MichaelJamesWay / Comments

  • OMG. O.O YOU'RE BACK! -tackles you to the ground- What happened to you? I missed your long and beautiful comments so much! I can't believe you were gone. But now ... I'm so happy, very happy that you're back! Did you just fall down from the sky?

    Thank you :] I'm glad you love it, because I love it too. Someone said she loved my layout, but too bad there's Jamia in it. :( I'm not telling her that it's wrong, but it just so sad, because Jamia is a pretty woman and she will always be. <3

    I agree with you. I'm just happy for what I am now, even though there are couple things that I hate about my life. But I think I'd be really happy to just live in my life right now. Sure, if we live with MCR it would be a good journey. I'd love to live with them, but not forever. Maybe a week or 5 weeks (;p). To be honest, I really want to meet them, but maybe if I already met them, I don't know what will I do next. I'll just faint or something like that. XD Because you know ... I honestly just want to ask them about personals questions but I'm sure they wouldn't answer it. And beside, it's their business not ours. It's their lives not ours. So yeah ... I just wish to meet them one day, and talk to them about lives. :]

    XD Then I have to come with you to Brooklyn. I'm so happy they're together. Maybe there are a lot of males/females out there that 'loves' Alicia or/and Mikey too. But they are really fit together, I can't really imagine what will happen if they divorced. Because I can't live without them being together. They are meant to be together. You know there are a lot of people out there who believes Frank married Jamia or/and Gerard married Lindsey just because they want to hide the fact they're gay and in love with each other. Ew. I'm not bashing frerards, I love to read frerard, just nor in reality. Because I believe they're happy with their wives/fiance now. :]

    My friend told me Gerard's having a baby with Lindsey in my school that day, but I don't believe it, because there are some old rumors that say the same about it, right? But when I got home, I read an author note that says 'Gee's having a baby with Lindsey, yay!' XD And I'm just jumping around my room. But still, I was half believed and half not, so I went to check out the Mikey Way Online site, and there is a news about it. I'm so happy for them. <3

    I know the baby will come out soon. :]

    Yeah, it sucks if we're reading some sex scene on a story and there's just my mother on my house. I'm afraid she'll see what I read. :(

    XD Then we shall write a story about it then ... and make it come true ... :D

    Err ... what's lemon means? I'm sure you told me that in the last comment, I just couldn't read the rest of your comment ...

    Bleh, I don't know. He just show me some disgust ...
    March 29th, 2009 at 04:06am
  • Damn. I just told my father I like to read Frerards.
    I'm so ... scared.
    March 17th, 2009 at 04:18pm
  • [i]I thought I had replied, I'm sorry love! I shall definately read those, if I haven't already - I don't think that I have though.

    Waycest/Fraycest/Slash = Smiley & Smiley Seriously, I'm a slash whore. Any slash etc, you know where I am Smiley I'm somewhat sad, I know. I love Nervosa! I should really comment your stories, I'm so lazy sometimes :(
    Gosh, my English lessons are so boring, it's insane! :([/i]
    March 16th, 2009 at 11:25pm
  • wow now u tell that u the same sytle as the drummer...maybe ill listen to them when i get my ner ipod cause the one that i had got fucked up!!
    March 14th, 2009 at 07:42pm
  • That's what I meant! I don't want to live in the life of MCR. Even though we all know that MCR life is just like ... heaven on earth maybe? Fun. Their life is so fun and exciting, so if we're living on it, we can be like the happiest person on earth. Yeah, I can get so sad easily if I read a story where Mikey or Frank is a bad guy, or kills one of their band mates (seriously, they need a life.). Sure, they're creative and such, but I kind of don't really like the things like, Mikey doesn't love Gerard anymore or something like that. Because I know how that feels. And I know that in reality, Mikey wouldn't do that. I know. :( They are like, so suffered because of them. The fans basically want Jamia, Alicia and other MCR wives to be suffered, and then MCR would choose them to be their wives. But seriously, they are YOUNG. They obviously can't marry them, hell they can't date them. Awe, Frank is so nice, and so are Mikey, Gerard, Ray and Bob. They are all very nice. Gerard's quote always playing in my head so that I can keep my faith.

