nthomas81 / Comments

  • DrowningImagination

    DrowningImagination (100)

    Hey Nicole!
    How was your day? Did you do anything special for July 4th?
    It's really hot over here. Even though it's only 23 degrees C.
    On another note, guess what, I got a Twitter! Follow me? Yes? I'm trying to get the hang of it but still....
    http://twitter.com/LostInAWonder :D
    July 4th, 2009 at 11:44pm
  • DrowningImagination

    DrowningImagination (100)

    It's ok. Take as long as you need because I know in the end your writing will be amazing as usual. I promise I won't go anywhere. :)
    Awww, no spoilers. Darn. I was hoping. :D
    Awesome! I can't wait for that too!
    July 3rd, 2009 at 12:55am
  • DrowningImagination

    DrowningImagination (100)

    Aww that's too bad. Next time bring more memory cards or something.

    I am so with you. I was so jealous of Jordin Sparks. For some reason, it doesn't seem real to me that Kevin is getting married. I think a lot of hearts were broken when he anounced it. That is really exciting though. I didn't find out about it until this morning. She does seem really nice. Of course Kevin is awesome.

    I have to agree with you again. My smile hasn't worn off just yet. I'm pretty sure it's going to last a while. I'm going to trust you on that because you do know more and have more experience. Now I really can't wait for my next concert!

    Honor Society was doing a meet and greet thing at the end of the concert. They were standing a couple of feet away from me. The line up was really long though so I didn't actually get to meet them. Which isn't bad because I still got to see them up close. :)
    July 2nd, 2009 at 09:12pm
  • DrowningImagination

    DrowningImagination (100)

    You were so right! The concert was so AWESOMELY AMAZING! I can't think of words to describe it. All I can say is...wow.

    My friends and I were on the balcony but in the second row. So it wasn't so far in the back. We were pretty close actually. I thought we were going to be in the back.

    I didn't really talk to anyone else except for my friends though. Around us were a bunch of really young kids and their parents. I didn't want to say anything because their parents were there. Maybe next time....

    You should have seen it! When everyone was screaming all the parents were covering their ears. It was pretty funny. Oh man, the screaming. At some points the screaming was so loud I couldn't even hear myself. But it was worth it. Luckily my ears stopped ringing a couple of hours later.

    There was this one part near the end of the concert and Jordin Sparks came back out to sing. She was facing Joe and she touched his cheek and sung to him. It was so cute! I swear, when she did that, the screaming got so much louder.

    The only bad thing about the concert was that I forgot my camera. I can’t believe I forgot it though! I was crushed. But my friends all had theirs so it was ok. They took a lot of pictures and some videos.

    It was such a crazy night! I loved it. That had to be the best first concert ever!
    p.s. I’m pretty sure I left out some things. But when i remember them I’ll get back to you. : )

    p.p.s. Kevin Jonas is getting married! Isn’t that cute?
    July 2nd, 2009 at 08:28pm
  • sarahway

    sarahway (100)

    United States
    you love MY story !?!?! Girlfriend, I'm absolutely in love with yours !!!
    June 30th, 2009 at 05:23pm
  • saratastic

    saratastic (100)

    United States
    Haha they'd never say it. But it'd be a total like, HOLY MOLY WHAT JUST HAPPENED? I'd freak.
    June 30th, 2009 at 02:41pm
  • Must Be Paranoid.

    Must Be Paranoid. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    you know what, you probably dont remember me but i reviewed your amazing Joe story AGES ago.

    You really are an amazing writer, and I mean that.

    Stories like yours actually inspire me to write my own, and it's helping me improve.. slowly but surely.

    But yeah, your September fic/real life story is moving, touching and completely real in so many ways.

    I'd like to thank you on behalf of your other fans, because we all (well I do, being a full time auntie to FIVE children under the age of like, six :P) know what kids can do. Hectic much!?

    So yeah, thank you for blessing us with such an amazing story.

    and I know I'm a silent reader, I apologize. But never stop putting up another chapter, because I will flood it with spam :P

    So yeah, I hope this comment doesn't freak you out too much. But you really are an inspiration to me.

