Fronkensteen / Comments

  • Hey! I know this is super super late but thanks for your comment. Yours always have me grinning like a fool. Yours was the story's 200th, and It made me so very excited that it was you! Argh, you're just awesome and thank you!!!
    August 24th, 2011 at 08:11am
  • Äh. lägg av.
    July 4th, 2011 at 02:23pm
  • Få häcken ur vagnen och uppdatera någon gång då, det här börjar bli löjligt! Seriöst!
    July 4th, 2011 at 01:05pm
  • Your comments always put me in such a good mood, and are just fantastic and wonderful and kind and just fucking awesome. I'm so happy you like the story, and I honestly look forward to reading your comments once the new chapters are up. You're just fantastic. For serious. ><
    July 4th, 2011 at 01:39am
  • Eeeee!
    My friend introduced us. It was like, two days before prom. Unbeknownst to me, my friend was determined to get me a date, so she had pretty much been asking random people she knew, most of which didn't go to my school and none of which knew me, which is why they all understandably said no. She had asked Elias, the boy, and had said no, that would be weird since we've never met. Meanwhile, the whole time I was like, "Meh. I don't really want a prom date, there isn't any boy I'm really into right now anyways."
    But we sort of met on Wednesday before prom, and again vaguely on Thursday, not like a proper meeting or anything, and he told my friend he couldn't believe I didn't already have a date, which I admit endeared him to me on the spot. Well, somehow my friend managed to convince both me and him to give it a try and go together. He made this cute note what said, "Josie, Prom?" with little cut out letters from a magazines, that I found in my locker the day before prom, which in retrospect might have been creepy but I thought was awesome and cut out the letters "y" "e" and "s" and taped them to the back of the paper. So we went to prom together as a big group, and he actually got me a corsage and wore a matching tie and stuff, even though he only had literally one day to prepare. My friend was freaking out the whole time though because we didn't real talk much and she thought it was going badly, but I already thought he was very sweet, and he asked me to dance at the first slow danc and on the second and on the third one, and he told me I looked very beautiful, and we danced ridiculously close, considering we'd never met, but I swear to god, TO GOD there was that sort of instant connection you only read about in books. We went back to his house afterwards and stayed up until 5 AM talking, and by the end of the night we were on the couch together and his arm was around me. That was Saturday. We texted each other for hours sunday night, and monday was senior ditch day. We all, the group from prom, went to the movie together, and with only like twenty, fifteen minutes of the movie left he FINALLY took my hand. We held hands all the way out to the street. We all went back to his house again and watched some more movies, and we proceeded to cuddle on the couch some more for hours. Neither of us have been able to stop smiling, and we've got a date thing tomorrow after school.
    *heaves a deep breath*
    The end.
    Sorry for that wall of text, I've just been DYING to get it all out!
    May 18th, 2011 at 08:53am
  • 1) Sorry about vanishing like I always do
    2) I passed senior project! Whoohoo! I'm like a half a step closer to graduating!
    Or something. Infatuated. Totally crushing on this guy. Holy jeeze louise. I needed a 3rd party I could gush to without having to worry about anyone I know seeing this, because holy crap, do I like this guy, and I need someone to talk to about it, and you're always so awesome to talk to so yeah. Please indulge my girlish immaturity.
    May 18th, 2011 at 06:52am
  • I always love your comments... Holy crap, they just make me all happy and just... yay. I can't say why, but "yay" seems like the perfect awkward and accurate description. I really do need to get on a bit more steady updating pattern though, I'll admit that. But really, really, thank you for the comment. You are fantastic.
    April 18th, 2011 at 06:43am
  • Ugh, yeah, 15 hours are the minimum required. Most kids have to write a six page paper too, but since I am in AP and were are writing 16 in class essay this year, we don't, and have to include those instead. My project is... Okay, this is going to sound super dorky, so don't judge me, unless you think it is hilarious, then go ahead and judge me to your hearts content.

    You know how there are TV channel geared to specific demographics? Life Lifetime for Women or Spike TV or something? Well, this would be a "Secret" channel, made for and by, Fantasy creatures!!! Like leprechauns and werewolves and centaurs and gnomes and witches and Bigfoot, etc etc. All the shows on the "channel" would be sort of parodying actual TV shows, like you know the show Dog Whisperer? Well, it would be Zombie Whisperer instead. And a vampire cooking show, and all that stuff. It is harder than I thought it would be though, since I don't have a lot of male friends and most of my shows are centered around a male cast... And it is becoming expensive.

