Of Exams and Storms

I feel as if this journal entry may be a rant entry. I'm not sure yet.First of all, I would like to say that I'm definitely continuing my journal entries, because someone is reading them, whether they be a stalker or a curious person. I had ten readers, which is better than nothing!Today at school, I had to take a mock exam for AP Chemistry. For those of you familiar with AP exams, you must feel...
February 28th, 2011 at 11:05pm

My Version of Procrastination

Greetings fellow Mebbians! Is that the correct word? If it isn't, and it's completely original, it's my new catch phrase.So, I've been on this site for nearly three years, and I have yet to produce anything. No story, poem, journal, and other various forms of mild entertainment. I feel very lonely because of it.Now, I'm procrastinating on a research paper about "The Kite Runner" to type up my very...
February 28th, 2011 at 03:40am