Night Hunter / Comments

  • planethell-girl-009

    planethell-girl-009 (100)

    United States
    I beat her with a roll of wrapping paper fosr messing with my profile.
    December 27th, 2008 at 03:13am
  • RayOfSunshyne

    RayOfSunshyne (100)

    United States
    BLAHAHA!! I am reading it at this very moment!!!
    December 26th, 2008 at 09:00pm
  • planethell-girl-009

    planethell-girl-009 (100)

    United States
    sorry that was heather
    December 26th, 2008 at 07:42pm
  • RayOfSunshyne

    RayOfSunshyne (100)

    United States
    He is secretly my favorite character out of the whole story. Not even lying. He hasn't had a really big part at all, but hey, I'm the author so I know everything...and he is my favorite. I think he is absolutely adorable cause he is so short and he's like a little kid. Maybe that's just me, but I still think he's utterly a plushie that you just want to hug forever.
    December 26th, 2008 at 04:34am
  • RayOfSunshyne

    RayOfSunshyne (100)

    United States
    Your last said you vaked about a dozen or two dozen or whatever some cookies.

    And your christmas sounded about as hectic as mine. My grandma's house is even smaller than yours is and we were only in the kitchen and living room!! You've been there before, you should know how little space that gives us. We had...we had six little kids running around hyped up on sugar, ten adults, and a horny dog that kept humping and jumping on people and tried to jump up on the counter to eat the food. He did eat some of the food when we were taking the christmas pictures. And then cousin mark started wrestling with dawson and holy cow they were so violent!! They were literally strangling eachother and running the other kids over...I thought somone was going to die!!! Christmas isn't's hazardous to your health! O_O

    By the way...totally found my check card. Not that any one cares about me and my check card but I swear I almost went into cardiac arrest when I saw it!! Checked my pulse and it was way up there...I prayed afterwards. I was THAT happy.

    P.S. Florence is on crack apparantly.
    December 26th, 2008 at 03:55am
  • planethell-girl-009

    planethell-girl-009 (100)

    United States
    Santa said he was going to your house and was packing,
    December 26th, 2008 at 01:21am
  • D_Black

    D_Black (100)

    United States
    Merry Christmas to you too.
    December 25th, 2008 at 10:03pm
  • RayOfSunshyne

    RayOfSunshyne (100)

    United States
    Vaked cookies huh? I didn't VAKE any cookies but I got oodles from G-Sizzle. And holy crap dude! It's a little surprising but I actually really enjoyed myself this year. The only part that I didn't like was when the only people there were me and my cousin sondra, her boyfriend/husband dude, and their three kids. G-Sizzle had me makin all this food like CHICKEN WINGS AND LEGS!!! It was nasty. Thought I was going to puke because I had to dig my hands in and grab them and they were all flabby and slimy. Yuck! And then they were trying to get a hold of people who had santa suits but they couldn't find anyone who could loan us I happen to mention that I have a suit. They think it's a good idea and I tell them that my dad can bring it over, but no! G-Sizzle decided that Sondra's boyfriend/husband whatever dude named Steven could drive me to my house...o_O awkward!! Plus I just didn't really like him in the first place but he kept asking me all these random questions but it's so weird because the only other time we've talked to eachother was at that stupid parade when he asked me if I wanted one of those freezy things that they hand out. I suppose I could have broken out with: "Oh hey! I totally remember when you brought your stupid little friend(psh, yeah right)/college/whatever over to Uncle Mark and Aunt Barb's little holiday party however many years ago. By the way, I hate you for that and thank you for ruining all of my future christmas partys!" I shouldn't judge though. Didn't even know him back then but he's really not THAT bad I suppose. He likes horses too so whatever I guess.

    Everything got SOOOO much better though when my sister and the kids came over. And then my brother came over (he was the one that dressed up as santa haha cause he's like 6'5") and after him Mark and Barb and my cousin Markie came over. So many things happened. Let's see if I can cover it all:

    1. My sister saw my rings and she was looking at them and asked me where I got them and she's all up in my face going "Are they from your boyfriend?!" Psh, said no of course but then she breaks out with: "Are you a lesbian?!" I was like O_O Whoa there bessie!! She was kidding of course but it still freaked me out, and thankfully cousin Sondra was all: "No, she's just not the lesbian type." Damn straight I'm not!!

    2. Jason (brother) brought his dog over and that dog is KRAZY!!! Dawson (oldest nephew) kept running around and the dog was getting all hyped up and junk...but then he jumps up on Dawson and he starts humping him!!! My sister was like screaming and yelling at my brother to control his dog, it was hilarious!! The dog did that about 20 times to the poor kid and of course we stopped him as soon as he started humping the kid but we were all laughing so hard. I feel bad for Dawson.

    3. Usually me and my brother never talk to eachother, don't know why but we just aren't close at all, but today was actually really nice. He got me this huge book filled with horse photography and it's probably one of the best gifts I've ever received, and we started going through it together and it was totally awesome. I mean, I loved the book and the photos and everything but my favorite thing about it was that me and my brother were actually talking to eachother and it wasn't awkward or strained or anything. I have to say I was about ready to cry I was so happy.

    I can't really think of much else to say because I totally forgot about all the other stuff, but this comment is probably super long anyways so I'm just going to go now.

    December 25th, 2008 at 04:40am
  • RayOfSunshyne

    RayOfSunshyne (100)

    United States
    OH! Forgot to say that I am totally wearing my little "I Believe!" Santa pin right now. I like to play with it and slide it back and forth. Augh! So much amusement!!
    December 24th, 2008 at 02:40am
  • RayOfSunshyne

    RayOfSunshyne (100)

    United States
    Oh my gosh I am having such a good afternoon/evening thingy! I've been working on my whale calls some more. I'm getting pretty good at it too.

