
I wish my hair was brown...that would be so freaking awsome. But no...I'm stuck with "Strawberry Blonde" (I mean seriously!?! How can your hair be red and blonde?????) and my parents won't let me dye my hair...but oh well. I'll keep trying to convince them to let me...Hopefully one of my parents will budge...But until then I have to deal with what I've got. So...ya. Just another random journal...
March 2nd, 2009 at 05:29am


I. am. stuck. Not stuck like writing stuck. Not in a bad relashonship stuck. Not even stuck stuck...just stuck. I;m in my room and bored out of my fucking mind. I just wanna run out of my house and find a small relaxing place to sit and stare at nothing but the blue sky. Maybe even draw. I don't know. What I do know is that I don't wanna be in my room anymore...In fact...I don't wanna be in this...
January 15th, 2009 at 04:27am

Ex Problems

Okay, here is the short story. I have this ex-girlfriend that is still kinda my friend. Well she has started e-mailing me telling me that she still likes me...A lot. And she keeps asking me if I like her more than my girlfriend which is really starting to piss me off. I am the type of person who has a hard time hurting people's feelings. Can anyone tell me the nicest way to tell her to stop asking...
October 28th, 2008 at 10:38pm

My Introduction To Rock.

How did I get into rock music? When? Hmmm…Well I was always into Evanescence but that was about it…I started expanding my rock music in…hmmm…Oh! Right! It was in eighth grade…Haha! I remember now…almost as if it were yesterday…I was talking to Halley and she was asking me about all these different rock bands and I kept not knowing them…she was getting frustrated with me…She...
October 27th, 2008 at 05:00am

Inside My Head

…What to say….What to say…Just rambling here…Nothing interesting to see…My room is clean for once…Wow…Took me forever though…Hmmm…My cat fell asleep on my bed…Too bad…I’m going to have to wake him up soon to go sleep in my parents room, where his litter box is…He’s not going to be happy about that….Poor cat…I forgot to do my homework…that sucks….Ah who...
October 27th, 2008 at 03:50am

In Washington

I finally moved...yay...not really...I moved on last Monday and right now im in Moses Lake, Washington visiting my grandparents...yeah...I have been here a week and for some reason I feel very foreign...even though this is my home country...well anyways my mom finally found a house down in Boise and we should be goin down there in a few days....I want to go down there now so i can start school...
August 20th, 2008 at 08:29pm

The Dark Knight

Hello again! I have a question for you people who have seen the new batman movie...I sadly haven't gotten the wonderful chance yet to see it because I had to get ready to move to Idaho when it was out in theatres in England which kinda sucks...I have one question from you people...Is it worth watching or did Heath Ledger waste his last movie??? Please respond to this journal entry....This question...
August 20th, 2008 at 03:04am

Framed! Info

Framed is no longer on hold!!!!! BUT!!! I am starting it is going to have a brand new storyline...And it is now going to be called Avenged Angel...The Characters are the same.Kale in the story this time is trying to find who murdered him instead of looking for a bible...I am going to keep the old story up though...i don't know why i just can't find it in my heart to delete it...I guess...
July 16th, 2008 at 12:32pm

Long Time No Write

Sorry to all the people (if there are any) that have been waiting for my next chapter!!!!! I have been grounded for like sucs... But dont fear!!!!! since i am doing a summer hire program i get an hour break for lunch which means i can go to the library (where i am at right now) and write!!!!! Btw....sadly framed has been put on hold since i cant a good storyline yet... i might actually...
July 15th, 2008 at 12:34pm

My Family

My family consists of six. My mom, my dad, my older brother, my Golden Retriever named Buddy, my half chihuahua, half pomeranian named Gizmo, and me. Yes, I do count my pets as family. The reason being is because I grew up with both of them. I also have a cat named Hobbes, but he is in the states right now living with my uncle. Anyways My mom is thirty-eight years-old, my dad is thirty-nine...
June 7th, 2008 at 05:01pm


Hey everyone and welcome to the first journal entry about my exciting (not) life!First off my name is Korey Combs...I live in England and I am a military brat. Before England I was in Germany. I have also lived in Washington, Texas, and Alaska where I was born. I like living over seas. It is a great expirience to see, live in, and some times taste new cultures. Sadly my time over seas is limited...
June 5th, 2008 at 08:54pm