Lostatthetop / Comments

  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    oh wow, HIII!
    so busy! finished evil school project, going into surgery in a few days, and obsessed with Lost. you??
    December 15th, 2009 at 03:02am
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    hey there!
    sounds like you haven't had too much fun, hm? sucks with the fever, and i hope it doesn't happen again! cant be all that fun or anything...
    and yeah, being in school alll the time....not the funnest. but being homeschooled means being stuck at home w/ my 'rents and they don't believe there's EVER a vacation/break from our education. so when its break, you will still find us studying! oh wells...
    ugh. big book on errrrr america's greatest court cases due on Wed aaand i'm only part way- its just so hard! too many big words. lol :D
    awww, that stinks. sorry! heh
    well i graduated early and i'm not sure if i'm taking any college classes, and i'm gonna start applying now [i've chosen like... ten to apply to. hehe] um.... but i cant decide if i want to do a few classes at the community college here, and just go in as a transfer. its so hard to decide! erggg....
    but yeah. and taking my homeschooling class which is more about literature and law. studying for ACT and SAT [i take the ACT on saturday!aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh] ummmm and thats about it. but i feel so lazy! and science just doesn't make sense to me, urgg...
    September 6th, 2009 at 11:10pm
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    Ooooooooooooooooooooooookay, then. lol. thanks! :D
    August 19th, 2009 at 06:18am
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    you mean fanfiction.net ? or is there something else?
    looooks curious.... I'm gonna check it out. :D
    But also gonna keep website. lol. mine mine mine! heheh...
    and thanks, hon! that was such a help, you rock!!!!!!! :D
    August 19th, 2009 at 03:00am
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    just wondering if you could do something for me! go....here: [url=http://sitebuilder.yola.com/sites/S3/De5d/D2f0/D77a/Dcf2/U8a49866b23289cbc01232fca770f2d5e/8a4986c823289cb901232fce9db46c5f/] should be my own website, Riddle A Dream... [/url] and see what shows up? put up two beginning of stories...if it works swell, I can keep going but just wanna know if its not all in vain. lol. does everything show up? oooo, could you try the chat box thingies, too? lol....:D
    if not, its cool. just wondering :D
    August 19th, 2009 at 02:38am
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    *goes pale and almost drops dead*
    i have to wait a MONTH???????
    i'm gonna die...we're all gonna diiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!1 *sniff, sniff* sure, a week w/o updating....but a month? meanies!!!!
    But then again, I am working on trying to find out how to put up my own free website, and I could post my stories there...without people banning me!!! But it aint that easy, for sure. ah, well...we'll see!
    But if I do get unbanned, there just might be a whole of unloading of chapters to do! which is a good thing. but having to wait is NOT a good thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
    eugh. shots. that sucks. lol, stupid commercials...
    rollar blading rocks. i went around my block [okay, only half, but thats cause the other half is major stupid hill] and that's the first time I've just gone outside to do something...gah, such a hermit...but i'm working on it!
    volleyball is the best! but there aren't clubs or anything 'round here, so...cant really do anything. ppl do beach volleyball, but i hate the sand sooo yeah lol
    hehehe, lemonheads....my sista had that for soccer one year...hilarious but good to have a good group! :D
    AGH i know!!! I just signed up for the ACT and SAT for Early september and middle october....NO idea how I'll get a good grade. Ugh. But I gotta work on it! I want to go to Emerson or Chapman and they expect good grades and all that stuff, so.... yikers. any tips?? :( and i hope you don't puke or anything!! lots of water!
    and now....i'm gonna.....go look for free websites. :( mean mibba.....heh
    August 19th, 2009 at 01:13am
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    just felt like saying hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    i went rollerblading today for the first time in years! cause mine were all tiny...so i stole my sista's. which is still one size too big, but not as bad anymore.
    and then i tried to post a chapter for my stories...and i'm banned! can u believe it??? i'm going crazy....cause of the one shot collection thing, i think. but i deleted them...and now....it won't do anything. i'm just dying....so yeah.
    hope your day was coolish. dont needa reply. lol :D
    August 18th, 2009 at 12:03am
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    awwwww, I'm sorry that happened! I hate when that kind of thing happens... I was typing up a chapter for a story just a few weeks ago. Nearrrrrrly done and then i accidentally backspaced...which took me to the page before....which sucked. cauz i knew it was completely my fault, and i felt so stupid. lol... but yeah.
    awwww, sorrys. that really stinks. Do you know if it'll be confirmed or anything? I've got a family friend who's a doctor in his own practice and he's like obsessed w/ the factor that Yeast is the problem to absolutely everything. Mebbe that might help, not having so much yeast? never know...
    But yeah. I'd totally join the club! cause i need cream cheese on my bagles, and I need ice cream....well, frequently. :D And I hate how things run through families like that!! :( sorry!! and i definitely agree...at least until marriage anyways, lol. :D but yeah...it would have to wait. a long while.
    Aw, that stinks! I mean, I don't get motion sickness myself [i need my thrills] but sometimes after sports or soemthing wacky, I'll feel like that. not exactly the same issue thing, but I know the feeling, and i know how much it sucks. :( internet hug!!!
    i knew it, druggie! lol, kidding. Aw, really? I mean, i can swallow, but i hate it. But not as much as chewing pills....there were birth problems [born early, etc] and i've got a pretty messed up heart so i have to take eight gross chewable pills before we go to the dentist everytime...and we do it as a family trip, and EVERYONE complains about the smell. dont see why, though cause they aint the ones who haveta swallow them! meanies.... but those chewables are horrible. but swallowing pills isn't too fun, either. :(
    doctors arent that fun...or teeth x-rays! those didgital pic things they put in your mouth on the side? painful. not easy. eugh
    OKies, I see what you mean. which sports will you be doing? Going through the usual ones or jsut sticking to one? Honors, though? thats cool! yay you! lol. my charter school never did any [that i knew of, anyways] soooo kinda boring. sorta miss that in public school, but oh well. its all over now, so i cant do much now... :( And here, i think you can choose, when to do them. Most take the ACT as juniors, though, and SAT as seniors, though they may try it as a junior, just to check it out.... i dunno. being homeschooled gets you totally out of the loop and i'm just now beginning to realize all i've missed on. erugh.... oh wells....
    August 17th, 2009 at 04:57am
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    I start conditioning monday too so about an hour after that i go to the doctors. :/ im dreading it terribly. Im glad you had a good summer. Im kind of excited for school to come because my mom wont nag me about my room as much.Which do you like better doctors or dentists?

