No, you're not on a reality show 'for your kids'

I've been watching the American Idol auditions and I have to honestly ask... do producers ask people to spiel this bull??I think Top Model is actually the worst for this statement but still...I mean, having kids, isn't really a sob story. And telling me you're abandoning them to go on a TV show isn't going to make me have sympathy for you.Seriously... you are not there for your kids. Stop trying...
January 21st, 2010 at 09:30pm

Mum, Prince William probably wouldn't want to marry me anyway.

So the buzz down under at the moment is that Prince William is visiting.Can I ask one questionWho the frick cares?Apparently this morning one of the headlines in the news (and bare in mind that my mother listens to talk-back 'serious' radio as well) was that he was doing... something... and wearing sensible clothes.Yes... they reported on his attire.What. The. Hell?Anyway, mum keeps making jokes...
January 20th, 2010 at 05:23am

I don't really understand the term 'African-American' (and others like it)

So... perhaps I'll get a bit of flak for this. I don't really know.But I was reading another journal about racism etc and this thought struck me.I don't actually understand the term African-American. Or Asian-American or... well, you get were I'm going.Perhaps it's because I'm not actually American. In fact, I've never stepped foot inside the US so maybe I'm missing something.I get that racial...
January 20th, 2010 at 01:05am

This is one bored Mibbian, looking for something to do.

I don't have anything to do today.I wanted to go on an adventure, but all my friends are busy with either a) social lives that don't seem to include me or b)working.Plus, I've woken up with a bit of a cold so I'd rather not have to put energy into my appearance. I like lazy bumming around days.But I want something to do.Yesterday I cooked and I'm sort of over that now, so cooking is out.There's a...
January 19th, 2010 at 12:35am

When you make me feel like crap every time I open my mouth... it's no wonder I'm insecure.

I feel like I live in two different worlds sometimes. I have two completely different groups of friends and those worlds rarely seem to collide.One group of friends I've known since I was in yr 7. They're the reason I survive high school without breaking down. Sometimes, they're all that keep me sane. But I feel like they constantly make a mockery of me.I don't think they do it on purpose. None of...
January 18th, 2010 at 12:55am

I think I really like him. Too bad I'm terrible at this whole 'having a crush' thing.

There's been a massive two year boy drought in my life (kind of anyway... ) and now I suddenly have a crush on this guy and I'm like...Arrggh!!Cause I've basically forgotten what it's like.But he's the nicest, sweetest, most genuine guy ever. He's one of those people that just make you feel like you can talk to them at any time about anything and they wont judge you or think any differently of...
January 17th, 2010 at 03:17am

I really hate my feet.

Ok, I don't know that I've ever heard of anyone loving their feet, but I especially hate mine.I hate walking around barefoot, or even in thongs, or any other open-toed shoe, because I feel like people will be staring at my feet and judging me because of them.They're just gross.My big toes are huge and my toenails are weird (like, I pretty much need to get them pulled off, because I'm allergic to...
January 14th, 2010 at 05:31am

I gots me some writin' blues. (if you have advice I'd like it. But for the most part, I'm just rambling)

Right so. Working on a multi-chapter right now.I told myself that I would finish this story during my massively long summer break, but I don't think it'll happen. However... I'm still writing it.The main character is a celebrity. It's my own original story though, so she's a celebrity that doesn't actually exist... only in the confines of my imagination and words.I've written at least half the...
January 13th, 2010 at 08:53am

Greasy hair tips and tricks?

So, I'm regretting my decision to not wash my hair last night. I have to go out soon and don't have enough time to have a shower and wash it.I also don't have any talcum powder which I know works.Even pulled back it's still really gross looking/ Do any of you guys have any tips?I really need to buy this stuff you can get, you spray it in your hair then brush it really quickly and it soaks up the...
January 13th, 2010 at 01:26am

Ew, please don't tell me I have a cavity

I'm pretty worried I may have a cavity at the moment.One side of my mouth doesn't hurt, but is a teensy bit uncomfortable. I don't know how to explain it.I'm sort of petrified of the dentist. Despite the fact I have never once had a bad experience, from getting fillings previous to getting teeth pulled, it's never been that bad. Yet for some reason the anticipation is always painful and nerve...
January 12th, 2010 at 11:48am

All Zee Bandwagons At Once.