    Awe, yeah, I noticed that. Mikey and Alicia are like, the pieces of a puzzle, and then meet each other. They finished their puzzle. I love to see them together. I enjoy to see their picture. And yes, I'm guessing the Wayby of Mikey and Alicia would be gorgeous, more gorgeous even. It'll be the prettiest person on earth. LOL Do it then! I want to see what happen! XD

    Okay, I'll search for them. :D

    XD Yeah, I'll be so exciting if Mikey and Alicia are having a baby. :)

    XD Yeah, I don't like to read in night times though, sometimes I can't just get the point of the story. I do want some more free times, because I like to read sex (Frikey's number one! XD), though I don't really write sex, because I just don't know how to write one. XD

    Now I want to make a story with that idea. Seriously, if that'll happen, I'll fly to them and hug them and say 'You guys, my dream came true! Finally you guys had your fun! (sex)' XD I'd do that. I'm serious. XP

    NO! It's cut off again. :( Can you send me the rest, please?

    I could write a lemon story if I put every Frikey thought I've ever had since I started reading it together, that would be one lust filled story! . . .k
    March 13th, 2009 at 02:54pm
  • I'm going to make this as two comments, because I'm afraid you can't read it. :( XD

    Yeah, and I really hate it when a story have the Mikey character, and the Mikey character is bad or is a criminal and such. I don't like that. I just say goodbye to it and then leave it there. XD I mean, I don't like seeing one of MCR being a bad guy or something like that. Yeah, I agree. It's not fair, they should be thinking, what if they date someone they really love, and then end up people talking bad about them just because you dare someone that they date someone they love. It isn't fair, isn't it? I think I know how MCR's wives feel when the first time they see/read the hate mails. But of course, MCR would be there for them, so they'll be alright. :) It is kinda rude of people, because MCR's wives just want to spend their live with the one they love. Don't we all? I don't think we are falling in love with Bob or Ray or Frank or Mikey or Gerard. They are just our idols. Right?

    Haha, you are an Alicia's addict! I love her though, but not much. But she is really pretty, and she looks like just like Mikey sometimes, don't you notice that? She's pretty, Mikey's pretty, who will their daughter/son be? The greatest supermodel in the world? Yes. XD

    She is! She's so perfect and Frank's too! They were happy I can tell that. Well, of course they're happy, duh, it's their wedding. Where did you get the wedding pics from?

    Haha yeah! I want to see how will baby Mikey&Alicia will look like. Like I said, Mikey's pretty, Alicia's pretty, what will the baby be? XD
    I have a feeling, they'll make a baby soon. I know they will. XD

    XD My parents would kill me too. Maybe kick me out? Maybe. And yeah, the same things like you. Will no internet (yep, no you.), no cellphone (my phone actually broken right now, so...), no iPod(I'll dead.), no tv(gosh) and no everything except books. Haha. Yeah, I know that. I'm more enjoying reading fictions (or sex, for that matter) when my house is empty, or when my parents and my brother went out somewhere, and then they left me alone. It would be a really good opportunity to read them. XD Awe, I'm glad that we can talk too. :) -hugs-

    I'll be dead in my place if that happened. I know that they don't have any frikey actions for years. I'm starving for it. If Frank would just, yeah ... see/look at Mikey on a dirty way, I'd dead in my place. Really. I'm so hoping that Mikey and Frank would do some sexual contents. Beside, I think Frank would be lonely if the tour start. Gerard can't do the things anymore, because he has a baby. So I think Frank will run into Mikey and make some love. XD
    I don't think I'm pretty. I don't like mirrors. I hate cameras (even though my father love to take pictures of me). I don't have the prettyness in me. My hair is curly, I'm fat, I'm sensitive. I'm just ... not pretty. Well, that's for me anyway. I don't think I'm pretty.

    I agree. :) I think most of the good friends are from internet, and we've never meet each other ever. Because we lived in seperated places, we are so far away. Though, we want them to be our best friends in school. Why thank you :) If, I'm mad at someone or just sad, and I see your comment, I'll forget about it later, like ... after reading your comment. You're like, bring me some happiness again. When it's gone, you'll bring it back by your comment. I'll be really happy again. :)
    XD Yeah, maybe... I like to give people hope so much. Beside, the stories are incredible, so ... why not? XD
    Well, I never do that before ... good idea from you though, I'll try that sometimes. XD Maybe a link will appear out of no where ... right?
    And no, you're not a fool, because I am one of them too ... believe me.

