nthomas81 / Comments

  • DrowningImagination

    DrowningImagination (100)

    But what if the people that I ask are really rude or mean. I guess I'm more afraid of their reaction than talking to them. I'm trying to work on the 'it-doesn't-matter-what-other-people-say' thing but sometimes it's just hard not to.
    Free tickets. That's so cool! Lucky you. Awww, but you still got to go eventually. :)
    I know who the Eagles are. I don't really know a lot of their songs though. There are a couple that I like but I don't actually know what it's called, I just know what it sounds like. Which is a bad thing because then I don't know what it is. Oh well, I just have to go look them up somehow. :)
    You are very lucky that you got to see so many people. I live in Vancouver, BC and not many people come out here to perform.
    That's good that you and your kids do theater stuff. They won't become shy like me.
    Yes, their voices are just heavenly. And when they hit a certain note it's just amazing. :D
    June 23rd, 2009 at 07:38pm
  • danja87

    danja87 (100)

    awwwwwww, your so sweet, i love anything you write, cant wait to read what you have for us , thanks for commenting on my profile, <3
    June 23rd, 2009 at 08:48am
  • DrowningImagination

    DrowningImagination (100)

    Yup. It will be my first.
    Ok, but hopefully I won't go deaf because of all the screaming. That would be bad.
    Yes, Jonas fans are pretty awesome but you have to admit some of them are kinda crazy. :p I don't know if I will be able to get the courage to talk to people around me because I'm just a tad bit shy around people I just meet.
    Just out of curiosity, if the Jonas Brothers was the best concert you've ever been to, than what concert comes in second place?
    June 23rd, 2009 at 07:37am
  • DrowningImagination

    DrowningImagination (100)

    It was really good? I can't wait to go either. I'm going to the one on June 30th with some of my friends. I'm really excited. :D This will be my first concert I've ever been to. I don't even really know what to expect, except I know there will be a bunch of screaming going on.
    Haha, ok I promise I won't tell them. My lips are sealed.
    June 23rd, 2009 at 06:28am
  • DrowningImagination

    DrowningImagination (100)

    Haha. Are you trying to hint something? [i]all will work out though . . . i hope ;)[/i]
    That's awesome! I can't wait for it!
    I love commenting your stories. They are really good. :)
    So anyways, how are you?
    June 23rd, 2009 at 04:36am
  • Its_RobynXo

    Its_RobynXo (100)

    United States
    aw no problem! I love the story so I figure the least I can do is comment on it!! :)
    June 23rd, 2009 at 03:50am
  • bella6

    bella6 (100)

    United States
    school is out tomorrow here :-) will be a super crazy summer!

    I saw the single ladies video and could not stop laughing! He is adorable! I wasn't expecting the outfit! Sooooo hilarious!!!

    I miss jadie!
    June 4th, 2009 at 07:49pm
  • bella6

    bella6 (100)

    United States
    duuuuuuuuuuuuude! i miss ya! i have a spare sec in the day and i HAD to say hi!!!!!!!!!
    June 4th, 2009 at 05:40pm
  • eeemoe

    eeemoe (100)

    United States
    i know right
    they just make it even more awsome
    June 2nd, 2009 at 05:02pm
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    thanks for complimenting my...and I quote "wildly talented brain." :) & as far as my brain turning off...never...haha, I'm always thinking about what to write next.

    Now, do you think after ALLL of that I would make Marley stay home while Joe forgot about her home alone while he was touring Europe? No ma'am. But, that IS what I wanted you to think at the beginning up until the point where he asked if she was coming...so, in that case, I'm glad you were worried about it :) mission accomplished. And her back to school bit was for you because I knew you'd understand how far they've come because she is able to do that now. And Kyler. I couldn't leave him out. He was too important to me...and Marley. I hadda throw that snippet in there to show there was no hard feelings.

    (On a side note - http://justjared.buzznet.com/gallery/photos.php?yr=2009&mon=05&evt=cavill-topman&pic=henry-cavill-topman-02.jpg) << check that out...you're welcome :)

    Ugh, all the good looking boys are wearing their hair curly now, and i LOVE it!!

    Were I Belong...I told you!! This plays with my emotions more than anything I've ever written. I go back and forth and back and forth between all three of them trying to decide who I feel the most sorry for. But, I have an idea that I think is going to play out nicely...the one thing I WANT to happen but I'm not sure I should do is...well I'm going to message you it, I don't want that accessible for just anyone to look in here and read :)

    And you're right, I am THE DANIELLE. Haha, that could never happen...I'd be too busy pining after Joseph for that to be for real. Where I Belong would be a real life thing ;)

    I know!!! The VS pj shorts and long sleeved shirt! I practically LIVE in those! And once I'm in that mindset, sex is almost always sure to happen, and I did that just in case the chapter ran away with it's own idea when I was writing and they did end up having angry sex...but unfortunately it didn't...