    aww, sorry. not so fun, sitting 'round a parking lot.... and raiing. :( but rain is fun....soemtimes. lol Sleeping in? that's been pretty sweet...well, 'cept for my church seminary. Tues, Wed, Thurs, classes an hour long at 6am. plus i have to drive nd be awake...not cool. they're lucky i even change. lol ;D
    Aw! I hope it turns out just to be a bug or something, not really lactose intolerant! I feel for you, honestly! I'd die without my sugars, specially ice cream. I'm addicted and i'll probably get diabetes and die cause i can't give it up....but it could be a short happy life. heh. hope things get better!

    for clarification on the motion sickness- did you mean you feel like you're going to throw up... but you end up not doing it? if so, well... it stinks whether you do or dont puke, but yeah. sorry you're not doing too well! :( not so good. but sleeping helps, if thats anything...

    lol. you druggie! hehe. lol- i've got a friend who chugs pills whenever she gets sick. jsut barely on the safe side...she's got total belief they always work, so yeah....i personally, hate them with a passion and only take them once the pain gets really bad.

    btw, what do you mean by conditioning? Like... getting ready for sports? and what kinda classes will you be taking? I'm spose to be signing up for a few college courses, just some general ones, but I heard they start tomorrow, so... i don't know! no one ever tells me these things and and and i always forget until right then...or right now. :( sooo not cool. as it is, might not be able to take SAT or ACT which isn't good, either! - my mom's being prissy and wont come up and help me schedule a date for it or anything. she personally thinks i shouldn't or dont need to do it, but i need to, cause some colleges i wanna check out demand them, so i'm rambling and yeah.

