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  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    oh my.
    *moment of silence for alberts hair.*

    oh lord, i have not a clue what to think about that. i am hoping the rehab did make him cut it, and it was not a choice of his own.

    and no, i am soooo broke, i have not bought julian's album, and it has made sad. among other things that have happened in the past two weeks... arg. all i can say is that boys are very confusing.

    anyways. I am very sorry to hear that you and your best friend are friends anymore, but if the change is for the better, that is good. and the thing you wrote about: "No, not like in an old movie where the mafioso says to his uncle "I got rid of him" and get a rifle out of his violin case."

    made me laugh really hard, but yes i understood what you were saying.

    and yeah, i love my new layout. it took my forever to figure out how to do it, but i did. that picture of pete makes me really happy. lol

    so yeah. i hope things are going better with you. I am.... just ok. i dont know what to think about this situation i got in with this one guy, but it will be ok. i like him, but i dont know where he stands, even though, he did tell me he wanted to "get to know me better"

    its all a mess, but i will be ok.

    again i hope all is well for you.
    November 15th, 2009 at 11:35pm
  • LittleMissCandy

    LittleMissCandy (100)

    United States
    i'm pretty sure you should have a listen to rooney AND billy boy on poison!
    what's the news on jules??
    i've been so out of the loop forever!!!

    November 15th, 2009 at 02:21am
  • massacre--

    massacre-- (100)

    United States
    well thank you ever so much,honey.that's very sweet of you to say.
    as you can see,i'm not very "popular" on here and get very few pic my opinion,your very pretty and your beauty should
    be appreciated alot more.i have nothing against lesbians/bi's but
    i just wanted to say that i'm not saying this to hit on you or
    anything like people take comments the wrong way.
    November 10th, 2009 at 01:09am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    oh!! i dont have money to buy jules's album... sad sad sad... so that is one of the things amongst others that has brought this week down. BUT i am going to go and get my last paycheck ( i quit), and if i have enough i am going to have fun tomorrow, buying Julian's CD, getting a huge bottle of smirnoff ice, and partying to his songs. lol so things might get better.

    you are right though, if people want to hear the strokes well they can go put a strokes album on. But i think people should be fair, and think of Julian as a solo artist and focus on what he has provide for our lucky ears to hear. from what i heard, yes, it is different from the strokes, but isnt that the point??? if he wanted to write music like he did with the strokes, he would go and do it with them. but he didnt, so of course its different, and i like the difference!

    i think you and me get it, and the others dont. lol

    i am doing...ok i guess... i hope you are doing way better than me!!!
    November 6th, 2009 at 03:20am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    hey there. well i am sorry your friend sad that, and you have a right to be upset, anyone, including me would be too. But i hope that things get better between you too.

    but i am glad you got to drive the Mercedes Benz, that sounds cool!

    i spent all day at auditions, after a night of drinking and other interesting things. the auditions didnt go so well, and the night before was just... crazy. one of my friends blew me off today too... so it was frustrating.

    but i think things will get better. i hope. anyways i cant wait for Jules's album to come out, it will make me very happy

    hope your well. :)
    November 1st, 2009 at 04:59am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    well i agree with you, good performance from jules, but there were lots of sound effects and all that. i think it would be really cool if he was playing keyboard or something himself. but hey, it was still cool.

    yes, i like the blonde streaks. and the greasy hair (yeah sorry, i think it looks good on him, its his thing) but shampoo is a must, once in a while

    and OH GOD i know. i thought no one knew who the beatles were, there is FOR SURE NO ONE that knows Bob Dylan and the Clash, which is really frigging sad. they are missing out. but do i want the brainless people to know good music? i think not, so i should stop ranting. now.

    anyways I REALLLLLLLYYYYYYY love the layout on the story. its beauuuuttttiful. yay for you!!!! you should be proud of yourself :D

    oh Halloween. I have auditions for orchestra that are OUT OF TOWN that day. :( but tomorrow i am going to a party with my best friend. Drinking, costumes, fun, music, stuff like that. On halloween, i get back from the auditions at 10, so i am going to go Trick or Treat with my friends ( yes, i still trick or treat, i want free candy and i am taking my little sister lol ) and then if there is another party somewhere, go to that if i am not too tired. its gonna be fun.