    I'm actually really worried about how Joe's going to react to all of this...I know how he should and from his past behavior in the story, how I know he's going to act but I still don't want him to...hellooo drama...

    I've also worked it all out in my head of who's going to tell Kevin and when and it is sooooo, wow. I was thinking about it and I was like oh yeah, that's totally happening....haha.

    well, I'm going to msg you back real quick before Harrison drags me off to the mall...

    May 30th, 2009 at 10:43pm
  • Thoughts.

    Thoughts. (100)

    United States
    Yeah I am going to the Dallas show...but sadly I live closer to the Houston area so...I can't just show up like they said in the chat yesterday!
    Thanks for telling me though!
    Are you going?!
    May 29th, 2009 at 04:32pm
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    ok well, when you put it like THAT...then I'd have to say that my relationship is perfect. :) way to put me into perspective, Nicole...now you're the one getting philosophical! Have you been going to my psychology class ;)

    I'm posting WIB soooon. Like probably tomorrow night-ish. I have the rough chapter with everything typed out, now I just have to go and edit and post...this one though...I think this one will get you...I've been slaving over WIB trying to get it to where I want it with this new curve ball and it's working...but as far as I've gotten, this next chapter is when I sympathized for Paxton and completely felt sadder than sad for Joe and wanted to push Kevin off a cliff just because he's so perfect and loves her so much...have I mentioned I love the controversy/drama? hahah.

    amd I'm crossing my fingers for an update. Hope you get your inspiration soon, because I know once you get it, it'll be a piece of cake...but believe me, I know what it's like writing with no inspiration and it sucks...

    Side note: someone just msg'd me asking about Never Think, in all honesty, I forgot about that...and I need to finish it because it's been *cough,uhmthreemonths.cough* yeahhh, i should probably work on that...

    AND I got my thoughts together for the She Is story that I never let take off...I need to take it down and rework some things and then I'll be able to repost...

    And I'm working on the ballroom story, which I have renamed to Blush (like the Aly and AJ song.) That song's on my mellow playlist that I listen to when I'm falling asleep when Kyle's not there (I know, I'm a loser, I can't sleep while he'd not here...I need the music) anyway, I was listening to it and it pretty much fits in well with the story...so Blush...simple, plays a part in the story...check.

    Alright, I should attempt to sleep now, I guess...

    PS, since mibba's being a jerk, did you get the msg I sent today? the one about kyle's sister's story and stuff? I think I'd give up on life if that didn't send...haha...just want to make sure...
    May 29th, 2009 at 08:19am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States

    Against All Odds...hmm. :) I can't even begin to tell you how much I LOVE writing about them...they are so just...perfect. I really relate those two to Kyle and I...ther relationship is VERY much like ours...minus the kids :) But, they're drama free for the most part and just love eachother...simple as that...and I have more things planned for them which is the best part...

    just read that again and it made it sound like I was implying Kyle and I had a perfect relationship...HA...we both know that isn't true...haha...he is just my Joe inspiration in Against All Odds

    just clearing that up :)
    May 28th, 2009 at 07:54pm
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    I know!! Where I Belong. I'm SO at my wit's end with Paxton...

    A part of me pities her because I'm writing her story (and I know what happens in the next chapters :) and I get a sense of how she really feels towards both of them...and it will be made clear that her decision is making her sick. Paxton is definitely Joe's girl, but will they end up together with all this Kevin drama? ehhh, can't say...BUT I do have a plan in all this madness and I think it's going to work out...soooo have faith in me Nicole! And have faith in Paxton too, she's not as bad as she seems right now...

    Against All Odds...hmm. :) I can't even begin to tell you how much I LOVE writing about them...they are so just...perfect. I really relate those two to Kyle and I...ther relationship is VERY much like ours...minus the kids :) But, they're drama free for the most part and just love eachother...simple as that...and I have more things planned for them which is the best part...

    other than that...just trying to get TFG out so I can post that and be done. It's had a good run...but they're happy and I think they deserve to stay that way...any more drama with those two and I think the story would become unbelievable...

    Anyway, tapping my foot and waiting on SJ, still :) but take your time...but I really wanna read it...(hah, I'm trying to play mind tricks on you...is it working?!)

    :) have a fab day.
    May 28th, 2009 at 07:52pm
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    hah! have you seen the video that amazing new picture is from? SO funny. I watch it all the time because it gives me the giggles.

    So, what's been going on? Anything exciting?