    But my dad came home today and he wanted to know where the big flashlight went to, but I had been using it to see in the printer so I ran it downstairs. And then he asked me what I had been using it for and I didn't know what to say. What did I come up with? "I was using it to look for my stuff behind that...thing." That was my honest to gosh answer. But he must not have heard me cause he was all like huh? so I finally came up with a better answer and told him I was looking for my nailpolish that fell behind the printer. He believed it even though I was really looking for something in the printer.

    Then he finds a dried up old leaf in the hallway (story behind that is a few months ago I found these giant leaves so I brought them inside but I forgot about them, and today they got in my way so I threw them into the hallway) and he picks it up and he asks me if their mine right? So I told him no and I told him I didn't know where they came from because he asked me that too. He dismissed it and he started walking down the stairs but then I hear him say "*Gosh* damn it, I forgot my sweater." I was like booyah! I totally planned that out just so he would forget it. *not really but that's not the point*

    AND THEN!! He saw me writing this comment and he's all: "Now what are you on?" I told him I was commenting on your page and he asked me what website it was.

    I was like what the heck dude?! Finally he got it but he broke out with the whole is it like that facebook thingy? I told him no, that this website was for stories and junk and I told him that you had your stories on here...but then he asked me if I had my stories on here. Me: -_- How the heck does he know I have stories?! Apparantly he really does sit up here and go through my stuff. I don't really even care about that right now I'm in such a good mood.

    I suppose those are "you had to have been there" kind of moments, but I just felt like sharing my happiness. So what is up?!?!??!
    December 24th, 2008 at 02:33am
  • RayOfSunshyne

    RayOfSunshyne (100)

    United States
    I'm pretty okay now I suppose. I do have news though!!

    Good news: I didn't even have my regular dentist so he didn't even check to see if my teeth were shifting or anything. AND...I found those My Little Pony pictures...the ones that I lost forever and a day ago. Screamed when I found them. I was excited...

    Bad news: I have to go back to the dentist in a week. I have cavaties apparantly. There's two and they're super small the dentist said...probably because they don't even exist. I don't know what that dude was talking about anyways cause I have no cavaties. AND...I don't know where my check card is. It's not that I lost it or anything though. I just don't know where it is. Last time I saw it it was right by the printer but it's been missing for almost a week I guess. Tried looking for it today but couldn't find it anywhere. If my dad finds out about this he'll call in an cancel the check card and there is no way he would let me get another one. I even checked in the garbage!! Not only was it disgusting, but my check wasn't there I don't think. And the printer wasn't working so I was hoping that it was stuck up in there or something like that (and the last time the printer wasn't working was because one of my hair bands was stuck in was pissed) but I fixed the printer. No clue what I did but all of a sudden this thingy moved and I pressed print and it worked just fine.

    Oh well though.
    December 23rd, 2008 at 08:09pm
  • Cookie_1619

    Cookie_1619 (100)

    United States
    yeah...fine, why?? was just busy at the same time as commenting that's prolly why i sounded a bit off
    December 23rd, 2008 at 07:39pm
  • Cookie_1619

    Cookie_1619 (100)

    United States
    just did....i guess....
    December 23rd, 2008 at 01:40am
  • Cookie_1619

    Cookie_1619 (100)

    United States
    December 22nd, 2008 at 11:21pm
  • RayOfSunshyne

    RayOfSunshyne (100)

    United States
    Rayray is also pissed because, yet again, there was no Naruto episode on saturday. Instead they showed the third movie which is just fine except I've seen it four times already, and the week before that they played the first movie...and the week before that they played the second movie. It would be great if they could actually show an episode for once and tell us what the frick is going to happen next!!!!!!

    V_V But it doesn't really upset me all that much.
    December 22nd, 2008 at 03:02am
  • RayOfSunshyne

    RayOfSunshyne (100)

    United States
    -_- Augh, fine. I know I said I wasn't going to sit here and type my comment all over again but I know that's not fair. Just because I'm in a bad mood doesn't mean I should take it out on anyone else.

    Long story short:

    Friday was fine. Got lots of food and I didn't even have to eat lunch. Chemistry ornaments turned out like crap because the copper just makes them look rusty. I'm really looking forward to this break because I needed to get away from school, but the past three days have sucked because my dad has been home. Tomorrow is going to suck too because my dad is taking the day off and I have a dentist appointment. The dentist is going to yell at me because my teeth have shifted and I'm probably going to need braces again. Not that I care. I added more ponies to my My Little Pony herd but I'm still pissed that I lost the original ones that I made including the cute little strawberry one.

    The end.
    December 22nd, 2008 at 02:58am
  • RayOfSunshyne

    RayOfSunshyne (100)

    United States
    Wow, just typed out a huge comment but apparantly there was an error and it didn't send.

    I know it sucks but I am not typing that message out again.
    December 22nd, 2008 at 02:48am
  • Cookie_1619

    Cookie_1619 (100)

    United States
    Yeah.....their not boring but I read them already did that as soon as I saw u had three out last night....was up till 4 in the morning
    December 20th, 2008 at 11:45pm
  • planethell-girl-009

    planethell-girl-009 (100)

    United States
    it sucks *pout*
    December 20th, 2008 at 11:41pm
  • planethell-girl-009

    planethell-girl-009 (100)

    United States
    grr i totally have writers block again :(
    December 20th, 2008 at 11:34pm