    ugh. lol. :D
    August 17th, 2009 at 03:04am
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    awww, thats just mean! i do have moments where my skin will warm up, but over half the time, I shiver. we're cool! lol
    AAAAAALHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhh that it so cool! Lucky! I'd have loved to see alll those bands. well, blink 182 isn't one of my fave, but they're pretty awesome. the Acedmy Is is actually coming through in like a month... but they're playing at The House of Blues or something, and you have to be 18 or bring an adult, so....not there yet! :(
    that sucks so much, though, about the rash. though I know just how you feel- i just got one from my swimsuit shorts, walking to and from the pool down my street... horrible. then my mom told me to try Aloe Vera....
    DONT DO IT! it buuuuuuuuuuuuurns.....not listening to her again, gah...that was a horrible forty-five seconds, i swear. :(
    and odd lights....ooh, though the glass cover on some, you know? Over thel ightbulb? yeah, i had one in my room...and it fell randomly one night, avoided mybed that was right under it, and just fell and crashed on the floor! me and my sis are convinced we have a ghost. Muriel. lol. which is odd, cause she shouldn't be here, cause my parents bought the house six years ago, before it was even built.
    my highlite? i dunno.... um.... writing all mys tories has been awesome....but it didn't feel like summer! and i'm kinda hoping that going to Warped in just ONE week will be my high lite. but the camps i went to were pretty fun...and i'm glad i have a job....so....yeah. lol. how about you? or was that concert it?
    August 15th, 2009 at 07:10pm
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    wow, it has been a while! lol :D
    but things are going pretty swell, I spose. just getting ready for the new school year.... eugh. this did NOT feel like summer...
    even funnier- yesterday morning i was FREEZING. wrapped in slippers, jacket and scarf.... in summer.....in san diego. ridiculous? pshYEAH! lol. my dad's so convinced theres something wrong w/ me. but we're all too lazy to pay to check it out or anything, cause its not serious or anything.
    life is swelll....and yeah. lol how about you?
    August 14th, 2009 at 09:53pm
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    hey! at the moment i'm at a pals, cause my sista ditched me for a dance. wont be back till midnight. here after a double date at the beach. went barefoot on the rocks and seagulls ate our food [stupid protected bird brains...lol] but it was wicked funfun :D
    nice bout the toaster- only saw the movie once or twice, though. and home, we have a toaster [like OLD OLD] and a toaster oven. heh
    you're kidding me!! i just cut my hair, too!!! lol. i cut it this short before, though, so its all nice again. but i know what you mean. thats awesome. but hope your hair style plan can rock and stuff someday soon!
    lovely, your bro will love that. haha reminds me of a friend who gave a guy friend a barbie for his b-day....:D
    uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pen or pencil...
    does mechanical pencil count? i hate normal pencils. sooo weak. hehe. but pens are fun. i write on myself tons. so i'd say a pen.
    ummmmmmmmmmm would you rather meet a mime or acrobat?
    July 25th, 2009 at 07:54am
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    lol, spelling mistakes are okie-dokie, I assure you.
    lol, and awww to poor Dan! whatever happened to him??
    and definintly an upgrade! no more creepy ladies, just cute guys! definitely a plus.
    odd, lol. why did your sis have the chair, i wonder? and i know what you mean about feeling short! i jsut have to walk around my house or siblings and baaaam. :D
    Hehe- i like your answer of my very random quesetion [nooo idea how i thought of it, i swear]. cause they do look really grand and awesome. speaking of which, one of ours just stopped working w/ its batteries...:( heh. though i was babysitting once, and they had one clock...it chimed every half hour! really got on my nerves, i swear!
    but they look soo nice and grand and awesome....they're cool. :D and definitely have personalities! makes me think of...Clogsworth [? think...] from Beauty and the Beast. lol :D
    hmmm. what would I do....If i could absolutely do anything? Well, I'm not too sure- but I think I'd like to do something impossible, or something everyone said was impossible.... and survive, of course. :D and not be injured in anyway. no idea what, but doing the impossible definitely appeals to me.... or like... be a computer whiz and hack into the govt stuff, just to say i can. lol:D
    random question....Would you rather have your printer or your toaster come alive [with a personality, too]?
    July 23rd, 2009 at 06:10pm
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    Europe rocks!
    and this comment has to be quick cause my sis is gonna kick me offf annnnny minute. so... yeah- your church thing doesn't sound too bad. I think? :D just....sitting there....and look pretty! dont forget thta! ;D
    And thats nice, just being able to relax, sit back, draw and doodle cause you're getting paid to do that much....
    lol- did the creepy lady sit there, or what? and she must've wanted you to draw her dog, which she just might keep stuffed by her bedside and kiss goodnight all the time.... eh, never know. lol
    lol, i've considered it- but it's like i'm a personal assistant, and lately i've been movign around the office making copies, organizing and putting together folders. and sometimes she comes by to say something, and if I'm listening or reading something, she'll see and i won't be working enough and its not cool- especially when listening to my ipod, i'm deaf in one ear so the plug goes in my hearing ear and takes up all the sound, so i can't hear anyone and yeah....eugh....lol. oh well- only nine hours a week, its not too bad.
    random question....would you rather be a grandfather clock, or digital? and why? [random enough? lol....]
    July 20th, 2009 at 06:47pm
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    I've been drawing lately and the creepy lady I work with keeps staring at me while I draw. She also needs a breath mint but thats another thing... I got a game called right brain left brain and its helping me become ambidextrous so its cool. Hmm random question if you could live anywhere you could wish where would it be?

