venomforblood / Comments

  • It's really cool.
    It does suck sometimes though.
    Like, we're so freaking close.
    We're around each other all the time, have the same friends.
    So, we fight. A LOT.

    Yeah, my mom LOVES Disney movies.
    And I mean, me and my mom are tight.
    So she wants to go see it.
    And I REALLLLLLLY don't want to.
    I love Disney movies, but this just looks bogus.

    I hate math, but I'm actually like amazing at it?
    Yeah, I've been pushed to do honors since 6th grade.
    I won't though because I'm pretty sure I'd rather die.
    What grade are you in?!
    Haha, I'm in all the same classes as you, and you're fourteen.

    We have to think of what to put on the front.
    Maybe I can ask Molly.
    She'll have a good idea, I'm sure.

    Hahahaha, really man!
    It's kind of creepy, but I love it at the same time. :]

    Really, you have to be a horrible sewer to have to redo anything.
    Slight mess ups here and there almost never result in restarting it.
    I can pretty much make anything, but shirts.
    I have serious, serious problems with shirts, and I have no idea why.
    I can make a bagel with some cream cheese.
    And the microwave version of lasagna. (Yummm).

    So, how are you today?
    Btw, I see your favorite color is yellow.
    Uhm, me too.
    And Hayley Williams is idol. XD.
    June 27th, 2008 at 10:40pm
  • wilson will work quite the dandy last name.
    haha last night was like the randomnest night,
    my cousin demi came over and we snuck out and went to kroger just for the heck of it.
    then when we got home, we ate strawberry oatmeal and watched harry potter.
    my mom woke up and was like how did she get here?
    it was priceless.

    i love fruity pebbles, oh and kix it has to be my all time favorite!
    June 26th, 2008 at 08:21pm
  • Hahaha, it's funny that you say that.
    I actually have a twin sister, named Shelby.

    Actually, no I didn't.
    I probably should have.
    I thought I was tough shit though, so I just tore it right through.
    Bad, bad, bad idea.
    It didn't hurt that much, but it was just stupid.

    I just hope I actually get to talk to him.
    She was on the phone with me last time, and he got jumped on by some teenage girl and left before signing my sign.
    Luckily, I was on the phone the entire time. :]

    Awww. That's so cool.
    I'm proud again. <3
    I actually braved up a bit too.
    I talked to my counselor at my new school today.
    Set up all my classes for next year.
    They all actually sound pretty cool with the exception of Chemistry and Algebra II.

    Haha, I don't even know what to put on the front though.
    Like, I'd just put Samantha on the back, but what should the front say?
    You should make a shirt with me!!!
    Then we'll take pics and post them on Mibba and talk about how cool we are. :]]

    It was sooooo lame.
    I had to make like those tri-fold brochures and fill it up with blueberry facts.
    The funniest part is I hate blueberries.
    Like, with a passion.
    I don't even like blueberry muffins.

    I seriously LOVED Home Ec.
    I am an amazing sewer.
    I'm decent at cooking.
    (Which means not very good).

    I don't think I've ever hit or been hit in the throat.
    Me and my sister beat each other up all the time.
    And for some reason Ryan likes to beat up on me too.
    But never any throat shots.
    I guess I should consider myself lucky for that though, right?
    June 26th, 2008 at 09:08am
  • ill need a last name for you.
    doesnt have to be your real one.
    and would you want her to be the girly, "oh SHOPPING!"
    or the "get up out my face hoe" type.
    im sorry im just piling this on, but did you have a scenario of introduction or would you like me to use my nogin on that?
    so how was your day/night?
    its three in the morning, im a little off.
    June 26th, 2008 at 09:03am
  • I have been in love with Dallas Green for forever now.
    His voice is just soooo beautiful.
    And I think he's gorgeous.
    Everyone kind of makes fun of me, but I can't help it.
    He's serioulsy just so cute to me. :]]

    Oh my gosh.
    So I've decided we are like the same person.
    I HAVE the purple bank hoodie, and the same Used one you're talking about.
    It was originally my sister's, but she doesn't wear it anymore.
    Mine's huge on me too. :]

    I actually pierced my lip myself back in 8th grade.
    It was so gross though, and we had to re-pierce it with the actual ring since the needle wasn't big enough.
    It was the most painful, gory experience of my existence.
    Except this time I split my head open.

