Looking back

So I've just been trolling the internet for like hours between classes and remembered this site. I've gone 'through old blog posts and poems and stories I have on here, some of which aren't posted just drafts. Looking through all this stuff from three four and even five years ago is so surreal for me. I'm definitely not the same person I was and I think that's a good thing. One of the most...
September 19th, 2013 at 10:28pm


So I know I've tsaid this like 3 times before but Comments help me keep posting on here. They make me feel like people enjoy my writing. So can you guys do me a big favor and go read my poems/lyrics and COMMENT??? One of my newer posts was chosen to be used in a story!!!So if you go read A nightmare away and click on the profile for the girl who asked to use the lyrics in her story Letters og...
July 16th, 2009 at 03:55am

New Poems!!!! C4C!!!!

I just added two new poem!!!!! Please go read and comment. Feedback helps me to keep posting. I will return the favor. Nothing makes me happier than having people read my poems, so please pleasedo that!! Thanks!!Just sitting at home chillin and listening to music. Enjoying my summer....went tubing the other day. I got a car like two weeks ago I'm so excited!!! It's a frosted purple 1997 Dodge...
July 9th, 2009 at 11:39pm

Comment for comment!!

Hey people Please please please....read my poems and comment. I love to get feedback. It makes me want to post more. If you read mine and comment I will do the same!!!!So Im completely happy for school to be over. Though its kind of bitttersweet because I wont get to see alot of my freinds all summer. Only three years left!!! *does happy dance* Summer just started and i cant wait to get back and...
May 31st, 2009 at 05:16pm


can someone please help me out!!!I have a french project due tuesday and I need 10 pics and names of monuments or landmarks in french speaking countries. If you have any suggestions that would be great.I already have Niagara falls and the Eiffel tower.I need at least eight more as soon as possible......Please I will love you forever!!Please please please please please please if you read this...
March 23rd, 2009 at 12:48am


Hey peoples! How's it going??? I just got done with practice OGT's for the dayn and was wondering if any of you lovely people reading this would do me a favor. Pease!!!!Anyway... could you go and read my poems and give me some feedback please?anthing......just tell me if you like them and if you do please tell your friends to read them too. if you do i'll return the favor and read something of...
March 16th, 2009 at 02:47pm