Raegan Ivory. / Comments

  • Road trip's been updated my love (:
    well, it's in the process. it wont submit at the moment :\

    April 19th, 2009 at 09:14pm
  • Oh, they were sexy. I had to stop myself from exploding, screaming “I LOVE YOU CRAIG” at the stage in front of Danny. Oh you should have seen me, I was going mental. He was saying in his speech that he knew people were here to get away from their broken homes, and music and going to shows was their only escape. And he was telling us to keep the faith and never stop believing.

    I hung off every word, I swear.

    And I’m gonna use the Jagermeister thing too, I’ll be sure to fit it in Road trip at some point. But that doesn’t stop you from using it too, I don’t mind. I didn’t say it xD

    They were a right bunch of teasers too, ‘cos they kept playing snippets of songs between songs, as if they were gonna start playing them but they didn’t! They did it was It’s just me, which is one of my favourite songs and Harder than you know. I wanted them to play Not good enough for truth in Cliché, but I think I would have cried haha. I cried during This war is ours, ‘cos it was just [i]that amazing[/i].

    There will probably be you tube videos, search Escape the fate Give it a Name 2009, Manchester academy or something. Lol

    April 19th, 2009 at 03:54pm
  • Are you ready for an epic rant? Well, it’s coming for you weather your ready or not.

    ESCAPE THE FATE WERE FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh my god. Craig and Max were actually the meaning of sex dancing around on stage. If it didn’t have a meaning before. Well now, it does. Craig licked his lips which was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life, at the end he had this epic speech about believing in music and it was really quite sweet. When he was doing his speech he pulled his top down so we could see his believe tattoo :P I nearly died.

    It was mental, they only had half an hour on stage and they played The Flood, There’s no sympathy for the dead, 10 miles wide, this war is ours, Ashley, Something, and situations. When they came on to The Flood, I nearly got crushed it was the definition of [i]insane[/i]. I clung onto Danny with my life, it was so scary. Same with There’s no sympathy for the dead=mental. Then Something was just a huge epic sing along it was so great. And Craig was like “Who likes to drink?” *cheers* “Who [i]really[/i] likes to drink?” *bigger cheers* “Great, at least you believe in something. I believe in Jagermeister....” ‘cos he’s epically cool like that. And Max was amazing too, he wore a t-shit saying “Zombies” on it, and his hair looked really cool. He screamed loads and was running around the stage like a mad man. Sexy as hell I tell you.

    I didn’t meet them, though. They were hiding from me I think. But I [i]did[/i] meet God of Emo, Adam Lazzara. I found him rather rude, though.

    But yeah, Taking back Sunday on stage were actually incredible. Epic. All words of the like.

    But not quite as sexy as Escape the fate ;)
    April 19th, 2009 at 02:50pm
  • Wow, epic sexual fantasy there. I’m in with a chance with meeting the boys [b]tomorrow[/b], so I’m actually dying about that. My friends who I’m going with are planning to embarrass me in front of Craig and Max if we get to meet them. Lizzie’s gonna be like “Oh, so are these the guys your REALLY obsessed with?” and Abi’s gonna say “Yeah, don’t you write fan fiction about them?”. They’re getting a slap if they do, haha. I know my boyfriend will chip in too if they start embarrassing me.

    Oh, writing is my biggest hobby by far. And I so count seeing my boyfriend as a hobby ;) he’s a big enough responsibility. He’s like a puppy. But I’ve been writing non stop these past few days, just writing Road trip. I have so many ideas! You’re gonna love it. It will be fan fiction perfection. A bit like Russian roulette :) I’ve written the 3rd chapter, I wrote it last night (quite late, again) and I’m about to post the second ready for you to read :)

    And I’m feeling much much better today, so it’s all good :) don’t wanna be ill for Craigifer and Maxxieeeee. I went up onto the moors with my friends and played hide and seek. Me and Abi won by far. We climbed up a little rock face and hid in a hole and talked about tomorrow, escape the fate, I had a rant about how much of an amazing front man Ronnie was and how sexy Craig is, and how some people are silly ‘cos they think Craig is trying to copy Ronnie.


    April 17th, 2009 at 09:18pm
  • Oooh! I knew I'd heard them somewhere before.

    Recently become a huge fan of them. Obviously, very recently. Heard Ronnie's verision before Craig's though.
    April 17th, 2009 at 05:48am
  • Are the head lines above your stories/comments/about section lyrics?
    April 17th, 2009 at 02:59am
  • Haha, If I can find you the picture I’ll PM it you. Well, at first glance your like OMG ITS MAX but then you look closer and it’s not so it’s a bit disappointing haha.

    And I would so cover myself in chocolate for Craig and Max if they wanted me to. You know you would too ;) hehe

    By the way, I must say, your Russian roulette chapter was the best by far. The way Piper was lusting after Craig and Max wet it made me drool too. But not quite as much as in the video for The Flood, ‘cos you actually see Craig wet in that one xD

    And I can’t wait for the new stories by the way. The Craig and Max ones. Wooooooooot xD
    But don’t stress yourself out with too many updates and all. I do that and then my updates end up being crap and it’s like D: so yeah, just a bit of advice there.

    I’m about to type up the next chapter of Road trip, in which I’ll link Russian roulette. Even though I linked it in the prequel. But oh well! I’m sure you don’t mind ;) I’ve already started writing the 3rd chapter of Road Trip actually. I’ve had time to write today ‘cos I’ve been ill :(
    April 16th, 2009 at 09:51pm
  • Ahhh! Thank you! Took me 3 bloody hours to put all that together, but I was watching Slumdog millionaire at the same time xD
    It was annoying me ‘cos I couldn’t find a picture of the Green day car, which annoyed me then I couldn’t find a nice t-shirt for Craigifer, and I got onto finding Max’s leather jacket and thought it’d be really hard but I went on the Soho’s website and found one staring at me! AND the model looked the spitting image of Max! It was insane!