    June 30th, 2009 at 04:02am
  • sarahway

    sarahway (100)

    United States
    hey ! dirty little secret is going to be back ! So please keep your eyes open for updates. I'm trying my best to get an update of it out but my files have been disppearing so I've had to re-write it at least three times, so I'm ready to get this over with ! So please keep checking for updates, leave comments, and subscribe ! I love you (: - Sarahh (:
    June 30th, 2009 at 03:04am
  • C'est Moi C:

    C'est Moi C: (100)

    United States
    Hey I'm Allie!
    I just wanted to say that your stories are amazing and that I have really enjoyed reading them. I you get the chance, I was wondering if you could check out my story "Peace, Love, Jonas" and let me know what you think about it. That would be amazing if you did!
    June 26th, 2009 at 06:19am
  • Blue Fire Breakdown

    Blue Fire Breakdown (100)

    United States

    I have created a website specifically for Jonas Brothers Fan Fiction, but it is also for other Fan Fictions and Original writing! I will never delete any type of writing/posting whatsoever!

    It is easier and more well organized than Quizilla with a search for different authors/stories!

    It is brand new and I'm looking for people to join, because I guarantee once there are users on there, you will love it!

    The website is: http://www.jonasfanfictions.proboards.com !!

    Please Join! I am the administrator, "Bee". :D
    June 25th, 2009 at 09:37pm
  • BigCityDreams;;

    BigCityDreams;; (100)

    United States
    Lol, I could see that happening too! That would be a funny thing to talk about during a interview haha. I would probably yell at the TV saying things like "i know her!" "We talked about that on mibba!" Lol

    Yea, my Mom's pretty awesome, I love her, but sometimes >_> lol , but that just me being the teen that I am.
    June 25th, 2009 at 04:56pm
  • DrowningImagination

    DrowningImagination (100)

    See, again with all the amazing advice. You give great advice, that's why I love it. :)
    That's cool. I would to live in a ranch; with all the fields and flowers. It would be so pretty. You have a pond!? That is so awesome! Haha, your kids are late for school because of cows but I'm late for school because of sleep. :) I live in the city but we still have parks and beaches.
    Yeah, I heard it can get really hot over there. The hottest temperature I've been in was 39 degrees celsius - in Hong Kong - and that wasn't even the hottest it could reach.
    Awesome! I can't wait for it!
    June 25th, 2009 at 07:12am
  • danja87

    danja87 (100)

    omg, i can't wait , i prepared for anything you write i don't care what it is , i love your style, and the storylines you come up with, you have a wild imagination, and thats what makes a good writer, i have followed your fanfictions ever since fanfiction.net, you were one of my first authors that i read from. The choclate story was absolutely adorable, seriously i actually wanted it to continue as a series, and please send me them if it isn't to much trouble,

    Yes to answer you question, it is freezing, i hate cold weather, i am a summer person, you are so lucky you went to jonas brothers's concert, hopefully i will see them when they come to Australia. I loved the song Australia too, but hey i am being completely biased here : p , lol , i love anything from them, i seriously want to try writing a story but i am to afraid, i don't know , do you have any advice, i have sooooo many story lines but i cant pick one. Lol , you have a goodnight and a good sleep, and kiss your kids for me even though i don't know them, lol
    June 25th, 2009 at 05:34am
  • BigCityDreams;;

    BigCityDreams;; (100)

    United States
    Haha I would go into complete fan mode. I think I would never let go either haha, but i wouldn't want keep my cool, so they would want to hang out with me.

    This is my first JB concert and I'm so excited, i wanted to go to Look Me in the Eyes and Burning Up but things were going on :( So, my Mom suprised me with tickets to the 3D movie and bought me concert tickets as a birthday present :)

    Yea, the way she looks at him, is priceless. I'm not a big Niley fan either, but you can't deny that they are so cute.
    June 25th, 2009 at 04:53am
  • danja87

    danja87 (100)

    thank you so much for the stories, i really appreciate it, i love your stories soooooooooo much, i hope " it's enough joe" is a happy ending, i was just wondering is it the original sequel , i love anything you write, so hope you have a ecelent day or night, i wouldn't know sorry i live in Australia, lol
    June 25th, 2009 at 03:57am
  • DrowningImagination

    DrowningImagination (100)

    That was really nice of you. I'd think that I would be really happy if someone took their time to just say hi or smile at me. Well becuase you did that, he's probably just really happy because someone acknowledged that he was there. I think that was really sweet of you to do. :)

    I just have to say that you pretty much give the best advice ever. I'm not bored to death, I like talking to you. I think it's helping me be stronger or something because we don't really know eachother that well but we still have conversations like we actually know one another. So I want to thank you for this. :)

    I've never been to Texas before. When I was little I used to always picture it as really sunny with lots of fields and flowers there. Like a farm. I'm not really sure about the rest of Canada - I'm pretty sure it's great too - but Vancouver is pretty cool. Except when it rains - and that's a lot. Don't get me wrong, I like the rain but sometimes after having two weeks straight of rain you just get tired of it.