    Seriously, you'll be my hero. :]
    My friend is calling me when she goes to see them, so she can try to get him to talk to me.
    She's also taking a sign, but this way if she doesn't get it, I've still got hope!
    Awww, poor Jack!

    Oh my gosh.
    I pretty much hate talking to people.
    That's why I'm so good at making conversation online.
    I'm just terrified of meeting people, or anything like that.
    My mom was like "You'll have to get over that to get a real job."
    I really don't even want to think about it. /:

    Awwww. /:
    I've never had a shirt with my name on the back.
    Maybe I'll just make myself a shirt.
    And put my name on the back.
    Hahaha, oh gosh I'm so lame.

    Yeah, psychology is bitchin.
    I took clothing construction and fashion at my old school.
    I took Foods I, but I sucked at it.
    I actually had to do a project about blueberries.
    It was the stupidest thing ever. -_-

    Oh my God.
    That is the greatest thing ever.
    Next time I'm mad at a boy I'm going to slap him in the Adam's apple. :]
    June 25th, 2008 at 06:34am
  • yeah we have about the same number,
    but we also have a college like right in the middle.
    and its a famous christian college.
    so its a big christian town with oldies and "good peopl"

    im definitely not looking forward to looking for another job, the last one i had i quit cause the owners wife like screamed at me.
    but i like nice things, and nice things cost moolah.
    June 25th, 2008 at 05:58am
  • haha i live in this uber small town,
    and im going job hunting with my cousin demi tomorrow.
    firework stand?
    thats pretty amazing,
    is it in indiana?
    we always drive up there and get fireworks.
    June 25th, 2008 at 05:41am
  • okaay.
    so base the character off you?
    that makes life a helluva lot easier.

    im bored,
    i have some friends over but there playing video games.
    and im sitting here.
    im just oh so exciting, i know.
    June 25th, 2008 at 05:33am
  • just some basic info that you want for your character:

    and all the other quirks i cant think of.

    oh and hello.
    im karrin, btw.
    June 25th, 2008 at 04:50am
  • Hahahaha.
    Deal, deal. :]
    Yeah, I want 'True Love' across my knuckles just like Dallas Green. :]]
    Yeah, I don't think I've really looked at it before.
    I really like Bank Clothing. :]
    Their hoodie is my favorite one I own.
    Which even trumps my Used hoodie, which I didn't think would happen.
    I really want the All Time Low hoodie Jack always wears. /:

    I really want an industrial too.
    My friend James got his done though, and says it's like excruciating.
    I kind of have a weird obsession with pain though, so I kind of still want it.
    My mom doesn't care anymore, as long as I consult her first. :]
    She loves me.

    Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yesssss.
    If you do get him to sign it I'll give you my adress and you can send it to me via snail mail. :]
    And I'll be the happiest little kid in the entire universe.

    Idk, it's way gay.
    Everyone just goes to Indiana and gets illegal fireworks and then set them off.
    The cops don't really come arrest you, since everyone does it.
    Awwww, I'm so proud. <33

    Haha, don't be so upsettttt.
    It's not a big deal, cymbals are like the back bone of the percussion section :]
    Why can't you march with your actual instrument?

    I'm thinking about going for psychology.
    Or maybe writing, I don't really know.
    My writing really isn't good enough to pursue though, so I'm thinking psych.

    I know right?
    It's a ton of fun, but yeah, it does get pretty rowdy.
    Yeah, you should probably have like seven kids to a team to make it any good.
    So about fourteen kids. :]
    Thanks, I try to be witty at every opportunity.

    I'm listening to Emarosa and practically crying since I didn't get to go see them the other night.
    I had a free ticket and everything, but I got into a huge fight with the boy I was supposed to go with.
    And now he's rubbing it in my face with like "Oh, they were sooooo good."
    What a freaking jerk. -_-
    June 25th, 2008 at 04:27am
  • you said you had an interest in being zack girlyfriend?
    June 25th, 2008 at 03:02am
  • I want to be COVERED.
    Like seriously, I want so many.
    My sleeve idea is totally stellar.
    It's going to be so fucking sweet.
    So is my half sleeve though.
    And I'm copying my knuckles from someone else. -_-

    I would say to get just your nose done over septum.
    Because, to me personally a monroe and a septum look kinda lame together.
    I want stud snakebites, and I don't know if when I get them done if I'm leaving in my septum or not.
    Probably, because I personally love the hell out of it. <3
    I hate actual ear piercings.
    I don't know why. I let mine close up years ago.

