nthomas81 / Comments

  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States

    Kyle (as Bolt's dad) got me a gift certificate to victoria's secret (because I'm Bolt's mom) and a card explaining all of this AND saying that he was staying until tuesday afternoon (parents are coming home wednesday) hence the gift card :) haha i guess i have to give him credit for trying to be creative and hinting at what the next two days will consist of ;) He's so sneaky sometimes.

    Anyway...I'm writing TFG...I don't know how i like it...I think I'll send it to you and see what you think....like from a reader's POV i think i've overanalyzed it too much but i don't know...i'm going to send it so lemme know what you think when you get around to it.

    and now, i'm going to the mall while kyle's napping to see what i can do with this gift card ;)

    May 11th, 2009 at 02:25am
  • bella6

    bella6 (100)

    United States
    Happy mothers day!!!! Hope you have a beautiful and relaxing day!

    PS- did you ever get my dm? this site has been acting weird lately!
    May 10th, 2009 at 08:34am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    well mibba is just messing up everyone lately. huh? I don't remember a review from you...they usually stick out because you get exactly what I'm trying to say and all the underlying stuff that people are supposed to catch on to but usually don't...you know? Anyway, no rush, just wanted to make sure you weren't deprived of a chapter :)

    Hope your day was amazing! I'm glad yall got to do that even though it's not on the official mother's day...it's close enough! My mom will be out of town still so kyle and i are going to his mom's house.

    Speaking of, he's trying to drag me out the door to go see Wolverine...

    May 9th, 2009 at 02:06am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    question : Did you get an email when I updated WIB yesterday or for any story on here for that matter? I'm not getting e-mails when mibba stories are being updated...just wondering if it's just me...
    May 8th, 2009 at 01:22am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    I'm pretty much proud of myself. My friend works at this boutique and they buy designer stuff that's "out of season" and re-sell them and those shoes were "last season" and I was like give me those! There is no such thing as last season...there is, those shoes are hot and i'm going to where them whenever I want!

    Hah, my bestie came to Houston to visit and we went out one night while he had guy's night at the apartment and we almost didn't get out of the house, I tell ya...boys are something else when you get all dressed up, they choose the TV instead of you until you walk out in your little black dress and heels, THEN all attention is on you and where you're going and who's going to be there...men...can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em :)

    ugh. exactly why I hate the dentist! I'm like crazy about my teeth and keeping up with everything and flossing and the top shelf electric toothbrush and all that because I'm terrified I'm going to have to get mouth surgery. It's pretty much my number one fear....couldn't tell you why, but it scares the hell out of me...

    Going back to school! Yay! Good for you! What do you want to go into? That's not very nice of your sibs...shouldn't they be supporting you and not judging you? Just because you started a little earlier doesn't mean you still can't do what you want to do.

    Hah, I bet!! I still can't believe they gave them a drug book...thats crazy!! The more they talk about it and how to do it and what happens, the more they're going to be interested in it and what it's really like.

    I KNOW! I'll admit it...I am spoiled! Spoiled to death and back. :) I think it's payback for smushing my fingers and for not being able to come stay with me this week and because I complained about having a bad day and he's in a super good mood because school is over and all he has to do is finals and graduate. I'm so proud :)

    How dare she judge that show. haha, I haven't broke down yet. I refuse. I'm going to wait it out and just go with the flow. Then when Saturday comes, I'll have something to be excited about.

    Hmm, well right now I'm filling out this super long survey I'll post on my mibba somewhere just for like a all you need to know about danielle and more type thing because I don't really know what to put in my bio section and I think people like to read that kind of stuff about people who are writing the stories they read, ya know? So I'm gunna go finish that up :)

    May 5th, 2009 at 12:40am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    I am SO excited to move back!!! Like you don't even know!! To know that I'll finally get to be there and not having to worry about trying to hold on to every little detail that happened between us in one weekend so I can get through the week. It's like a relief...I feel so out of place here, it's like I know this isn't where I'm supposed to be...I'm out of my routine and I don't like it. But not next week, but the next I'm moving back, I think it's the 20th or something.

    I'm excited about Joe&Kayden...they deserve a little attention...I always think about them, I just never have a direction for what I want to do, but I realized I don't really need a direction...I'm just going to write what I feel like writing...

