the parents take away their kids punishment, they go back to doing bad things" and then I told her "Well when the punishment is fully over, don't ya think that I'm just gonna go back to doing it anyway?" and then she thought for a bit and then decided to let me off the hook. ;) I guess I'm good with persuasion. XD
    I guess the reason why my parents... well my mom, is so protective and shit is because I remind her of my brother and my brother ended up growing up to become a drug addict. I keep telling her that I'm not that much of a loser to do that to myself since I've seen what drugs and alcohol can do to people, but she doesn't believe me. Blech, parents are such a bother. >.<

    So erm anyways... how are you today? :D
    September 16th, 2008 at 07:33pm
  • I guess : ) in 20 minutes I'm going for 3 hours of maths T.T

    Beach... o.o I'd give anything to be on the hot beach right now O.O It's so fucking cold in here that I sit in my house in the stupid winter coat! it's not even winter yet! It got called through the night a week ago? damn the weather.
    September 16th, 2008 at 04:55pm
  • Final year and then a leaving school exam :x I'll tell you how many Green Day stories I have :x It's just too much and I'll never finish them or even post the ones that are not posted yet : 3 that are up here already, 2 sequels, 2 not posted. Not GD - new one -Robert Pattinson story and kinda... orginal one that I don't know if I post that o.O there was also one Chester story. I'm a masochist : D
    I'm actually stuck in the new chapter for AIFTLL. It's hard to write it :/ I know what happens, but then again... when I'm trying to write it I feel so brainless T.T and there's so much school work >.> I managed to write lately RP 2 chapters and for 'It's Not Over..' last chapter, which is quiet stupid thing I did.-.- I'm not even in the middle of the story. Also stuck on the next chapter o.O haha : D I guess I'll have to organize my work... when I work on which story..

    How are you? How was your holiday? ^^
    September 16th, 2008 at 02:32pm
  • Hiya! Welcome back! :D
    I'm doin pretty well. I'm grounded for the week cuz of my bad mouth. Haha. XD How are you?
    How was the trip?
    September 15th, 2008 at 09:23pm
  • hey!
    welcome back ^^
    I've got so much work that it's hard to do anything beside school stuf T.T Even now I'm doing something for school T.T
    September 15th, 2008 at 07:34pm
  • yes thanx!! :D though I'm not around mibba lately but I'm going to write a journal 'bout that ;) hugs, daisy
    September 11th, 2008 at 11:42am
  • hey!
    doch hab ich hinterher ^^ ( so blöd wie ich bin ;PPP)
    wo genau im norden?
    ich komm aus dem süden ( in der nähe von stuttgart )
    dann wünsch ich dir mal ganz viel spaß im urlaub!! =)
    August 28th, 2008 at 01:23am
  • Ohh. I hope you have a great time! You've gots to tell me all about it when ya get back! :D
    August 27th, 2008 at 07:31pm
  • Oh! Have a nice trip then : )

    Sorry that I didn't update in the end ;/ I have a slight problem with concentraiting on writing while there's only not even a week until the end of holidyas here :x I should know by now what I'll study after this coupld of months! :x I seriously don't know and I'm really scared :x
    August 27th, 2008 at 05:19pm
  • Here you go, chapter two of "What Happens When Green Day Writes Songs":


    Enjoy :-)
    August 27th, 2008 at 01:30am
  • I just wrote it ^.- I felt the right mood for that one ^^ I think so... o.O Than I just put some descriptions to the chapters and with this... it all went faster ^^
    Damn. I just came back home and I'm so hungry. -.- My head hurts :/ I guess I'll try writing something, but I doubt that I'll update it today...

    How are you?
    August 22nd, 2008 at 08:31pm
  • oh & i'm fine =)
    what about you?
    August 22nd, 2008 at 08:10pm
  • you're welcome!!^^
    you like them too?!
    i'm from germany ( damn it sucks here so baaaaaaaaaad! )

    btw so cute profile pic =)
    best band EVER!
    August 22nd, 2008 at 08:09pm
  • Yeah they were paid to go out there and play at some guys hotel or something for a party. I'm kinda wondering that too... what [i]did[/i] happen to those little East Bay punk kids? :/
    August 22nd, 2008 at 07:46pm
  • You're right ^^

    I don't know about the update cos I'm leaving to make photos with friends around 3-4 hours. I just woke up O.o and I've got the last chapter already written. Not the next one ^^ I wanted to write the next one yesterday, but I couldn't write anything ;(
    August 22nd, 2008 at 11:23am