    so do you have a costume or anything? i am going to be a sailor/navy captain. i found the coolest hat to go with it. i will take pics and put them on here, just because i want everyone to see that awesome hat. hahahaha

    so i hope your halloween is fun, and i hope your good. i am off to write a thesis paper over the nature imagery and how it relates to the male characters in the book Madame Bovary....ugh....
    October 30th, 2009 at 02:50am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States

    there it is my friend. Jules on the Conan O'Brien show. it was amazing, and i stayed up until midnight to watch it... it was so worth it though.

    anyways, they dont have libertines/babyshambles/pete stuff in your record stores?? that is werid. i though that was only here in america, lol

    and yes, i know about people that just listen to Lady Gaga and all that crap, its annoying. its really not my friends, just people around me, who are in fact stupid. today, in orchestra, a quartet played "yesterday" by the beatles and no one but me and my best friend knew what song it was. i thought that was ridiculous, not to know a song by the Beatles, but they sure as hell know about Twilight and tokio hotel. :(

    so anyways, i hope you are good. i am super frigging busy, i have auditions to practice for, cakes to back for a halloween festival, and homework to do... ugh. at least i have my music to listen to.

    i hope you have luck trying to make that layout for the story...:)
    October 28th, 2009 at 11:30pm
  • massacre--

    massacre-- (100)

    United States
    aws.(: im glad you
    thought i was sweet.
    October 27th, 2009 at 11:59pm
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    i am sorry you wont be able to see Jules on TV. maybe some one will put it on youtube or something. i never see the strokes, the libertines/babyshambles, any of the bands i listen to on tv. because MTV sucks. we have a channel called FUSE, they will play good music, once in a while...

    and here in Lubbock, Texas, i have to order all my CD's. they dont have anything in the stalk that i listen to. its just really popular music that they keep in the stores. there is this great place called Ralph's ( i think i told you about it) and they have the good stuff there, but i mostly just order from them, because Hastings, our huge book/CD store doesnt order things like that. i asked them to order the libertines book. it took them 2 months to get it to me. asked them for Pete's album, and they were like " who is Pete Doherty?"
    so i just to to Ralphs.

    why do we have to live in places, that clearly dont know that we need a store that sells good music??!?!

    and yes four weeks until my next break. its for thanksgiving, and its a week long. then we have to wait for christmas break, which is another five weeks and that break is two weeks. after that we get spring break( 1 week) in march and then a few single days inbetween all that. then june july, and a 3/4th of august for summer.

    school is making me really tired. i am ready to go to college. i hate high school. but i promise, i wont go into a rant about the stupid people and the stupid classes.
    October 25th, 2009 at 10:29pm
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    hey! 11th Dimension is my favorite too! and i didnt listen to the little extracts, because either my computer was being dumb, or it just wouldnt let me. but your right, it will be better to wait and have the album physically.

    i have no idea how TV works where you live, I dont know if you have channels that show american TV. all we have is BBC america, and we get really old episodes of what comes on the real BBC. BUT i am super excited because Julian is coming on this late night show Conan O'Brien on Tuesday! when i saw it on the TV schedule, i did a little scream, and my mom said to shut up, because its not like Julian had walked in my house or something. But i am really excited anyhow...

    i hope your holiday is fun. i dont get my next holiday for another four weeks!

    school has been stressful with orchestra and latin club, but i will be ok, its the only thing interesting thats been going on here.

    hope your well!
    October 25th, 2009 at 07:13pm
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    AHHHHHHHHH!!!! I love Julian’s new, song; I added it to my MySpace… I want that album… it’s gonna be classic, you’re soooo right about that. And thanks for the link I am going to go listen to the little extracts.
    Wouldn’t it be awesome to see a music video to 11th dimension, or River or Brakelights?
    Hope you are well: D
    October 20th, 2009 at 11:49pm
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    hey! i am glad your fever is gone. and thanks for putting a link to my story on you VERY pretty/cool layout.