    So, Twist In My Story(which will be TIMS now :) I actually started thinking about it last night and am going a different way than I originally planned, but I kind of like it better. When I get the whole idea sorted out in my head/on paper I'll let you know...but it'll be interesting for sure.

    How was the dentist? Traumatic as she thought it would be?

    I didn't wake up in time for my first class but I went...IN THE RAIN...to my second class and got there and there was a note on the door that said class was cancelled, so I went for absolutely NOTHING...and I'm not happy, so I'm going to buy new shoes because I texted Kyle complaining about my sucky day and he texted back saying he put 100 dollars in my account to go buy something for myself for my bad day and having to stay home alone :) He's too good to me.

    Hope everything's been good today for you!
    I'm going shoe shopping :)

    May 4th, 2009 at 08:48pm
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    Mibba has been weird lately...why fix it if it's not broken!? Now I have a feeling they're gunna change it all up and we're going to have to learn new things...i won't like that!

    If you need any more info about LA, I'm your guide :) I know all the good stuff. And all men are weird, don't you know that by now? They all have these ideas in their head that they think are going to be sooooo cool so they can act like all the badass dudes they see in the movies :) it's fun to let them have their fun, though...they turn into little awestruck kids again and it's precious...reminds you why you fell for him in the first place.

    Yeah, it's really creepy here...wayyyyy to quiet and i don't like it at all. I have alot of lights on and the alarm system and I've checked and rechecked all the doors and windows a couple of times already. I'm paranoid...I know...I just hate to sleep alone.

    Yup, Kayden and Joe..I know...it;s crazy, but I just started thinking about them and ideas came up that just had me smiling all day :) I think it'll pretty much just be one shots that I randomly type up...mostly all fluff and happy times and funny kid moments...(I have a few from babysitting)...and stuff like that, and of course how in love and can't get enough of each other Joe and Kayden are... :)

    I'm thinking wrapping TFG into one...maybe two more chapters....it's that serious...i don't know I just feel like they're at a good place...a lot of people want something to happen because the boys fired the management and all but i don't feel like that story needs anymore drama without it being over the top...you know? I mean the first 12+ chapters are nothing but intensity.

    Yup, I'm on an overload...I can't stop these ideas. As of now I've got WIB, the ballroom one which I have unofficially titled A Twist In My Story, and one other I've been playing around with...pluuus Joe/Kayden stuff, so I'm in a little over my head but slowly but surely they'll start making sense :)

    i DID watch Jonas! I loved it!! SO funny! I can't even pick my favorite! The one liners were the BEST! Kevin is absolutely hilarious, Nick is incredible and I love how he's kind of poking fun with the 'serious' business and talking about how he never smiles...and Joe...what to say? He's amazing, as usual :)

    Okay, go write!! I'm going to try and sleep, I've got class in the morning that I probably won't make because no one is here to wake me up when I sleep through the alarm :/

    May 4th, 2009 at 08:49am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    ok and ANOTHER PS, I went to change my location again, and it MAKES you put United States...you can only put the country now...so I looked and yours says US, too. This is weird, mibba. Real weird.
    May 4th, 2009 at 07:52am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    oh, and another PS...I started writing about Joe and Kayden earlier today...how does that make you feel ? :)
    May 4th, 2009 at 07:40am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    Well, there's not a whole lot to do, honestly...maybe I don't think of it that way because I live here and all and it's kind of routine...I guess? We live not too far from Baton Rouge...I definitely wouldn't suggest that unless your into the historical stuff or checking out LSU stadium because thats pretty much all there is...

    New Orleans is a different story. All the stuff down there is really cool...you can just walk around down there and be totally fine...there is SO much to do!! And they have a pretty amazing zoo and aquarium but the thing is night time it gets pretty rowdy downtown...and there isn't much for kids to do but the restaurants are to DIE for! Like seriously...I crave that food all the time...it's so amazing!