    I went to the doctor last Wednesday and my fingers are finally free! They feel weird still and it hurts to bend them, but there are no splints! BUT, the real story, while I was there, guess who was the nurse? JENNI! Of course it was Jenni because let's remember, my life is drama central, but I'll message you about all that later, it's quite the story...as in I almost got in a fight...real classy, danielle :)

    anyway, all my stuff is back in Houston, we've cleaned everything and thrown away SO much junk and that was hectic to say the least, ecspecially because he didn't want to help...

    Now he's in Austin for work and Harrison came to keep me company and we've been doing absolutely nothing for the past two days. Yesterday we watched 8 movies and went through 7 boxes of cereal and 2 gallons of milk. We're so exciting. But the plan is to actually do something today if he ever wakes up...

    So that's my week in a nut shell...hope everything's been good your way...


    PS, I SO want to come up there and go to the Dallas show, but looked in my planner this morning and my friend's wedding is on the 20th and I'll be in Louisiana...I'm beyond angry about it...
    May 27th, 2009 at 07:07pm
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    I don't know what the deal is lately but I want to write EVERYTHING like I have SO many ideas that I want to go after and dialogue and scenes just keep popping in my head that I'm like okay, I have to write this down...so I have about 8 potential stories going on :)

    Ugh, I know how you feel. I lost my wallet once and we had to go through and cancel EVERYTHING and kyle was so mad and went on and on about how irresponsible I was and would not let it go and just yelled like I actually lost it on purpose. It's like they have to remind you that you are nothing without them. Like they dare you to try and turn a situation against them so they can shove it in your face that you need them. And maybe you do need them to a certain extent but its like they want you to full out depend on nothing but them...but they're so sketchy half the time and change their mind so much how are you supposed to depend on that?

    Like today. I have nothing in houston...ALL of my stuff is at my parent's house and we need to go get it (mind you i have no car because i flew here friday) so i met him for lunch and he decides he doesn't want to do that today just because he doesn't feel like it and makes me all upset saying we aren't going before he finally gives in and says we'll go tonight. Like what is that? Do they think they need to pick fights to keep things interesting?

    Whatever I'm through trying to figure out the male brain. But, what I do have to say is, don't feel down...you're doing your job and that is to take care of yourself and your kids and to be there at the end of the day to tell him that he is your number one, and don't be afraid to let him know what you do during the day because you do take care of alot that he doesn't know about, so remind him that your not sitting around twiddling your thumbs, sometimes they need a good kick in the rear as a reminder how strong you can be (you know, I am woman, hear me roar) :) haha

    dang, these psychology/sociology classes are paying off, I'm getting all philosophical and trying to analyze situations...hmm, maybe those classes were for something other than an easy A. ;)

    alright, good luck with the props!
    May 18th, 2009 at 10:22pm
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    hah weird, I got an e-mail when your comment came in...that never happened before? Mibba's gettin' weird again.

    But yeah, the moving smile was replaced...very very rightfully replaced for now... :)

    Kyle's not liking these pics either...it currently takes up half of my desktop background and he keeps pouting. And I told him when he jumps fully clothed into a pool and lets me take pics of him dripping wet then we'll be getting somewhere. But until then...this'll do :)

    Soooo, I woke up this morning at about 6 and had to write something out because I seriously dreamed about it at least three times last night...I typed it out and I think I'll send it to you, it's just a snippet, but it's interesting and I have no clue what it's about but it's what my mind came up with ?

    anyway...good weekend your way?
    hope so.

    May 18th, 2009 at 06:29am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    don't you just want to stare at it all day long? best part: IT MOVES! ah, is it wrong that my heart stops when I watch it and i get that little breath hitch, i.e. go completely fangirl :) I AM SO JEALOUS! That you get to see THAT! in what? Like a month?! lucky!!
    May 14th, 2009 at 07:27am
  • laurenlovesjonas

    laurenlovesjonas (100)

    United States
    "cutesy" was meant to be "CUTEST" hhaaha
    May 14th, 2009 at 04:55am
  • laurenlovesjonas

    laurenlovesjonas (100)

    United States
    Hey! I've been reading September joe since you started writing it back in fanfiction. Just yesterday I remembered about the story when one of my teachers said "it's only may, Steve" and I almost started crying cause I remembered I haven't looked at this story since they broke up! So, icame back here and read all the updates and actually re read the whole story. Cried at least 10 times while re reading it! Then today I had nachos for lunch and they made me think if this story again. Well I just wanted to let you know that I love this story so much. Yes, I know it's really you're life and im glad you got to marry you're joe. If he is really this guy that you write about and did all these actions... Holy crap I'm jealous!! He sounds amazing, and although I've never known you personally, I can bet you're the cutesy couple I know! Best wishes, Lauren <3
    May 14th, 2009 at 04:54am