goodbye i'm leaving. / Comments

  • Haha, I just check after I'm done.
    I'm pretty good with staying on task...I think.
    Not in conversations though.
    I'm completely all over the place.'s your weekend going? (:
    July 26th, 2008 at 08:43pm
  • pictures weren't allowed wtf?
    July 25th, 2008 at 08:46am
  • I'm so bad with updating. /:
    I don't prewrite ANY of them.
    I just sit down on my computer and type away.
    And then I go back and read them a couple days later and pick them apart.
    I'm never satisfied with my writing.
    I always think it could be ten times better, but I never actually get there. -_-
    July 24th, 2008 at 11:07pm
  • nothing at all you?
    July 24th, 2008 at 07:40pm
  • P.s; I'm GREAT.
    Listening to music and trying to update.
    You know how it goessss.
    July 24th, 2008 at 06:16am
  • Yeah, I would definitely have to agree with you on that one. (:
    Although I'm not sure if I know what that is.
    Hahaha, it just doesn't sound pleasant. -_-
    Although with a ring through my nose I guess I really shouldn't judge.

    Gah, I love storms.
    It never storms out here.
    All we get are these pathetic little rainstorms here and there.
    I'm craving some serious thunder though. /:
    July 24th, 2008 at 06:15am
  • My mom really doesn't care anymore.
    I had to fight and fight to get my septum done.
    And now she's like "What's more metal? I don't care anymore."
    So, I'm kind of happy with that.
    She doesn't want me to get metal rings because they chip your teeth.
    Other than that though it's pretty much up to me.
    Good stuff I'm guessing? Well, hoping.
    And that's fun! I'm glad you had a good time. (:
    July 24th, 2008 at 05:05am
  • hey(:
    im emily btw.
    July 24th, 2008 at 02:12am
  • Hahaha, why does everyone say that?
    It wasn't painful at all.
    Your eyes water because they pierce through your sinuses.
    Other than that though it really wasn't that bad.
    I want my snakebites done, but I want studs.
    Rings look so stupid to me.
    But who cares what I think, right?
    So how are you doing? (:
    July 23rd, 2008 at 01:51am
  • Erhm...well,
    Instead of trying to explain it,
    (Since I'm horrible at explaining things),
    I figured I'd find a picture of someone with a septum piercing.
    Since my camera is broken.
    So here is a link:
    I'm sure you'll recognize it once you see it.
    July 21st, 2008 at 10:18am
  • Yeah, I have to be careful about going head first into anything anymore.
    I got my septum pierced about two months ago. (:
    Since then I've been in elbowed in the nose twice, and had it pulled on too many times to count.
    My sister and my cousins all played football, so I got beat up a lot. /:
    July 21st, 2008 at 10:05am
  • Me, my cousin, my sister, and my friend Sarah all went sledding.
    We ended up all getting hurt in some way though.
    We tried to do a train where we connected the two sleds...
    Needless to say it turned out bad.
    As well as our 'sandwhich sledding' which meant all four of us piled on top of each other on one sled.
    Yeah, I nearly broke my face.
    But like you said, it was still fun.
    I just have to be careful about stuff like that now.
    Snow football?
    I've never tried it. (:
    It sounds fun though.
    I always end up getting hurt though because I'm the smallest in my family.
    I'm not really into sports, I was only ever in dance for a couple years.
    My sister is the sporty one.
    July 21st, 2008 at 09:52am
  • Yeah, we got this one from the Humane Society, and it was way to aggressive.
    Plus my sister is super allergic to pet dander. -_-
    I've had a lot of cats though and I don't mind them at all, I just like dogs more.