    My parents are talking about taking the whole fam to San Antonio this summer ...like the entire fam...Kyle's family too...and we're just like you know...been there done that kind of thing...a bunch of our friends want to head up to Tennessee and white water raft and stay in a cabin and hike and horseback ride and stuff...so thats looking promising right about now...but neither one of us want to tell our parents we don't want to go with them. They don't understand that that's vacation to them but like a weekend trip for us...we go to San Antonio all the time to see friends and just hang out so it's nothing special anymore.

    And I don't mind the home alone thing because I kinda sorta DO need to study for finals next week because Kyle's coming home next week because he's the lucky one and has finals this week...but he has to help me bring my stuff back over there because every time I went home, I brought more stuff back here and there's no way it's fitting in my car. :) But, I don;t like sleeping alone at night...I'm freaked out! I'm currently in the guest bedroom with my bro's dog Rugby because I don't want to sleep alone but I don't want him all over my bed.

    Yeah yeaah, I had to put an A/N up on there because those kids are VICIOUS! about their updates, like you don't update within the week and they're a ll up on your ass! So I had to let them know...sorry you got all excited for nothing you didn't already know :) And not only can I not type correctly,but I kinda don't know where to go with the story from here...it's getting to the point where I'm having to think entirely too hard about it and it feels forced, you know? So, I think it's coming to an end and WIB can pick up and I can work on the ballroom story :) I'm MAJOR inspired for that and have been adding to the thoughts page for that story a lot lately...just sayin' I'll send you something as soon as it's a developed chapter, k?

    Anyway...going to write...the ballroom story probably because I can't get it out of my head :)


    ps, i didn't change my location...i have no idea why it's like that...that's so weird!

    pps, i hope you don't have to bring your bestie to the dentist....that's probably my LEAST favorite place on the planet...
    May 4th, 2009 at 07:39am
  • fashion101

    fashion101 (100)

    United States
    cant wait!

    im in the process of finishing 1 of the parts to the joe/emma one shot i cant get out of my head. its going to be based on the fight me and dan had the other night.

    im going to send you a preview of the oneshot and i was wondering if you wanted me to send you the preview first and then send you that rewrite of the message mibba lost that tells you what happened or do you want me to go ahead and send ou the rewrite of the message....do you get what im asking? like if i send you the message first, it will kinda be a spoiler to the preview.... get it? lol

    and yes! my day was a really good one! bout time!!! :)
    May 4th, 2009 at 05:38am
  • fashion101

    fashion101 (100)

    United States
    hey! its late and im beyond tired but i wanted to let you know that an update is in the works for TL! its got a ton of work left to do, bc i cant seem to get my mind in the place to write a few of the parts....which could be a good thing, idk yet.

    i will try and write you a proper reply to your message tomo

    oh and tell itsdanielle that i LOVE her new story!!! leaving her a review is on the top of my list!! she def has earned it!

    anyway! im going to hurry to bed so i can get some sleep before my little devil child wakes me up. ;) i really do love him....honest!


    oh and poor cara is sick now! has a high temp and upset tummy! :(
    May 1st, 2009 at 06:42am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    ooh, i'll have to play a joke on him...use this to my advantage somehow :) She was making me so angry, I didn't care if I hurt her feeling or made her feel stupid, she should have! Even if we were broken up, talking like that in front of someone's ex is NOT the way to go...like that would have really upset me if we weren't together...so I have no pity on her.

    My bestie skipped out on the dr. office to go hang out with her boyfriend. (he took her to see hannah montana! kyle won't even speak the name hannah montana :) but anyway, she was mad, she would have said something worse...that girl has a mouth and an attitude and she isn't afraid to use it...but i stood my ground and showed her who was the bigger person without being a bitch and yelling or causing a scene, so I'm proud, even though I do have hurt fingers, her embarrassment was enough to comp for that.

    :) danielle
    April 30th, 2009 at 12:19am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    oh, PS, I don't know if he still has her number...but I'll check next time i see him and it will be gone. that's for sure.
    April 29th, 2009 at 11:30pm
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    Well of course you'd have an obscured vision of her!! She was with him when you weren't and all of us know how that looks to EVERYONE, not just you. Everyone thinks it, we just make it worse in our head because girls automatically think the worst...we should probly work on that :) And don't worry, you changed the name so the brandy/rachel connection will never click with me. even if i did meet her she'd be brandy...not rachel...(you can tell your husband that part)...but i'd probly still mean mug her for moving in on a vulnerable guy...YOUR vulnerable guy...even if it was in high school (don't tell him that part :)

    Yeah, broken fingers. They don't hurt so bad. Got some pain meds and a cortisone shot. and now i haveta wear these stupid splints for a couple weeks. but it is kind of funny, kyle's really freaking out and he's frustrated that i'm not mad about it...i don't know...he feels SO bad and keeps apologizing but, it's an accident so it's no big thing.

