Fronkensteen / Comments

  • Ooh, eller så kanske du har gjort det! Inom en snar framtid kanske du av någon anledning förflyttas bakåt i tiden med hjälp av en DeLorean eller en flygande telefonbox från 50-talet, lever där ett tag, skriver dikten och kommer på att ladda upp den på Mibba som ett rop på hjälp till dig själv och mig att du är fast i 70-talet, hög på gräs och hårband i skrikiga färger!

    Frågan kvarstår nu bara; VAR ska vi få tag på en flygande telefonbox och rädda dig? Under tiden; var på din vakt mot virriga gubbar i vitt hår med skyddsoverall och galna ögon.
    October 19th, 2009 at 07:45pm
  • Hi, sweet! I like you too. Quite a lot^^

    I want to see you too. Well, what about tomorrow? Or Thursday? You are still invited to go with me to my program activity. Oh, please do! It's just sooo boring with all those people I don't care about...
    October 19th, 2009 at 03:18pm
  • Uhm... varför står det att du har laddat upp en dikt den första januari 1970?
    October 18th, 2009 at 11:50pm
  • OOOO OOOO! Must add. I'm playing Mrs Beaver in the school production of [i]the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe[/i]. I'd say you should come see it but that might be extremely difficult.
    October 18th, 2009 at 11:28pm
  • I like repetition. It gets stuff stuck in my head. ^_^

    arigato is thank you. I'm not sure how you say the next bit but it sounds like 'guh-say-mas'. and that means 'very much' or similar.

    Ooo, I love deviant art! Eeee, funny too. I love that first one on the second page. I'm gonna put it on the background for my computer... if that's legal...
    October 18th, 2009 at 11:27pm
  • Thanks so much for the story comment. :]

    Honestly, it made my day.
    October 14th, 2009 at 10:46pm
  • Pure and utter awesomeness. I'm trying some out tomorrow.

    I love standup. Combine it with him, and well... I'm considering it for a future career! He is pretty cute. What's ESC? Sorry to sound like a dolt. Oh! Hang on, ESC - Eurovision Song Contest. I get it. ^_^

    Hahaa, he looks like a superhero whose outifit has shrunk in the wash... Still awesomely handsome. I want to keep him in a box and feed him tidbits.

    Mmm, you said somewhere... Oh, it was in an AN for You've Got Another Thing Coming.
    October 12th, 2009 at 09:14pm
  • So hi!
    Wanna see you! wheeen can that happen?
    October 12th, 2009 at 12:23am
  • Hade en känsla av att det var där. Weally weally pwetty!

    Nu är jag fruktansvärt sugen på glass från det där stället på Ströget där de inte pratar danska eller svenska och serverar våfflor på vintern. Coffee flavoured ice-cream, yeah?
    October 5th, 2009 at 08:50pm
  • Meh. I'm not all over myself... am I?
    But I'm getting kind to people... they don't annoy me as much any more. That's horrible! I want my anger back!^^

    Yep. Tuesday. I'll wake up kind of early, but I have a lecture till three. But I can text you anyway :D
    October 5th, 2009 at 07:31pm
  • Well of course! What is a delightful cross-dressing escapade without the capacious stuffing of one's non-existent bosom?
    They'll have to wear make-up too...
    Can you see Jack and Ezu running aorund covered in lipstick and blush, in dresses?
    I have the funny feeling they are going to be rather ugly girls.
    October 5th, 2009 at 05:51pm
  • It is indeed [i]a[/i] Bjorn. I'm not sure whether it's Björn Gustafsson. He was the closest match to Francis's face. ^_^
    Actually, this new Bjorn looks even more like the Francis in my head... unless it is the same one...

    Oooo, a Curse Song?! I'm learning it. Yes please to a translation before I insult someone's grandmother!! It's a shame the british don't have quite the same sort of thing... we do tend to switch the lyrics in christmas carols quite a bit.
    e.g. Jingle bells, batman smells.
    When shepherds watched ITV by night,
    All clustered round the telly;
    An angel of the lord came down
    And switched to BBC...

    Ah, Ankh-Morpork, there we go. I had been pronouncing it Ank More Pork.
    Men At Arms sounds good. I will look it up in the school library, we have quite a nice selection of Terry Pratchett in there.

    Yeah, I'm in school till the end! Although this is my last year unless I fail it completely and need to retake all my exams. Touch wood that doesn't happen.
    October 4th, 2009 at 10:39pm
  • Ezu and Jack cross dressing...
    Damn it, I already have a plan about how they are getting into the tower. But now, just because you mentioned that, I am SO going to make an excuse the make them dress as women in the near future. They shall not escape with their manhood intact!! Bwahahaha!
    October 3rd, 2009 at 09:41pm
  • Var i Skälderviken är bilden tagen?
    October 3rd, 2009 at 05:24pm
  • Hey! See, it did work. Woohoo! God, I'm so happy... Kill me now :D
    don't mind me, you know, a certain person really affects my mood swings. and cupcakes do too^^

    mm... how about... as soon as possible? not tomorrow, obviously, 'cause you'll see that message too late, but maybe Sunday? oh! and you'll help me translate some of my answers into Swedish too^^
    Thank you, thank you, thank you... I like you, you know :D

    I make absolutely no sense now, do I?
    October 3rd, 2009 at 01:41am
  • You know, mibba's totally crazy. I just pressed the 'my profile' button, look down to the comments and what do I see? It says 'There are no comments'!!
    Grr... stupid thing!

    Btw, you are better than me at that stuff anyway, so wanna write my [i]about[/i]? Pleaaaase?^^
    October 1st, 2009 at 10:51pm
  • hi sweet, me again, didn't see it was you who wrote there...^^

    I miss you too, but we are meeting tomorrow, so that's good. What kind of shopping was that?
    And it's okay, I mean I whine to you about different ridiculous stuff all the time.

    Ah... the boy... you sure you wanna hear about it? I haven't seen him yesterday (one freaking day!)and it makes me all jittery and anxious. It's wrong! I couldn't even sleep normally knowing I'm gonna meet him today and wanting for that to happen asap... meh.
    September 30th, 2009 at 02:08pm
  • Robert is not pink! He's mint-green/blue/pink... There's a difference

    And omg, you've updated. Again... Let me just say - wow^^
    September 30th, 2009 at 01:59pm
  • Ooo, is it weird if I say yes please?!

    Really, wow, the others must be awesome if that ones one of the less good ones.... I read another which was based in Anck Morpork... (spelling?!) it was about the night guard? and one of them was a werewolf...

    Ah, love Jane Eyre. We're studying it in English Literature at the moment, so I get to write a beautiful 3000 word essay on it. ^_^
    September 25th, 2009 at 07:08pm
  • Like YGATC? I LOVE it! The plot, the characters, your, style, it all rocks!

    And I'm one of your favorite writers here? Aww, I feel so special! And also like laughing, because coincidently, you happen to be one of my favorites too.

    And yes, the highway men are very special. I'll miss them dearly when they ride away...
    September 25th, 2009 at 02:10am