    lol, sorry for the song stuck in your head- sometimes my younger sister will get one stuck, and then she'll keep singing it randomly until it's stuck in ours. Funny for her, but sucks for us cause its also the lamest songs around, haha.
    Well, that'll make an interesting b-day! Lol. And sorry, can't be too fun, then. Could get very awkward... my b-day in two weeks wont be that fascinating for sure. It shall be.... boring. :( lol
    Yeah, drawing anything cool? And where do you work, that gives you time to draw? and maybe the creepy lady's jealous! or wants to eat your paper? The possibilities are endless. :D Where I work, in a Real Estate office [brand new], it's reallllllllly quiet. I'm dying to bring a stereo or listen to my ipod, but that may not be a good idea, so.... yeah. and i miss wearing my jeans during that time....oh wells.
    but that's so cool, becoming ambidextrous. I've tried teaching myself... doesn't really work. and my little brother is, which sucks. heh..... but that does sound awesome!
    um uh..... Europe!!!! :D definitely europe. england, ireland or scotland. very awesome. well, with American freedoms, of course. hehe.... How abotu you??
    July 19th, 2009 at 10:00pm
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    lol-sounds like the movie was a hit..... or, being there was. hehe. would have loved to see those shorts! haha kinda reminds me of these bright blue skinnies I bought [my first and only pair] and my dad can't stop staring and laughing. kind of annoying, but funny at the same time...i was bright. it was fun. lol
    seriously? never done any roadtrips? woooow.... as a kid, we used to drive twelve hours in one day for a vacation or something, instead of staying overnight at a hotel like we do now [too much for the seven of us to survive together that long in a eight passenger van :D]
    and your friend is awesome! I'm insanely jealous. :D lol. that would be so fun, dressing up and then winning the tickets. tell her congrats! hehe
    eck, dont choke! not cool, for sure. lol. have fun with the gardening! :D
    July 17th, 2009 at 06:51pm
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    first off, i have a newfound respect for showers. :D i was just gone at a camp in the middle of nowhere for a few days, but I'm back and clean!!!!!! :D scratched up, but very clean.
    and sorry bout it not posting- ugh, and the bug. hate bugs. eeugh....lol
    my sisters went and saw the new HP movie- did you? I may someday, but I dont think its worth it for the theaters- no offense!
    so.... yeah. my summer seems to be ending. but all three youth camps are over, and I'm inspired and all that fun jazz. my b-day's up in about three weeks, then Warped Tour two/three weeks after that... though I may have a facial surgery between that. Still debating, cause I dont wanna look banged up at the concert, and I'd be very colored up for a while. and I'm still unsure if I'm gonna do the surgery in the first place....
    my stories... well.... i dunno. lately, i'd been losing lots of inspiration for most of them and getting a bit depressed, especially w/ She Means The World To Me- i mean, i've got plans for all my stories, but I just can't get myself to write them, you know? so yeah.... but I will finish them, i know that much. we'll just... have to wait and see how it goes, i suppose.
    oh and I got a little job, helping out at a Real Estate office- the three guys who direct the place go to my church- i go for three days a week, three hours each and work a bit... But besides that, I also need to start studying like crazy for stuff, like the ACT and SAT that I have to take in early fall! eep....
    hope your stomach feels better! and i know how much it stinks. today we drove home for like eight hours from utah, and i had a stomach ache practically the whole time. not so fun... so i really hope the sleep and medicine helps!