    AND! I twittered you this but now i can elaborate...the dr. office i went to, the girl that did my blood pressure and all that stuff was Kyle's ex-girlfriend...and may or may not be the girl i stole him away from... :) Well, she obviously thought that since i'd been home that we were no longer kyle&danielle. so she proceeds to tell me hoe they've been talking and she's going out to see him during the summer....yeah she really said that. I looked up at her and was like hmm, he didn't mention that to me. Do you need our address? And bring a blanket...we sleep with the house cold. She didn't know what to say! She turned red and was all, I didn't know you were still with him. HA! What is it with girls and lying? I called kyle and he was like she's crazy, i haven't talked to her in over a year.

    I don't even know.

    And the joe tux pic :) that's my inspiration for the ballroom story...i just look at it and it comes to me...it's THAT good!

    I'm so sorry about your friend at church! That's so terrible! Oh my gosh, I hope everything's going okay and Melanie calms down a little bit for your sake...

    alright well, grocery shopping...yayy :|
    April 29th, 2009 at 11:23pm
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    hmm , so i haven't checked mibba in a couple of days and i'm not liking this home screen thing that they've decided to change around...it's a little busy for my liking...ah well...i'm just complaining as usual. :)

    how are things your way? Good week so far? Hope so! update coming along nicely? I mean--uh--take your time? (hah i'm so inconspicuous, eh?)

    um yeah, btw, mom thinks my fingers ARE broken because they're still swollen and i can't bend them...they're just kind of chillin there and hurting...so i have to go to the bone doctor today and get an x-ray...if that boy broke my fingers...i swear...he's gunna get it!

    Well just checking in on you in a comment that is not limited to 140 words :)

    April 29th, 2009 at 06:18pm
  • MiaLovesJonas

    MiaLovesJonas (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    haha was that sacasm i detected?
    hahahaha :)

    im addicted to twitter to.. i just love reading other peoples updates.
    and yeah you need to update your stories soooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnn.
    i miss reading about Sadie and Joe.
    i hope they get back together soon (:
    April 28th, 2009 at 07:23pm
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    thank you thank you for the review. I really like that chap a lot...it definitely has lots of baggage tagged to it. but the next chapter gets into the push and pull of it all. Kevin's in this tug of war and he doesn't even know he's in it.

    It's sad, but i don't know, sometimes when i'm writing it I want Paxton to crash and burn because she'd ultimately turning Joe and Kevin against eachother, you know? like odds are they won't get over that...but I don't know because I haven't written it yet :) So i def. know what you mean by you don't think Pax deserved either one...but then you think about her and Joe and it's like ehh, they're so good together!

    Geez, tug of war with my hearts more like it...

    hope your weekends been super fun times :)
    April 27th, 2009 at 12:46am
  • MiaLovesJonas

    MiaLovesJonas (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hahaha i love that. victory by default!
    and yeahh im following you on twitter now :)
    MiaKenyon.. in case you were wondering..
    i was bored yesterday so i was reading all of your updates. have you ever done that.. it's so weird how much you can get from a person by reading about what they've been doing.. in a non stalker way ofc. haha.
    it makes me laugh when you write about your kids eating grass or your husband trying to redeem himself by buying you dr. pepper and tivoing your favourite shows.
    oh and let me just say again i am NOT a stalker.. i was just super bored. .i do it to most of the non - celebrity people im following :)
    and you're right Joe looks amazing on that picture.. really thoughtful :)
    hope your having a good weekend.. much love!
    April 25th, 2009 at 01:03pm
  • x-believer-x

    x-believer-x (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Lol okay lol
    How are you? =]
    April 24th, 2009 at 05:32pm