    Is that all of your comment? Because it got cut off again. -_-'
    Oops, I forgot about divided this comment into two. So ... enjoy them! :)
    March 12th, 2009 at 03:13pm
  • Oh yes please! I actually adore Waycest, like the slightly disturbed person that I am! Haha. Frikey's definately the best - I want to improve on my slash writing skills and then eventually try and write either a Frikey, Waycest or both. Who knows! Haha.

    Oh I will. It's so interesting. I'm into all that sort of thing. History is like, [i]my thing[/i], you know?

    Aww, thank you! :)
    March 11th, 2009 at 10:53pm
  • Still waiting for your comment, :) I'll leave you a (hopefully) long comment. Here we go:

    Yeah, I feel so, really uncomfortable when I read with people looking at me. I don't like that, because you know, I read a lot of gay stories (of course, Frikeys) and yeah, if my parents found out about it, I'll be dead. I don't want anyone who saw me reading them, tell someone about it, because you know. The stories are my life, and I can't live without them. I understand how you feel, do your parents know that you like to read/write sex (kinda weird to say that actually, XD)? Because you know, if my mom found out about the sex that I've wrote, she'll kill me, shut down the internet connection and tell me to study. Haha, -sigh-

    We all know that MCR wives are so gorgeus and beautiful and so ... beautiful(yes, I have to say it twice). I can't be compare to them, or if we have some beauty contest, they'll win. Of course, and they are like, so perfect for MCR. And I see the whole point you're really into Alicia. XD But I love Alicia, Jamia, Lindsey, Krista, and Kaitlin (are they still together? Will they get marry soon? please? XD). Well yeah, of course they can do that, but they will not do that in here, I guess. Because there are some rules that we can't have a relationship with the same genre here, illegal (wow.). And beside, I'm not a big fan of frerard, so I don't really care about it, but if Frank can show some Frikey here, it'll be heaven. :D
    Really? You'll post it soon?! Yay! Tell me if you posted it, okay? I'll read it of course, ;). Yeah, no one can really captured them right.

    Awe, hun, :hugs: If there is the link to my profile saying I have new profile comments, I would be like hoping that one of them is yours. Because you see, your comments are all make sense, and yes, I have to agree. I'm so happy that I found someone like me, that like Frikey's and Waycest' and of course, very supportive of the MCR wives. I'm so grateful, and I'm so proud that I came into your profile, saw the incredible picture, and left you a quick comment. And then after that, you replied to me saying thank you, and then we began to talk some nonsense things, but I don't care. It leaded us to this long, long and very ... clicky? comments. :) When I clicked the submit button, I always want to wait for my comment to show up, and then see how long it is. And I just smile, seeing that you'll read my very long comment. :D

    Yeah, if I read something that really interesting, I'd like hoping for a link to appear on the bottom of the chapter. But if there isn't any, I'd like sighing and close the tab. Or, if it's unfinished and then the author have been not updating it for so long, I'll go to the author's profile and then leave comment saying 'I love your story, please don't give up on it.'. Sometimes, people will understand what I said, but sometimes again, people will not.

    Why thank you. :) Please, never compare me to the love of your live. She's yours or maybe someone else will be yours one day. But really, I'm not her, and I'll never be. So don't worry about it, I know that you love her a lot. :) And thank you again for your nice compliment... :) I love talking to you too and reading your stories (or story) :)
    Haha me too, I found mibba on INO. I was so depress that time, and just relaxing myself in here, and bam, I found you. :)

    Alright, just take your time, but you already know that I can't really wait for it. XD

    Damn, it stops at this: Ooh, I know. What's sad is that when people so introdu

    Please give me the rest of your comment, I'm really sad right now, to find out I can't read the full comment from you. :(

    Oh, and btw, I made a lot of avvies yesterday, they were all Framia and Micia, for their anniversary. :D
    March 11th, 2009 at 03:43pm
  • Your comment's too long. :( I can't read it after the 'I remember every time I saw a bullet ..' and? Can you send me the rest please? :pleading eyes here: :(
    March 11th, 2009 at 10:01am
  • And I see you like waycest, yes?
    Do you have any good ones to recommend? I actually adore them :L
    March 10th, 2009 at 11:48pm
  • Oh I agree, I absolutely adore the Italian Renaissance. It's one of my favourite things to study that's not British history. I love my country's history lots. I say that because I have no idea where you are in the world =/