    Haha, and I'm glad I'm not the only one being not productive. Good luck with your exams, at least I only have to worry about AP testing! You know, after I fail senior project. D:

    And okay, this favor is going to sound ridiculous, so feel free to tell me I am crazy and there is no way you can help.
    So it is actually for my senior project... I don't know anyone in a band. And one of my shows is a talk show, and you know how in talk shows sometimes there is a band on set and they play songs and crap to fill up time? I thought it would be AWESOME to do that. You know, have a band dress up in crappy, cheap fantasy creature costumes (or awesome, elaborate costumes if possible) and preform some silly magical creature themed song. Uuuunfortunately, I don't know a band to do this for me, and no one who can play any instruments. And so, and I know this is a stupid, ridiculously big favor to ask of you, I was wondering if you DID know anyone in a band who would be willing to do that for me, just record themselves playing a silly song in silly costumes, and sending it to me to use in my script. I feel dumb for writing all this out, but hey, by now, I've lost any semblance of dignity I ever had. Forgive me. T_T
    April 4th, 2011 at 05:47am
  • YOU!
    I've been dead for a few months. Please forgive me.
    I have been not doing my senior project, which, as it turns out, is a lot harder than one would think.
    And now I am facing the repercussions of that. Turns out my portfolio is due next Thursday, and I have done, maybe, six of my required 15 hours and not gotten a single moment of filming done. Whoopsie.
    Anywhos, how have you been? More productive than I have been, I hope.

    (P.S. Can I ask you a teensy-weensy, itt- bitty the-size-of-freaking-Texas favor that you probably won't ACTUALLY be able to help me with but I am asking anyways in the vain hopes that I'll get wildly lucky???)
    March 31st, 2011 at 06:34am
  • Yay! You're on my friends list! You're def. one of my favorite authors on here, just so you know. :)
    March 26th, 2011 at 07:37am
  • >< I actually kinda blush when I get story comments from you, just because I'm so in love with your story, like, really. So, thank you, tons and tons!
    March 24th, 2011 at 04:31am
  • Thanks for the story comment!
    March 14th, 2011 at 01:45am
  • yeah me too.
    Cool thanks for letting me know:D I love all the guys and i was just wondering which people love. Got say that Alexander as a charcter is going to have to deal with a lot and has an interesting story that i planed:D
    February 11th, 2011 at 02:50am
  • Thanks for your comment! It was sweet and made me want to write a little today but it is going slow since i have soo much homework. It's good to know that people like this story cuz i wasn't sure about it.
    lol, why alexander?
    February 9th, 2011 at 10:02pm
  • Oh dear, Winter Wakes? >< The first chapters are awfully written, I assure you. I need to go back and fix a few character issues as well. Once you get into in a little bit I think everything starts to level out and get better.
    Holycrap I can't believe you're reading my story. o.o
    January 25th, 2011 at 03:46am
  • Hm, glömde hattdagen i lördags. Och har en känsla av att du gjorde det med.
    December 14th, 2010 at 02:54pm
  • Whoo! I'm alive!
    I've been MIA for a while but here I am!
    And oh goodness... youridea for how to catch the wicked step mother... I love it! I'm already half way into the chapter though, and while I still don't have a solutio yet, I don't know if I can twist the ways things are going now to make it happen...
    I am sure as heck gonna try, though!
    Aaaanywhos, how have you been? It's been ages! And mostly my fault. I know. I suck. :/
    December 6th, 2010 at 08:40am
  • <3 the update!
    March 31st, 2010 at 07:30pm
  • Wow. I wonder what that says about me if I'm able to describe the feeling of total loss and extreme helplessness well! At least I get wonderous bliss right as well! Hopefully that can neutralise the pathetic-ness.

    Aw, I'm sorry hun, I didn't know that was why you went on hiatus. These things do take time though. But it's good to know things are clicking back into normal rhythms.

    Life's ok. Mrs Beaver went really well, although that seems like an age ago now. I'm currently playing a witch in MacB. It's good fun - I get to climb out of a filing cabinet. On the other hand, I got my exam results back today and kinda failed at maths. I have to work out whether I want to resit or not in the summer. But life goes on, and I made a cake after school because it's a friend's birthday tomorrow. We're going to see [i]Alice in Wonderland[/i] at the local cinema. How's yourself? Anything interesting going on?
    March 11th, 2010 at 09:11pm
  • Well, I'm glad YOU liked the kissing scene. Two of my friends disapproved, and I had to contemplate never talking to them again for a while.
    Then I realized that would only leave me with one and a half real life friends I actually WANT to talk to, and decided against it.

    I'd love to see someone try to be grumpy while holding a balloon. I just wouldn't be able to take them seriously. Heck, that might be a good way to create world peace. Every time someone is in a bad mood, just throw kittens and cookies and balloons at them until they are happy again!
    March 9th, 2010 at 08:31am