    Well, you're right. It does matter what they say/think but sometimes I take it too seriously. I just have to think that everything people say are not always bad. If you do something that makes you happy it'll make you happy; it makes a lot of sense. :)
    June 25th, 2009 at 03:37am
  • BigCityDreams;;

    BigCityDreams;; (100)

    United States
    Awww :) that's so cute. I don't think she's comming here because then Miley's tour starts by the time JB gets here, but did her and Nick harmonize better live..or....?

    Haha it's a natural thing for all of us JB fans :p Esepcially with Joe, he's such a tease I swere!

    Exactly! I think they should just speed up the tour and go slow motion when they come to my city lol :p I would be like a kid in the candy store if I ever met them.
    June 25th, 2009 at 03:18am
  • BigCityDreams;;

    BigCityDreams;; (100)

    United States
    No it is not wrong that everytime you Turn Right, you think of Joe and smile ahah, I'm sure you're not the only one. [i]hint hint[/i]

    I heard that Miley showed up at one of the concerts...Was she at yyours?And I will definitely (probably spelled that wrong haha) tell you about my concert...when I go in August. Haha so far away it's not even funny
    June 25th, 2009 at 02:28am
  • saratastic

    saratastic (100)

    United States
    I've been to one JB concert, and that was during the WYLMITE tour.
    I was pretty far back, but I was freaking out the whole time xD
    This time I'm really far back too, but I'm glad I'm going period (:

    Joe Jonas is walking sex, I swear. If he was my lover I'd never leave the bed.
    I'm going July 13th. I'M SO EXCITED!
    Everytime I hear Poison Ivy, I just want them to say "Everybody hates that _____" WE KNOW THEY WANT TO SAY BITCH!
    But they can't.
    I remeber ont heir live webcast someone apparently commented on that and they started laughing and were like, well we can't exactly say that.

    I don't really know how far back we really are at the concert because I didn't buy the tickets, my friends mom got them for her birthday.
    Which I think is pretty frickin' awesome :D
    So yeah. I'll let you know how it is! I'm pretty sure it'll be awesome.
    June 24th, 2009 at 01:37am
  • Thoughts.

    Thoughts. (100)

    United States
    I was on the floor in section J, it was the only section messed up.
    I'm not really upset about it, I still enjoyed the show! A LOT!
    Its just there were lots of mom's getting upset that the seats were truely wrong. Like when my friend and I got there and we noticed that we were at the wrong end I was just like Maybe I read the seating wrong when I bought tickets ohwell...then other people started talking about some woman who was really upset that her seats were wrong...then these girls were set on proving their seats were wrong too. So in the end they talk to a staff helper, he showed them the seating chart and we found out the seating was backwards. We were really supposed to be closer to the stage than on the other side. One staff member said they were going to fix it, this was before the Jonas Brothers were suppose to come on. Then some other staff person said to do nothing about it, even though their boss said to fix it.
    Like over all I'm not bothered or angry...it was just a little disappointing.

    I didn't see that he hurt his hand!!!! When?!?!
    There were lots of people standing on their chairs infront of me...and I'm short so I couldn't see as much...I'm just lucky that I have a suppppper nice camera...that I recently bought for myself.(I loooooove photography!)
    Jordin Sparks voice was a lot higher pitched that I thought...She's still really good. Yeah I was wondering if she was going to sing a song with them...I thought it was good, but I was waiting for Miley to come out...some of the workers inside told us she was there when we were waiting outside. It was funny they were signing it to us!
    The rain was cool...you know when Kevin and Joe got on that...I don't know what to call it, it went up in the air and they sprayed the crowd with foam-ie substance...I was there and the flew over me it was crazy!
    Don't Speak is my all time fav. right now...Sadly with the having to get used to the songs...I have to do that...but I'm starting to catch on quickly with liking all the of them.

    and the answer your questions about the sex scenes...uh....First of all they're not too much...they're actually respectful and not as descriptive(In the gross too much info way) I will say though I was suprised to have it happen in the lastest chapter...I don't know why...but I aint complaining! ;] I think you do the perfect amount, really...you're story is amazing I'm jealous of your writing skills and can't wait for the next update!!!!!

    I absolutely love your story! You're Awesome!
    June 23rd, 2009 at 11:10pm