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  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    Yeah I don’t know what the hell is going on with people these days. Just because you listen to a fucking song in a movie or hear it on TV or see it somewhere on the internet, does not make you an instant fan. People don’t even know how to listen to music anymore. You can’t just decided that your indie or anything else and listen to just indie or whatever else because one fucking song you here. I see people doing that shit all the time and its pissing me off. I just listen to the music that makes me happy; that I fall on by chance. Most of the bands I listen to I found out from books or from my mom and older sister or walking around a record store and putting things in the CD player they have there and giving it a try. I don’t give a shit what the singer looks like, or what genre it is it only matters if it moves me, makes me feel some sort of emotion that is strong. I listen to something in almost every type of music. But I know that it’s not fucking mainstream, “we are a band and didn’t work for all the fame we have” or any shit like that, I listen to REAL musicians!
    Oh yeah and I hate Haley Williams too. Ughhhhhh. There are a whole lot of female singers that are more talented than her and can sing better than her, I am pissed how everyone loves her and thinks she is some sort of rock goddess.
    I agree about the thing about Perez Hilton too, no talent, so why the hell does he talk shit about the people who do have some? I doubt he has every had a good listen to Peter’s music. If he did, then I don’t think he would say the shit he does. That is what I think about all the people who say things about Peter, and other talented musicians the media picks on. I don’t think they listen to their music, they just want to find a victim, and that is what Perez Hilton does. And what a dumb name at that…
    It’s ok to be a little misanthropic sometimes, I can’t blame you, and I feel/sound the same way sometimes too. It’s because the world we live in, with Disney stars and Justin Bieber running the music industry.
    Nothing is pure and cool and underground anymore, it’s all exposed and ruined. And its makes me feel shitty. So I decided I will just mind my own business, and study, play guitar and violin, and listen to my favorite music and just chill out and tell everyone else who is freaking out over the “next-big-thing” to fuck off…
    Again sorry for the longgg rambling.
    July 24th, 2010 at 12:02am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    I couldn’t agree with you more about all the things you said in the last comment. First of all, Fuck emo, it’s something stupid that some bored-ass unintelligent, attention-whores made up so they could pretend to be sad and shit, when really their mums buy them everything. All these kids like Miley(who is a whore now…I would not let my children watch that girl on TV if I was a parent), and Justin Bieber and the Jonas brothers are poor excuses for music. So is All-Time Low, their music sounds like a bunch of other bands that suck too. Perez Hilton is a dumb idiot, who talks shit about Pete Doherty and everyone else that is good. He is probably making fun of people because he is ugly and stupid and makes a living on saying rude things instead of actually having a talent.
    There is a lot of things that I hate now-a-days. The music industry has become crap, and I wish that I lived back in the day 60s, 70s, 80’s, things were cool back then. There are a few things I like from the present…. I have lost my faith in new music, but of course the LIBERTINES are back!
    And to tell you the truth I am scared to that the strokes don’t have much longer. :/ I wanted to see Julian, because he came to Austin, Texas, but I was still in school. Wanted to see the strokes in either Chicago or Austin. But I am too poor. LOL
    I have all of Bright Eyes really really early stuff. That is all I have had for like…ever. Just a few new songs.

    Anyways that is enough of my talking. How are you doing?
    July 23rd, 2010 at 04:22am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    My little sister went through a thing where she was IN LOVE with the Jonas Brothers. She had that picture on her wall. Every single time I walked into her room, I wanted to rip it up. Doubt he listens to the Libs. Probably trying to act cool or some shit.
    July 4th, 2010 at 09:59pm
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    hey there. here in lubbock its 3:26 am so i am gonna do some writing on the story, but first i will comment you back.

    you know, i know what you mean Violette when you say that it kinda seems like the strokes are... distant from each other... I got that feeling from seeing interviews with Jules when he was putting out his solo album... they would ask him about the strokes, and he would be all awkward about it.

    I just hope everything will be ok and the album will come out soon. From now on i will still comfort myself with like you Bright Eyes ( have you listened to the album Letting off the Happiness? i love it) and The Libs, Green Day, and the Kills. and still the strokes. thinking about how good they were back in the day still makes me happy!

    i really want to hear carl's solo album!

    chapters soon.
    July 4th, 2010 at 10:31am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    glad youre good and i hope your test results turn out for the best.

    you are working in england and you might see the Libs???? LUCKY LUCKY GIRL. if you go take pictures and please share! lol

    yeah i was gonna see the strokes at Lollapalloza or Austin City Limits Fest, but all the tickets are GONE. :( but oh well if they come out with a new album, they will tour.

    what where you disappointed about?

    and of course its amazing to have the libs back. Do you think that they are going to put any new music out ever? do you think they should? i dont really know either way, personally...

    also i have been writing things like crazy, chapters for most of my stories, so i should have something on when the lights are out soon, and something on my Julian fic I think.

    hope youre well!
    July 3rd, 2010 at 08:45pm
  • LittleMissCandy

    LittleMissCandy (100)

    United States
    Ahhh it has been a long time!!!! I'm glad your back bc we can tlk about all those yummy boys!!