    I can live with or without snow to be completely honest.
    It gets really old really fast, but I always end up falling back in love with it.
    I play in the snow like a five year old all the time, and my friend and I always go sledding.
    It's my favorite winter time activity. (:
    July 21st, 2008 at 09:34am
  • I've been a dog person since I was about five.
    Our cat bit me and I had to get stitches.
    Luckily it didn't have rabies or anything.
    We got rid of it the next day, but we didn't put it to sleep.
    I want to go to Ireland just to visit, but I want to live somewhere cold.
    Haha, I won't be happy until i'm stuck in the artic tundra.
    I love the cold. (:
    July 21st, 2008 at 09:23am
  • Yeah, as a kid I used to get sick anytime I would eat meat.
    There was something wrong with my stomach and it wasn't digesting it right.
    So I stopped eating meat for a while anyway, and then I just found out all these things about meat industries, and I chose to stay that way.
    I've never really regretted it or anything like that.
    It's really easy to me, and I think that's why I can do it.
    I think there are more ways to help animals than JUST being a veg though.
    So don't worry about it too much. (:

    Oh gosh, that's funny.
    Not that you want to do it, just the cat magnet thing.
    I'm definitely a dog person.
    I want a HUGE newfoundland named Dallas. (:
    My sister is allergic though, so it's one of those things I have to wait for.
    July 21st, 2008 at 09:14am
  • Yeah, I'm going to disappoint you and not know what it is either. /:
    Haha, I want to be a psychologist, which everyone finds funny because I've got so many things mentally wrong with me.
    Nothing dangerous or anything, just I'm a hypochondriac and a paranoid schizophrenic.
    Not to mention my possible split personality disorder.
    Idk, I just like to help people.

    Gosh, I did a report on it last year for English.
    It's absolutely disgusting!
    They showed all these pictures of these poor baby seals lying in just a pool of their own blood and ice.
    It was disgusting, and it's like a sport up there!
    I seriously am going to stop that if it's the last thing I do. >:|
    But yes, I've been vegetarian for probably close to three years now.
    I really don't have much of a problem with it.
    I've been trying to go vegan for a couple months, but it's a really hard lifestyle to swtich to when no one in your family is either.
    They're not even vegetarian though, so I doubt I could convince them to go vegan. /:
    I'll just do it when I move out I guess. (:
    July 21st, 2008 at 08:07am
  • Hahaha, before or after I've always been obnoxious.
    Idk, I just tend to get really loud sometimes.
    Especially when I'm excited about something.
    It gets ten MILLION times worse then.
    Idk, the skater boys around here are all annoying.
    I hang out with a lot of kids in bands for some reason?
    Probably because I desperately want to go on tour.
    I would be the best merch girl ever. (:

    Awwww, thank you. (:
    I really appreciate it.
    I was hoping people would get a little of the humor in it.
    I based the main character a lot off of myself with the sarcasm and enviornment things.
    So it's good to hear that people are liking it. (:
    July 21st, 2008 at 07:49am
  • It's my experience that the smaller the venue, the rowdier it gets.
    I saw Chiodos/SKSK/Emery and TDWP at the House of Blues, and it was incredibly rough.
    Just because we were all so crammed in this tiny space.
    Same with Madina Lake and Halifax at The Metro.
    Plus Madina Lake is from Chicago, so everyone freaked out when they went on.
    And Nathan front flipped into the crowd and kicked me in the head. Haha.

    That's good to hear! (:
    That happened for me last year.
    I just lost all my shyness for some unknown reason.
    This summer is going really well actually.
    I've been going to a lot of shows, hanging out with friends.
    This is the life. (:
    July 21st, 2008 at 07:38am
  • I saw Blessthefall, and I know I'm going to get kicked in the teeth for this one day but I didn't think they were that great?
    Like, I liked them before, and the I saw them and idk, I didn't get the same feeling from their live performance, you know?
    I saw Killswitch Engage once, and I didn't die in their pit.
    So, I think you should be fine.
    Although from what I hear, BMTH is incredibly rowdy.
    I really can't wait.
    It's going to make my life to find out. (:
    I'll probably talk about Warped non stop once I go, so I'm sure you'll get to hear all about it.
    Hahaha, how is your summer going, btw?
    July 21st, 2008 at 07:20am
  • Yeah, I actually live about an hour oustide the city.
    Out in the cornfields that we are so notorious for. (:
    I live in a city with about nine hundred people in it.
    Yeah, it's crazy small. /:

    I went to a good show on Wednesday.
    Brokencyde and Karate High School. (:
    It was amazing, and their keyboardist agreed to marry me.
    I've never really been to a hardcore show before.
    I'm hoping BMTH at Warped will change that though. (:
    July 21st, 2008 at 07:13am