    speech class is were they teach you how to be a good public speaker. they teach you how to speak eloquently, how to dress for speeches, how to listen properly, how to speak to certain people, ( whether they are your boss, your friend, some one new, etc)

    its very ridiculous, but Texas requires high school students to take a semester of it. its a waste of precious time. lol

    but yeah, new chapter tonight, and i am writing another story and i am thinking about putting it on here. another peter and carl story, except this one is going to be more, emotional, angst-y i guess you could say. if i dont post it on here it will be on Albion Archive

    PS: pete doherty is sick. he was having trouble breathing, ( i read this on the french dog blues forum) and he got out of the hospital today.

    i am praying he is okay. he had to stop touring and take a break
    October 18th, 2009 at 02:40am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    ha ha no PE evaluation. i wish i could skip mine, but the teachers who give it, like harrass you until you get it done!!!

    and i dont have fever anymore, i mean mine was really high for a while, but its been low, and just off and on. a new thing that has come up is that i have been having REALLY bad headaches. we were at my orchestra rehearsal, and i sit on the outside chair, behind the first chair. the auditorium lights are like right in my face, and i couldnt play well because i had such a bad headache. so thats is the only thing bothering me at the moment, and my sore throat.

    i hope you get to feeling better soon too.

    i am glad you liked the chapter and the end :D
    i am posting more tomorrow. see, i have health class and speech class at the end of each school day. we do NOTHING in those classes. so i finish my (easy!) work quickly, and then write, so i am on a roll.

    and in love!!!! that is good! i am happy for you! :D
    October 17th, 2009 at 05:38am
  • LittleMissCandy

    LittleMissCandy (100)

    United States
    oh i'm FINALLY glad that someone noticed the lyrics!
    i love those lines, i can def relate to those lyrics.
    oh my i have been feeling really crummy this WHOLE week.
    blah! i've been physical alright buuuuuuuuuut i just feel like blahhhhhh.
    how have you been?

    October 17th, 2009 at 04:02am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    november???? why is this???
    oh and on the subject of facebook, i am assuming you have one. i do now too. we should add each other. :)
    October 15th, 2009 at 11:51pm
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    tracheitis??? oh my god, that sucks, i hope you get to feeling better, that the sickness, and what ever has made you depressed goes away! never fear! six more days until jules's cd comes out. :D I am sick too, so i am not doing very well, i have had horrible headaches, a fever, and lots of dizziness since thursday when i got a flu shot, it made me worse not better.

    PS: i like your new pic, its very pretty

    new chapter of the story TONIGHT!
    October 14th, 2009 at 11:48pm
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    yay, i am sure if you did write that story it would be
    amazing. woo woo.
    and yeah of course Juliet will be a good mum, but Jules is gonna have to be on tour and all that, which makes it hard for him to be around, but i am sure it will all be cool

    but hold on, if she is pregnate does that mean that the strokes album is going to be released later than planned??


    hope your doing good.
    October 10th, 2009 at 01:14am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    ahhhh yes write a story about albert and Fab, not only would it be cool, it might come true. lol

    antinomic yes, but am so sure Jules will be a good dad, Juliet a good mom, dont you think?

    boy or girl, they will have one of the coolest persons on earth as there father.
    the converse thing, the picture it created in my mind. so cute!

    * thanks you for cookies and hugs, gives some to you* ha ha cool, yeah i will PM you some time, right now, its back to packing, then after that, homework. God i hate Algebra. that class is going to kill me, it was my only bad mark on my report card. :(
    October 5th, 2009 at 12:45am
  • wilde_child.

    wilde_child. (150)

    United States
    oh maybe you are phychic, you should write more stories and see if simliar stuff comes true XD

    ha cute baby casablancas with greasy hair. i can only imagine.
    i wonder what it is. boy? girl?

    and you should be proud of your story, is great. albert, and the plot and all that. and thanks for wanting to help me with that french in my story.

    i am sooooo frigging sleepy and bored, and tired of moving. i wish i could take a nap. sorry for being random.
    October 4th, 2009 at 09:42pm
  • LittleMissCandy

    LittleMissCandy (100)

    United States
    hahahahaha, oh my this really is exciting,
    finally he's gunna be a daddy!
    whoa the day is finally coming!

    October 4th, 2009 at 09:30pm