    I really like what I've read of Counting! I think most authors don't like their own stories - hell, I hate mine with a passion! You know? And that's still big - I think it's bigger then mine, but I have no idea really haha. (:
    March 10th, 2009 at 11:27pm
  • Yeah! I like to do that a lot. When thee of my favorite stories get updated, I would like go fangirl-ing over it. And then I'll click the last chapter that they updated, and then I'll be like debating, which one should I read first. Because you know the feeling inside me, when I read my favorite one, I have to read it perfectly on a perfect time and perfect feeling. I don't want, when I read my favorite stories, my brother disturb me etc, I don't want that to happen, so I have to debat it first, and then read it. It so hard sometimes because they are all my favorite. And yes, if one story get updated and when I read it the chapter was so boring and so un-original, I would be sighing, they've lied to the readers.

    Yeah, I would like to see them get actions on stage again. Or at least, do something at each other. But I think Lindsey'll mad at Gerard, because maybe, just maybe, she thinks that incest ... yeah. But Lindsey is a perfect and beautiful lady for me. I don't think that'll happen, but I don't think the waycest actions will be on the stages even more often. Maybe there will be a couple of the actions, but just less ... not much. Awe, don't worry, I don't think I captured it right too in the Fun On Stage ... I think you'll get so many readers when you post it though, you're a really great writer. :)

    :hugs: It's no problem. I'm glad too I chose to leave you a little comment on here while ago. When I said that I love your profile thing. ;) I love to talk to you so much, and yes, you're really easy to talk to and really understanding. You're really sweet and caring, and just ... fun. For me anyway. And yes, it surprised me too, we have a lot of similarities, and I'm so thankful for that. The frikeys and waycest things, the MCR wives things, the mibba things, even the life things. Haha, I don't know why but when you mentioned the Gee's picture made me giggled. :) It made me smile so wide. You like... always make my day, by sending the big and long but perfect comment to me. When I see those lines and paragraphs, I would go over-excited and then read your comment first. I'm so in love with your lines, sentences and ...you. :)

    Well, haha, yes, of course, sometimes I would be so confused what the hell had happened. But I like it that way, I'll find something that will tell me what had happened on that story in a couple of sentences. Haha yeah, sometimes, killer layout kills my eyes too. I wear glasses ... it just distracted me. -_-'

    Well, that's good to know that you're not going to harm yourself, because I'll get so depressed if you do that. You know how much I love to see your comments, stories, and your rants ... I enjoy you for some reasons, you kinda ... clicked to me...
    It's true. :) I wouldn't meet you if Mibba wasn't exist. I do thankful for Dujo to make this lovely website. I can read the awesomeness of Frikey's (and yes, the Mikey in Frank's pant counted. XD) and to talk to you. :) What a wonderful site ...

    I would be really happy if you give me all? :D
    I'm so starving for Frank/Jamia and Alicia/Mikey stories. Not much people like them and choose to write them. :( I hope more people will relise how beautiful Frank/Jamia and Alicia/Mikey pairings are. :hoping:

    XD But it's fine, perfectly fine, and beautiful ...
    I missed the Mikey and Alicia pics though...
    I'm guessing you have a lot of Alicia's pictures? :D

    Yeah! And ... Happy Anniversary Jamia and Frank! :hugs:
    Man, they are awesome! They've married for a years now ... :D
    I'm so happy ... and the one that really clicked into my brain is, Frank and Mikey's anniversary just have 2 days different.

    Oops, sorry I was wrong, Mikey have been married for 2 years now, not three ... XD But yeah, I'm so happy for Mikey. I hope he and Alicia will live happily ever after. :)
    March 10th, 2009 at 02:02pm
  • I'm a history fan so probably me...but the homework's just so darned annoying! :grr:

    Same here. Ooh, how big are your gauges? I have 8mm's in mine, I don't want bigger and the Mum won't allow more, so it works. I just sat and did homework, read stories on here, and started reading your Frikey (<3)
    March 9th, 2009 at 10:51pm
  • Yes, I agree. I usually get sad if someone unsubscribe, and I thought my story isn't that interesting anymore. But it's true you know, I get that. My story isn't interesting anymore, but because of what? The incest? Dude ...
    Haha yeah, if there is a story that says m-pregs, I just go quickly to the first chapter and read it, and subscribe and comment. XD I love it so much, it's just like ... really awesome, and ... contagious XD And yes, I hate it when people say that their stories are original, and then in the end, they aren't original anymore...

