
My name is Erin. I'm ridiculous but it's alright because I bet you are too. 99% of the time I am smiling. Bruce Wayne is my spirit animal. I sing and dance on a daily basis. That's really all you need to know :)


date: january 7
updates: zombies 2, niall 8, ALEX FINALE YALL
jammin: Himerus & Eros--The Spill Canvas

it's the new year tho???? HNY everybody

ALEX IS DONE. WUT. i can't even believe it like??? idk but wow this is great this is crazy wOW

Not much other news in my life, really, so here's a link to a corgi beach party because I know you want it

stay fly, lovelies.



stories Emilooooo:)


layout by Kerisa @ gilded bones
photo found at fuckyeahskinnybitch and edited by kerisa :]