that's annoying >.<

Stupid, stupid mibba deleted the whole one-shot I so lovingly wrote you guys.GOD that's annoying.Why would it do that? It even said that it was successfully posted.LIES LIES LIES!It seems like the more I use mibba, the more I hate it.Who the hell are they to tell me my story wasn't good enough for people to read?It's so unbelievably wrong how they feel entitled to delete stories other people took...
August 2nd, 2008 at 07:33am

two posts in two days, my my :D

Before I post anything on here (besides journals), I must share something with you.(I'm even using proper capitalization and punctuation, so you know it's serious ;]).I am thoroughly opposed to the thought of myself writing fanfiction/slash OF ANY KIND.I am not, however, opposed to reading it. If it's good, and I remember, I subscribe. I enjoy a good story, and a lot of them out there are quite...
July 26th, 2008 at 10:37am

i am sosososo sorry!!!

oh my goody good goodness.someone should smite me.IT HAS BEEN TOO FREAKING LONG SINCE I LAST UPDATED EVEN A FREAKING JOURNAL.HOWEVER...i have been reading very many stories. and they were all very the moment, my favorite is "It's a Long Way Down Lovers' Leap."i forget the username because i don't subscribe.... :[[but seriously folks, check it out.ANYWAY...what has darling katie been up to...
July 25th, 2008 at 06:28am


So my finals are done as of THURSDAY, JUNE 12th.This is because the California school system is gay as hell and they refuse to let us roam until mid June.So by about THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, stories should be heading your way.I must warn you, however...I am not the most reliable person.I am not the most creative person.I do have a life.This story will not be very good.IF ANYONE HAS ANY IDEAS FOR ME...
June 10th, 2008 at 05:15am

A Burst of Creativity Coming Soon!

I am slowly starting to figure things out on this site (operative word: S.L.O.W.L.Y.)So I should be posting an honest-to-God story on here eventually.Just gotta wait for some inspiration that doesn't disappear immediately after....On second thought, this may take awhile.But comments help guys! ;]]PS- Ok that didn't work. It was only fifty two words. So I will sit here and talk AT you now. Mmm, I...
June 1st, 2008 at 09:18am


Yes. I beat the computer.HTML is still a total mystery to me (what does it even STAND for, anyway?).But... I GOT A LAYOUT CUZ I'M FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!Who's proud of Katie?Katie is proud of Katie.But I digress...So Chanel is sneaking out of her house right now. She's a genius :PSince I live in such a hardcore part of freaking California (ha only the wiggers wish), I warned her not to get...
May 31st, 2008 at 08:15am

Technology Will Be the Best of Me

Hey guys.So I'm totally new to this whole posting thing.As in...I HAVE NO FREAKING CLUE WHAT I'M DOING!What is this HTML?One word: fonts, por favor! (or three. Whatever).JUSTIFICATION (the centering doo-hickey)!hmm what else what else what else....right....LAYOUTS!Little insight: I am technologically inept. I have no myspace. Quizilla confuses me. I barely squeak by on AIM.HELP WILL BE GREATLY...
May 30th, 2008 at 03:36am