
(That's accident in Dutch, by the way).A little history before my initial story: I live just outside of city limits in a more rural part of my town. Sometime last year some land was bought up and apartments for the college students were built. My theory of college students: THEY'RE LIKE DEER! If you're not careful, they will run into the road or your car, no joke. They're idiots. Now, the road...
February 26th, 2009 at 05:48pm

Tired ramblings.

The majority of poems posted on here are atrocious. I support people's efforts, but there isn't a lot of difference between them, nothing that really says something. I find it terribly disappointing; what's happening to today's literature?!Mibba is a dictatorship. I love the site, but are all the rules really necessary? It's overly controlled and regulated; easily comparable to Russia during the...
October 24th, 2008 at 08:57pm