
Right, so I had like a total mental breakdown Friday night. Poor Brian. (Boyfriend). He tried to help me via phone for an hour, but failed, sighed, packed his stuff and headed on the periless drive from Atlanta to here, round about 1½ hours. I can't decide if I've got him whipped, or he's just really being nice.I want to shoot something everytime I hear Alanis Morsette's verison of "My Humps."...
April 16th, 2007 at 04:41am

I may kill him.

I don't know why, but I have the urge to mame my boyfriend, or burst into tears.He just bought another fucking car. Another one. The boy is $4000 in debt, but he keeps buying shit. It's not my place to tell him what he can buy and what he can't but....I don't know anymore. I may just kick him in the balls one good time and hopes that cures him.
April 14th, 2007 at 04:12am

The Tunafish is a ***

Gone from being suicidal to a whore. Very nice. ;D<3Um...quick! Distraction!*tapdances*>_> Spatual or snorkel?
April 13th, 2007 at 05:26am

Sucide the Tunafish

So, on the little box thingy at the bottom of the journals page? You know the one with the most searched tags or whatever? Well, it says sucide the tunafish. It's two totally different things, but it makes me smile, about how well it goes together. If I ever have a band, I'll name it that. Or Pimpslappers. Not too sure.I'm readdicted to Korn again. It's all in the family. <3 for that song.
April 12th, 2007 at 06:09am

I am an arms dealer...dodododo

Okay, so, I know Patrick doesn't sing that, but it sounds like it, but that's besides the point.The point is, today kiddies, I got my cap and gown. And I look like a retard in it. I'm serious. I flapped around my room hoping that would make things better, but it didn't. I give up. But, hell, I graduated, and that's what matters.I went out with my previous ex for lunch today. He still thinks he's...
April 11th, 2007 at 03:42am

Damn Cheeseballs...

I just sat here and ate a 7oz(198g) bag of cheap Kroger Baked Cheese Balls. I'm very disturbed with myself. I blame my parents for not letting me have junk food in the house.Today was hella boring. I had to open the Store of Books at 10 this morning. I had no customers until like, friggin' 12 o'clock. But, I shouldn't complain. I got three books read. It was nice. I love reading. It's my only...
April 9th, 2007 at 10:51pm

This ain't a city, it's a gawddamn ass face.

So, uh. I've been on this site for a total of about two hours already, and I can feel myself becoming obssessed already. It's sad. I'm already addicted to four other websites, why not make it five?! WOO YEAH.I don't care who you are, or what you do, but all I require of you is not to know me. If you realize you do know me, please tell me, for I must hunt you down and box your ears violently, or...
April 6th, 2007 at 07:01am