it's over.

a long time ago i posted this journal about one of my friends. atleast i think that's what it was about. i didn't really take the time to re-read it xDanyways, if it was about what i think it was about, then it was about him not talking to me for whatever reason it was that time. did that make sense? it seemed like i used "was" and "about" a lot..sorry, i stray from the subject a lot xD like now.....
December 4th, 2007 at 06:02am

Just bored. Read if you like.

Okay, well I have some unsolved issues with a real close friend of mine. We haven't talked in maybe a month now. I know how it started it out, but what I don't understand are how things still aren't okay between us. He's probably mad at me for much more than just me not telling him who I liked, and I know I'm mad at him for more than just.. well whatever he did.. I'm too lazy to go into the...
September 5th, 2007 at 05:08am