nthomas81 / Comments

  • MiaLovesJonas

    MiaLovesJonas (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    sorry it's taken so long to wb.. i only come on when i get notifications that the stories iv'e subbed to have been updated and i never really look at my profile.
    i think it's adorable that you wrote that story for your daughter it really was hilarious :)
    i also think it's pretty awesome that you're a jb mom!! and in your own right too, not because of your kids :)
    i'm guessing joe is your favourite right?
    ima go read some of your stuff now!
    April 24th, 2009 at 03:04pm
  • romeo save me;;

    romeo save me;; (100)

    United States
    yeah, I read it, and it was amazing! I read all of "It's only september, Joe!" and I even read "It's not enough, Joe!"

    So... I'm sitting here, patiently waiting for an update! Are there any updates coming in the near future? :)

    I'm sorry to rush your writing process, but your stories are just so addicting!!! :)
    April 23rd, 2009 at 04:45am
  • fashion101

    fashion101 (100)

    United States
    thanks for the message!

    today was so bad. the boys were totally not intune with each other and cara was soooo not being a good big sister today. it was just an all around bad day.

    all grayson has done today is CRY and SCREAM. thats it. and normally i wouldnt be that worried about it but he wont eat or sleep either.i think he may have an ear ache, he feels a little warm.... i made him a doctors app for tomo morning. poor thing

    bennett has been off all day today. [he like never cries... two or three times a day. he gets fussy but doesnt really cry that much. (which i LOVE!!)] im sure its bc he can tell grayson doesnt feel good...if it wasnt so hard on me id think it was cute...

    well i should go help dan.... he has gray and i can hear him all the way upstairs. bennett is actually sleeping for the moment but he'll be up in about an hour for his next feeding.

    DANG!! cara just walked in. said "baby gray woked me ups...i dont thinks i like him anymores." poor thing. its been a hard day on us all :|

    hope your day was better than mine!
    oh and i LOVE the new album cover!!!!! joes hair is BEYOND HOTT!!!!!
    April 22nd, 2009 at 05:48am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    got your messages, i was supposed to leave 20 minutes ago to go have pizza and TV night but then I got the text message with the album cover...ooooh swooon. thank all things holy that joe's hair...oh my god...it looks AMAZING geez. I'll message you back later.
    April 21st, 2009 at 01:34am
  • fashion101

    fashion101 (100)

    United States
    good afternoon!
    hows it goin'?

    i tried to change my twitter sn thingy, not sure if it worked or not....my goal was to change it to: sasha4fahion. we'll see what happens! oh and i put up a pic! it was taken last year before the twins and the hair cut! lol and the puppy in the pic is PJ, she is dan's dog! lol

    im going to try and get smoe work done with TL...not to sure how that will go bc since i gave dan his surprise last night thats all he seems to think about and so every free sec we have he thinks we need to be doing THAT. i dont think so! lol i need to get my body back in shape before i think i will really WANT to do that as much as i used to! he says that its the perfect exercise but im not so sure! lol

    cara asked for HER stories last night! just thought you'd wanna know! she really loves them! :)
    April 19th, 2009 at 08:23pm
  • fashion101

    fashion101 (100)

    United States
    lol YEAH choc covered strawberries for snack! just every now and then when she has been extra good. which she totally has been! and come over anytime! the choc covered strawberries are always fresh! lol you'll just have to fight cara for them, and let me tell you, she's a tough little cookie (her daddy says she gets it from her mommy...hmm)

    gave my hubby his surprise! he LOVED it! told me that i was "an amazing woman and an amazing mom.....im so lucky to have you." :) ahh just melts my heart! LOVE him! Im going to try and get some sleep before the boys wake me up! dan said he would take care of the next feeding....but we both know that as soon as the crying starts he will be dead to the world. just the arm flung over my waist, shaking me 'lightly', groaning "babe..your..turn..zzz"

    okay now im really going to bed
    talk to you tomo
    April 19th, 2009 at 06:34am
  • romeo save me;;

    romeo save me;; (100)

    United States
    It didn't work. It just said "this author doesn't exist."

    Do you think you could send 15 and 16 to me in a message?
    I know it's kind of a hassle, but I really love this story, and I was completely lost when I started to read chapter 17.
    April 18th, 2009 at 11:05pm
  • romeo save me;;

    romeo save me;; (100)

    United States
    hey, do you think you could re-post chapters 15 and 16 of "it's only september, Joe" ? I just started reading it, but it skips from chapter 14 to chapter 17.

    thanks :)
    Oh, by the way, I'm Marissa.
    April 18th, 2009 at 10:23pm
  • fashion101

    fashion101 (100)

    United States
    hey! hows it going? good, i hope!

    my hubby is making late lunch/early dinner (he made breakfast too!!!), cara just woke up from her nap and is chillin' on the couch watching tv and is eating a snack (milk and choc covered strawberries- her fav!), grayson is sleeping (FINALLY) and bennett is in his rocker next to the couch with cara...so i have a few mins to talk! :)

    I took cara this afternoon and got my hair cut! It was WAY to long to actually take care of with two babies and a two year old. I LOVE IT! its a cute pixie cut! most importanly dan likes it! lol!

    Also, while i was out i stopped buy victoria's secret and picked up a few things;) the doctor gave the OK on doing the dirty again but dan doesnt know yet! Im going to surprise him! too much info?? lol probs!

    cara moment:
    cara: *talking to dan* "mommys gots her hair cut n now hers and ben ben are tha same!"

    lol its not THAT short! but its close! its going to be SOO much easier to take care of!

    gotta go! grayson's up!
    April 18th, 2009 at 09:13pm
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    ok, so I went and saw 17 again earlier today with Kyle...SO cute! And really funny. Way better than I thought it was supposed to be...you must go! And seeing good ol' Zac isn't bad either :) Even though I think he's TOO much of a pretty boy.

