Randomness can be amusing...

Would You Rather...cough the sound of bagpipes,OR!fart the sound of chimes?Would You Rather...have a written lisp,OR!fizz up like Alkaseltzer when in the water?
April 28th, 2007 at 04:30am


I've offically given up on trying to post one a day. =D Sloth is my deadly sin of choice. That and wrath. <3 ...Anyway, here's 2 polls to make up for my lack of postage.Would you rather...have a ketchup-dispensing navel,OR!a pencil-sharpening nostril?Would you rather...be able to communicate with the dead, but have to converse solely in jive,OR!have a "save game" function for your life?
April 23rd, 2007 at 12:19am

OMG! I forgot yesterday!

Oooooops...Would you rather...be able to expedite the arrival of an elevator by pressing the button multiple times,OR!have the ability to sound incredibly natural and sincere on an answering machine?
April 19th, 2007 at 11:20pm

Poll-ee pooooooooll~

Would you rather...have sultry porno movie music sound out whenever you make a romantic advance,OR!lose all sexual inhibition in the presence of cantaloupe?
April 18th, 2007 at 06:32am

Polls, polls, polls...

Would you rather...belch the sound of a gong,OR!sneeze the sound of a bowling strike?Would you rather...have sexual organs that glow red like ET's heart when you're attracted to someone,OR!have the faint sound of playground chatter perpetually emanating from your crotch?
April 17th, 2007 at 01:24am

"Poll" of the day~

Would you rather be...the guy on an assembly line who stamps the price tag on a bag of pretzels, fourteen hours a day,OR!Richard Simmons' personal assistant?
April 15th, 2007 at 11:30pm


So, while organizing my room I found this book called, "Would You Rather...? Over 200 Absolutely Absurd Dilemmas to Ponder" and I figured I'd share some of them with you, JUST BECAUSE. =D I'll probably post a few a day... unless no one sees this, then I won't. So yeah.Would you rather...have living eyebrows that crawl about your face?OR!leave a trail of paprika wherever you go?Would you...
April 15th, 2007 at 02:29am