It's physically impossible in a literal sense, but hey, lets just roll with it. I see that people have been positing journals about their favourite books, movies, TV shows, etc. I'll just do them all at once because I'm just that cool.Don't deny it.Movies:-Pirates of the Caribbean-Atonement-Pulp Fiction-She's the Man-Final Destination-The Notebook-Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging-The Lion...
January 11th, 2010 at 07:36am

The Written Word (food for thought)

I don't know why but today while I was sitting at work (bored out of my mind) I suddenly remember all this stuff that I learnt about last year before I was really an active member on Mibba.I think some Mibba members might be interested in it, since most of us consider ourselves to be writers.At Uni several lecturers of mine kept talking about 'the technologies of the written word' and making...
January 11th, 2010 at 07:23am

Are you a harsh critic? (then I want you!)

Ok so, I love the comments are like 'wow, this is awesome' but I'm afraid they're not good enough anymore.See, sometimes it's hard to step back and see what needs changing in your work. Sometimes you know there's something but you just can't make out what. Sometimes... you just need another opinion.This semester at uni I'm taking a writing fiction course and see... I know my tutor isn't going to...
January 9th, 2010 at 06:36am

She quit her job... to spend time with her boyfriend

I'll give you a moment to soak that in.Now, here's the story.A friend of mine failed her last year of school. She spent the next year doing nothing she said she was trying to get a job but she really wasn't. Not when if she was serious about it she could have at the most taken a short course in Administration and gotten a receptionists job or something. There are a million things she could have...
January 8th, 2010 at 02:57pm

8 year olds shouldn't have facebook

I'm sorry but no.See, I work with kids around 7-8 years old at church so I know a lot of little kids. Now, some of them play around on their parents facebook page (like sit there with their parents, or play the games or whatever) and I think that's fine as long as their parents are monitoring what they're doing (and what they're friends are doing, if there's going to be something inappropriate the...
January 8th, 2010 at 09:10am

Hate to use the journals to ask a question but...

Regarding collections, whats the rules? Are there rules?As I was replying to another journal I suddenly realised that I have quite a few one-shots not quite related but all part of a exercise I do when I'm bored where I find a picture and write a one shot inspired by it. When I finally get around to editing them and posting them I'd like to put them in a collection but does hat break the rules?...
January 6th, 2010 at 07:26am

2009 Reflections. 2010 Predictions.

2009 was good.Relatively uneventful, but good. I discovered more about myself. More about what I want out of life and who I am.I want to travel. I want to see London, New York and LA in particular before I die (hopefully, I've got a long time to fulfill this goal).I want to have fun. I don't want to live by rules and guidelines (not anymore anyway). I want to enjoy life.These things I discovered...
December 31st, 2009 at 01:31am

The internet shouldn't be censored

Not if Australia is calling itself a country with free speech it shouldn't.Originally the government were talking about making a 'black list' of illegal sites (you know, child porn, etc) and blocking them, however the black list somehow got out and there were many sites on there that weren't actually illegal.There was outcry about it because, well, if they can block these sites, whats to stop them...
December 19th, 2009 at 04:23am

Just really need somewhere to vent [Hello again Mibba. Hate that we're meeting on these terms]

... well actually I still hang around a bit, comment where I think my opinion is least wanted. It's good times.But right now I really just need to vent. And this is where I usually do it. There's something satisfying about the thought that someone might read it.Right so about a month ago I started to try and organise for me and two of my friends to go and see Wicked, because there's no way of...
December 14th, 2009 at 10:18am