    Well ... it's true, but it's kinda weird. But really, if Mikey and Gerard are dating in the real life, I would be happy. XD But I think I love the way brotherly love stories and real life more. It's just drawing my dreams, you know, me and my brother. I want to be like Gerard so bad, like ... cared. You know ...
    Yeah, maybe I'll re-write it (XD). I love Jamia/Frank so much. I don't want to give up on it. :( Do you know any good Frank/Jamia or Mikey/Alicia? I would like to read it... :D

    Awe ... why thank you MichaelJamesWay. (XD) I love your comments, and your saying to me/about me. I'm really comfortable talking to you, and you are the nicest person I've talked to. You are like, giving me a real compliments about my stories, and such. Like I said, no one have said the things like you do... :)

    LOL, when I read the stories that have some grammars ... yeah, I would like to just, go to the last pharagraphs and then go into the next chapter. XD

    Awe, why did you do that? :( You hurt yourself, it wasn't good, it was bad. Really bad. You can't hurt yourself like that, you deserve to be happy. And fuck mibba to did it to you. But I love mibba, because mibba is where I met/talked to you. :) I love mibba ... So, don't hurt yourself, no, don't. You can't hurt yourself again. I don't want anyone hurt themselves, because it's bad. You have to know that. -hugs- Don't hurt yourself again, okay? :)

    Haha, that's why I mentioned you, do you know good stories about Jamia/Frank and Mikey/Alicia? Because they are my favorite beside frikeys and waycest ...

    Nah, it's fine, she's really pretty in here ... :inlove:

    You know what, yesterday was Mikey and Alicia's Anniversary! :D Congrats them! And Tomorrow (March tenth) is Frank and Jamia's Anniversary! I'm so happy for them! :D

    (Wow, Mikey is married for three years ...)
    March 9th, 2009 at 08:01am
  • nope just hanging with my friends
    well i told my friends that avenged sevenfold was going to be here in LA and they went crazy...i think they love them alot..i have only heard them twice i think but liked them..my sis has their songs in her ipod and hears the once in a while and you!!
    March 8th, 2009 at 11:42pm
  • my friend is help me so i think shes changing it a little
    March 8th, 2009 at 11:25pm
  • Oh yes.
    That's what I like to hear :) I'm not too bad. Rather bored of all this History homework, but other then that, I'm not too bad.
    How's your weekend been?
    March 8th, 2009 at 10:13pm
  • i'm good just a little bored, what about you
    March 8th, 2009 at 09:06pm
  • Yes, I always hate that when it happens. I don't want to unsubscribe, I hate to unsubscribe to some stories, but I don't like it anymore, so ... but I feel so bad after I unsubscribe to a story ... :( I don't really care about the frerard in that story, because mainly, it's about Bob and Mikey having relationship and Mikey pregnant etc, etc. I just love m-pregs, especially Bikey's. Hahaha, I know what you mean, but I don't really that interacted into sex right now, I don't know why ...

    Yeah, some people always think that waycest is disgusting because it's an incest [i]and[/i] a slash. Of course, not much people love it. Why thank you. :arms: You're really nice to me, that's make my night tonight, thank you so much. :D But I think I already lost the faith in it, I think I'll give up on it. Dalma doesn't read that thing anymore. I don't think a single person read it anymore. So why do I care to update it? Thank you so much... :)

    Awe, sugar, I know that your life would be better one day. I know it, just keep the faith. :) Someone better waits for you out there, someone better. :)
    Thank you so much again! You're so kind and nice. You're like, the nicest person I've met/talked to in mibba. :hugs:

    I get that point. I know that, like when I read something wrong in a story, I'll just say the right one to myself, so that I don't get wrong. It works, XD. Sure, maybe I'll annoyed by it a little bit, but I just chose to ignore it, anyway ...

    Why thank you. :) That's a nice compliment too....
    When Nervosa got updated too, I'll like squeeling from happiness ...

    Me too... :) That's why my first one-shot on mibba is a Micia (LOL). I love that pairing so much, they are brilliant. You should read 'The Darkest Hours' I don't know it's by who, but it's a micia. XD

    Loving your layout by the way ... ;)
    March 8th, 2009 at 04:29pm
  • Alicia and Mikey are probably the most gorgeous couple ever. :tehe:
    How are you?
    March 7th, 2009 at 11:27pm