    But...good day...we're having Friday Night In...he's cooking din and we're watching Season 4 of Smallville...those take FOREVER to watch, I tell you...but they're SO good.

    Anyway, theres really no point to this besides me telling you I hope you had a good day and all that...and that I posted WIB on the archive...it's being taken well so far, so we'll seeeee.

    thats all :)
    April 18th, 2009 at 12:29am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    so, i just came to say hey real quick and thanks for reviewing and i saw the comment below me, i assume that was for me :) but yeah, i meant to tell you that for SJ I didn't get an email either, i found out via your comment.

    but thanks for commenting...WIB is being pretty well recieved...i didn't post it on the archive yet because the response i get from here and the response i get on there is WAY different. so, i'm more anxious about that.

    okay. okay. Kyle's acting out for my attention by turning it off jimmy kimmel while im trying to multitask here, so let me go, but thank you thank you thank you...i'll send you a better thanks tomorrow morning to chat about TFG and such.


    ps, i'm signing up for twitter, so i'll follow you and say whats up :)
    April 17th, 2009 at 06:37am
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    AMAZINGLY EPIC! u were SO right.

    i just wanted to message u that i didnt get notice by email that u updated TFG. i know i am subscribed and i know that my mibba page has been acting funny all week. so just wanted u ta know.

    night and brava! it was interesting to see how people think u r gonna just abandon ur other stories. ;)
    April 17th, 2009 at 05:48am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    alright, it's up.
    WIB too.
    we'll see how it goes...

    April 17th, 2009 at 04:00am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    mmm...Schlotzchys :) Panera Bread is kind of like that except like a step up, it's not as fast-foodish i guess?...they have soups and salad and sandwiches, and they have a bakery in there and you can buy the bread and they slice it for you and they have breakfast, mm. I could eat there every day of my life. I love lunch dates. Because I was asleep when he left for work, now I get to see him and last nights still fresh on my mind and tonight is only a few hours away. Its a good middle ground, not to mention the cuddling in the booth :)

    Well, EJ, i don't want you to be depressed while you write it...that means I'll be depressed while reading it...I want Joe to go to her rescue and make everything better like her should...hmph...but I trust you...I know it'll be good no matter what and you know I'll read it and love it just the same :)

    I'm SO pumped for JONAS!! But get this, my bestie loves T.Swift, so we ot tickets to go see her in Biloxi on May 2nd...then the commercial comes on Disney and I was like NO!!! So now I have to wait until we get back on Sunday to watch :| Brinner is my favorite!! and no lie, I've called it Brinner since I was about 6 years old! Ugh, I always make Kyle make us eggs and pancakes and bacon for dinner...its the best! I think thats what I'll make tonight...haha

    I saw that about the Canada thing...I hope they don't try to rush so they can high-tail it out of there and get to do the Canada thing...but I don't think they will...it'll be the first official stop...with the special guests...in the new stadium...with all the excitement...you know...they'll be like YEAH!

    ok, back to writing....
    April 16th, 2009 at 10:06pm
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    hah, that towel was longgg gone ;)

    I'm glad you left the chapter how it was...it was like the perfect mix of the awkward tension of trying not to say the wrong thing or do something to intimate but still trying to show the other that they are TOTALLY in love. Psh. Sadie definitely needs Joe, just as much as he needs her though. Ah, it was so good...like can't even tell you how happy I am that they're on the track to being happy again. :)

    He actually said the epic part! Geez! Swoon :)

    Speaking of swoon, I got to go...I'm meeting Kyle for lunch at Panera Bread...mmm...my two favorites :)

    April 16th, 2009 at 06:31pm
  • sugar_rush12

    sugar_rush12 (100)

    hey! I honestly think that you're an amazing author! Please please update the story 'It's Not Enough,Joe' because I'm in love with it!! I'm begging *smugs genuinely*
    April 16th, 2009 at 05:47pm
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    okay, sorry!! ugh, Kyle gets home RIGHT when you said you posted and was all cutesy and like come on, I'm bringing you to dinner, love. How do you say no to that? Then we went grocery shopping at whole foods because we eat out too much and now I have a grand total of twenty minutes while he's in the shower to read, so I'm going to go do that :)

    TFG will be epic. I'm keeping it all a secret this time so you'll be able to take it all in and get the full effect. yayy.

    okay, to reaaddd

    ps, when do men ever complain about staying up late when there's a good reason? ;)
    April 16th, 2009 at 05:56am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    haha, thats what i like to hear!
    April 16th, 2009 at 12:33am
  • its danielle

    its danielle (100)

    United States
    Okay, I need to have a fangirl moment...have you seen Joe's hair lately?!? For like the past week all the pictures I've seen he's wearing it curly and I'm like okay, you can melt my heart now :)

    Now I'm going to shake my finger at you, and keep my eyes on the clock and tap my foot: Kyle gets home in forty five minutes, Nicole, am I going to have this SJ chap before I'm pulled into Kyle-world for the night? I sure hope so :).

    I've resorted to practically begging now. haha, but if it's not ready, don't rush it. I can wait...I just want you to know I am SO ready for this.

    I wrote out the next half of chapter 21 of TFG (It's going to be epic. so prepare yourself.) so I'm thinking the next half tomorrow and probably putting it up as well as WIB. Hmm, I'm getting lots accomplished this week.

    How's your week been? Isn't this weather GORGEOUS?
    I've been out bike riding and walking the dog around because I don't want to stay inside. But, looks like ran tomorrow until Sunday :|

    Anyway, thats all.
    April 15th, 2009 at 11:47pm
  • fashion101

    fashion101 (100)

    United States
    April 15th, 2009 at 05:23am