    Glad I got the lingo right, didn’t want them to sound like twats lol

    And I don’t really like slash to be honest, I don’t mind The Blackout slash like Smutlers but Escape the fate slash...it’s so weird, ‘cos to me there such as heterosexual band. Unlike the blackout, where the 2 lead singers you could actually imagine them being gay....I could never imagine Max or Craig Or Ronnie being gay.
    April 14th, 2009 at 10:58pm
  • D: First commenter was a slash lover, saying I should turn it into a slash :/

    She needs to read the prequel, Max and Craig are very much hetrosexual :)
    April 14th, 2009 at 05:41pm
  • The Chapter is up! Comment, tell me what you think.
    April 14th, 2009 at 05:23pm
  • I mean, I’ve done so much research for this story, I don’t know much about America and how it’s set out, so I got a North American map and drew out the route the boys are gonna take. There starting from New York, and travelling all the way to the other side, to California (stopping off in Vegas on the way ;) ), and down California and back across the country, through Texas etc and down through Florida, finishing up in Miami :)

    Well, I might not stick to this plan, but I might as well because then, I’ll have a route I can follow, I know which cities they’ll pass along the way, so yeah :) this is gonna be a long one...

    Which part of the south are you from?
    April 14th, 2009 at 04:44pm
  • Well, you’ll be glad to know that I was so so excited to write the new story, I stayed up ‘til 2am last night writing the new chapter, and I’m just about to type it up :) It’s gonna be one of those chapters what makes you smile and laugh, well, that’s what I wanted it to be anyway. I’m really quite proud of it hehe ^-^

    I’ve tried to get in some American lingo too, now this has been pretty difficult ‘cos I’m British, so I’ve had to improvise a little on that front :) I hope it doesn’t sound too ridiculous.

    Well, here goes. I hope people like it
    Much loveeee
    April 14th, 2009 at 02:36pm
  • Thanks, monkeys eh? Aha. My name is Olivia.
    April 14th, 2009 at 02:09am
  • I’m glad I have some back up on this :) thanks for linking it, It will be much appreciated. I’ve actually posted the story and it’s linked now, now I just gotta write the actual chapter ;) I’m quite excited about that to be honest. My other 2 fics aren’t exciting me at the moment, although Church on Sunday is definitely hotting up. But they feel a little bit constricted, and I’m really inspired by the concept of summer at the moment and summer has such a feel of freedom to it so I thought, why not give Craigifer and Maxxie a break, eh? :P

    I haven’t got time to post anything now, but there will be things up soon. I got a feeling Max might get laid quite a lot in this one too, yay for sex scenes!
    April 13th, 2009 at 10:26pm
  • Woo! I’m glad you like the idea, I think I will write about their summer off ‘cos then [i]anything[/i] can happen. I’ll get right on it, I’ll spread the word. Woot!

    I’m still unsure about putting Piper in, if I do I don’t think she’ll have a speaking part, I think it’ll be like, she still works for Buzznet as a reporter for Warped, and Craig and Max go to watch some bands on Warped and they catch sight of her, and Max is like D:

    But yeah, I think it’ll be a fic without a storyline, without limits :) It sounds like fun to me :D

    April 13th, 2009 at 09:24pm
  • Oh my god, epic idea for sequel.

    I could just write about Craig and Max’s summer off from the band, they could go a bit mad, get lots of sex etc :) No particular storyline or anything. Just writing whatever I feel like writing I suppose :)

    OR MAYBE I could epically link it to Russian Roulette and they could go back to Warped, to watch rather than play there. And catch sight of Piper, maybe? Yet that would be stealing your character, and she’s such a great character so I wouldn’t wanna steal her :) It’s just a suggestion anyway. A brainwave :)
    April 13th, 2009 at 04:02pm
  • I’ve been trying to think of ideas for A sea of dead sequel, and I think I might just change the story completely. As in it’s not gonna be like “Ronnie’s gonna get ya” anymore, so i might just push Ronnie out completely. I don’t know. I just really wanna write more Craig ^-^

    Any ideas?
    April 13th, 2009 at 03:37pm
  • [i]”I've decided that the sequel to Playing Russian Roulette (told from the point of view of Mercy Fisher and Craig Mabbitt) will be dedicated to Zoe (April's Fool) because of her love for Craig. :D”[/i]
    Get in!! See, loving Craig gets you places. Did I mention, my boyfriend’s met Craig Mabbitt back in January, and Craig asked him if he was with someone so he obv said yes and showed him a picture of me, and Craig said “You’re lucky to be with someone so beautiful” So I’m like :O about that still. I can’t remember if I told you that. But it’s a pretty epic thing to claim ^-^

    And OMG for Russian Roulette. 10 chapters?! You do realise I will explode before waiting that long! Lol, I’m sure it will be worth the wait.

    And same about Ronnie, I think he’s quite sexy but I think that was mainly his stage persona rather than his looks. Not that I ever saw him on stage but like, in music videos and things like that. Whereas Craigifer and Maxxie have it allllllll xD I have a poster on my wall with Craig pulling his collar down and you can almost see his chest xD

    Damn, I am obsessive haha ^-^

    April 13th, 2009 at 03:32pm
  • I would because it's so easy. xD I love using Twitter all the time.
    I'll preach it, all right! Ha!
    April 13th, 2009 at 05:00am
  • Oh, and thanks about the new banner BTW
    I'm proud of it, although, it is a little bit pixelated :\ but i like it xD
    April 12th, 2009 at 11:11pm