    July 17th, 2009 at 05:28am
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    cool, was the yankees game any cool and fun? hope so!
    hope your sister's back to good soon and so its a circus, or what do those words added on, mean exactly? [holy crap, i feel like a hermit. haha....]
    four hours of volleyball? i mean, its my favorite sport, but I'd probably die... congrats on surviving! lol. :D and definitely, poking people's aching arms definitely deserves a pinch! ;D
    oh, fun fun....lol, waking at seven- whenever my mom's home [which is usual] she makes sure we're up then, even when there isn't school. sometimes we're lucky and get to sleep in till eight or nine on Saturdays.... so we don't get much sleeping in. :( but then, i can't sleep much, so....yeah! lol
    party's are fun! i just missed one for a little reunion of friends, but it was a few states away, so.... haha. :D let me know how yours goes!
    i feel like a kid. :D and WHY? becassssssse......i've been watching iCarly. No, not just catching a few episodes.... but every episode....watching it all on netflix. like a new obsession.... i'm such a kid!!! lol
    otherwise, theres this one more summer camp i'll be going to in just over a week for a few days, and.....OH! our charter school keeps saying we still have some books on my account and they wont give me my diploma till we send in the books! which we already did.....evilness! lol
    weather is.... pretty normal, i suppose. sunny, finally getting a bit warm and such. which is weird- usually burning up but i bet it soon will
    July 3rd, 2009 at 07:24pm
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    baseball tickets, eh? seeing anyone good? My dad's gotten some to the padres before [from work and the like] and they aren't too bad... but i don't keep track of stuff like that. i'll watch them if i'm there, but otherwise not interested.
    and yaeh, not being 18 is just.... i mean, its still fun, but still lots of restrictions! lol...
    Algeria. Alegria..... never heard of it/them. is it a band? what sorta music?
    ohhhhh fun. four hours of religion. jazzy. :D hehe. i mean, religion is good, if you believe in it/yours thingy and all that, right? just... needs some enthusiasm! hehe
    hope you ran fast! lol.... and hope you weren't too late! hehe.
    June 30th, 2009 at 06:58pm
  • riddlemeadream

    riddlemeadream (100)

    United States
    hurrah, i AM back!! :D From camp and another short summer program [with cute guys....lol]
    France???? crazy, but awsome for her! And i know what thats like, when my sis went to college... she's back now, and thats just as weird. haha....
    one thing to do over the summer? sadly enough- get a job, get ready for school.... WARPED TOUR!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe. Already got my tickets, hurrah! i'm stoked. mostly just earning and spending money, i suppose. i love shopping, its my secret sin....Though going on some dates or something wouldn't be a problem. ;D hehe- what about you?
    Yeah? Interesting... it does seem like it would have a sad ending. And yeah- most movies don't follow their story books too well- always a huge disappointment, sorry! But it does look pretty good. Might read the book this summer or somethign...oh- school things are going funny over ehre, so everything starts in July, a few weeks. my younger sis is checking out public school, so while sh'es inside studying, i'll be at the pool, haha! lol- though our church seminary will start then, too. ugh- getting up at 5:30 every morning for a class.... eugh.
    Hope your inspiration stuff was cool! and its late, i gotta be getting off.... :D
    June 30th, 2009 at 05:57am