    July 2nd, 2010 at 08:17am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    ITS BEEN FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everything is cool here in texas. just trying to get everything ready for college in the fall. and trying to get over the fact that i wont see the strokes this summer. But anyways HOW ARE YOU???
    July 1st, 2010 at 10:12pm
  • Bob Dylan.

    Bob Dylan. (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey, Just a random comment...
    I love your layout. Peter and Carl are just amazing.
    June 30th, 2010 at 09:23pm
  • LittleMissCandy

    LittleMissCandy (100)

    United States
    I know! It's been a lifetime!
    What have you been up too???

    May 24th, 2010 at 03:06am
  • LittleMissCandy

    LittleMissCandy (100)

    United States
    Heyhey pretty lady!!!!
    April 2nd, 2010 at 03:42am
  • Steffy Michelle

    Steffy Michelle (500)

    Great Britain (UK)
    haha, understandable ;) xx
    February 27th, 2010 at 12:18pm
  • TwentiethCenturyGirl

    TwentiethCenturyGirl (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thanks! I don't know if I'll write another one, I might do. If I do though it definitely won't be about Angie and Sterling. It would feel kind of corny to keep writing about them after it was over. Maybe I could do something about Jim. I'm not sure yet, but I did really enjoy writing it so you never know. How's yours going?
    January 24th, 2010 at 12:42pm
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    PS do you have any wishes at all for the new year? like i said, i just cant wait for graduation. that means that i am closer to getting to go to Europe. and taking a road trip (hopefully) to NYC when i turn 18!
    January 1st, 2010 at 01:52am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    i am loving the new layout :D well happy new year to you! i hope that your 2010 is awesome and better than 2009. I can so agree that 09 was CRAP. but this year should be better. I am graduating from high school! i have been waiting for this year for a very long time!
    January 1st, 2010 at 01:49am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    oh la la you got some very lovely sounding gifts. i got a skirt, some ballet flats that are bright blue, and remind me of shoes from the 50's, i also got a bob dylan vinyl, and a babyshambles shirt.

    i sent you the story, i hope you like it, if not, just tell me. lol
    and new years eve is going to awesome here, but even if you arent going anywhere i hope you have a good day!
    December 28th, 2009 at 05:48am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    ohhh! the arctic monkeys! woo woo. cooking is always fun too. and good luck with the blue eyed crush!

    so i will send you the fic in an inbox message, and you can tell me what you think after you read it or whatever. thank you for wanting to read it! lol

    hope you get all the gifts you wanted and have fun on X-mas day!

    PS: i cannot wait for New Year's Eve!!! do you have any plans??
    December 24th, 2009 at 01:07am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    HEY!!!!! How are you??
    Are you on Christmas holiday too??
    Yes, I am on holiday, and it’s great, I am catching up on all the sleep that I lost during when school was in. And I found a new boyfriend. He is great. The Strokes are his favorite band and he is the ONLY person that I know here in my town that knows who the libertines are! So it’s been pretty great.
    YOU SAW JULES!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! AHHHHHHHHH! That is great, even though it was packed with little teenies. That is never cool. But at least you got to see him. You are such a lucky girl! And Muse too. That is awesome.
    I am going to watch the videos you sent me and then tell you what I think.
    I finally got Phrazes too. It’s pretty fucking amazing.
    It’s cool that it’s snowing over there. It snowed a lot over here for a few days in the beginning of December, but I hope it snows on X-mas.
    And yes, I have heard “ I wish it was Christmas today” its fun and lovely. He performed last night on the Jimmy Fallon show. Here is the video.
    Oh and one more thing. Can I send you a part of a Julian fic that I am starting? I don’t know if I want to carry on with it, or post what I have, so I thought I would ask you. Since your Julian fic is amazing.
    Have a happy Christmas!!!
    December 22nd, 2009 at 07:46pm
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    very soon. see i had most of it written, almost to the end, i re-read it, and thought it was crap, so i got rid of all of it.

    and started again. it will be on here soon, i promise!
    December 10th, 2009 at 02:59am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    Hey there!
    How have you been??
    I get Jules’s album tomorrow, and I am on holiday, so things are pretty good. I hope the same for you!
    Oh, and I am not with my boyfriend anymore, and the new boy I told you about has come around and talked to me a lot more, so that is all good.
    Nothing much has been going on though. I am HOPEFULLY going to go see Adam Green in concert in January, and that is the only exciting thing that has occurred. Figuring out his tour dates, that is.
    November 25th, 2009 at 07:22am
  • LittleMissCandy

    LittleMissCandy (100)

    United States
    oh gosh i CAN NOT find a rooney album ANYWHERE! it's getting on my nerves!
    AHHHHHHHHH billy boy on poison is my new obsession!!!
    i can't find jule's album either! what is this world coming to that i can't even find vinyl anymore!
    i sure his album is just keane, it must be great b/c i mean it's JULES! lol, when i get my hands on a copy I'll def tell you what i think!
    WAHHHHHHHHHHH! i knew albert was going to rehab but the hair!!! come on! it was alrighty bad enough when fab cut his hair and grew hair on his face but now albert!
    :(<-------SAD FACE!
    OH YES!!!! i knew nic was in that mar. i was like GO NICY!
    oh my it has been a lifetime since we've talked!!!
    November 18th, 2009 at 06:11am