    You can tell him in whatever form you want.
    You can even give him a piece of paper that says: Sam Carroll <3's you.
    I don't care.
    So long as he knows that I care about him like crazy. :]]
    Cuz I'm not a creep or anything. -_-

    I LOVEEEE fireworks.
    We go to Indiana for Fourth of July most years, since good fireworks are illegal in Illinois or whatever.

    You're in marching band?
    What do you play?
    Well, have fun at least. :]]

    Hahaha. Okay, okay.
    So I'm going to TRY and explain this.
    It's a game called Bock Bock, and this is how it goes:
    There are two teams, and the one team has to get in a line, and like hug around the waist of the person in front of them. They all bend over, and put our heads by the other person's hip, so we make kind of like a flat surface with our backs. Well, the other team is lined up a good six or eight feet away, and they run at us, and jump on top of the line. The goal is to have everyone on the opposing team jump on you without like falling over or anything. If the team keeps having people jump on you, and one of them falls off, their team loses. If you fall while in the standing line, you lose.
    The girl that jumped kneed me in the head. /:
    It's actually a pretty fun game.
    It can get kind of brutal though.
    They were like you should probably take out your nose ring.
    And I was like, yeah, I left my pliers at home, thanks though.
    June 24th, 2008 at 07:38am
  • Yeah, I can be a rebel without piercing myself.
    That's how I see it anyway.
    There's no way in hell I'd ever stick a needle through my own skin.
    Needles and blood don't really bother me that much, I just would NOT do it.
    Ewwww. /:

    Idk, I want a lot of tattoos.
    I have a whole sleeve planned, and I have a half-sleeve planned for my other arm.
    I have one I want across my hips, and a knuckle design as well.
    I want to get a back piece, but I'm not sure what I want yet. :]]
    It's gonna be pretty sweet.

    I don't think everyone has the same plot so much as the same characterization of him.
    And that's just as annoying as the same plot in my opinion.
    I like turning good boys bad and vice versa. :]]

    Haha, you do say dude a lot, but it's all good.
    If I meet him, I will definitely tell him that you send your love.
    That's okay. If you meet Jack, tell him I love him like crazy. :]

    That's kind of cool though.
    Like, my dad isn't around, and he works at a power plant.
    Completely uninteresting.
    I bet you guys have amazing fireworks every year too.
    We don't really have any at home.
    Oh my gosh, seriously, there are so many mosquitos here.
    I hate, hate, HATE the country.
    At least you live in Texas.
    I would love to live there. :]
    I hate living in Illinois.
    It's like, the worst possible state to live in.

    My weekend was okay.
    Ryan came down on Saturday, which is always a good time.
    And then my sister made me go to youth group with her on Sunday.
    We hung around outside for a while, since it was really nice out.
    And we played a couple games which I got kneed in the head during. /:
    But not very eventful. -_-
    June 24th, 2008 at 05:13am
  • Ahhh.
    Thirty-nine for me. :]]

    Ewww. /:
    That's sick.
    My mom stood in the room with me.
    So did my sister, Amara, Sarah, and Ryan.
    We taped the whole thing on Amara's phone too. :]
    Why would you pierce it yourself?
    That is seriously so unbelievably disgusting.
    I would never do that to myself.
    I love facial piercings, and I want to get stud snakebites, but I would never do it myself.
    That's just sick.

    Haha, I'm glad you like it. :]
    I wanted something where he's not portrayed as a drunken idiot.
    I'm so sick of reading stories like that.
    I mean, I know he seems like a bad boy, but does he ALWAYS have to be one?
    I'm hoping I'll get to see him at Warped maybe?
    Idk, I think it would be freaking awesomeee.

    How was your weekend? :]]
    June 24th, 2008 at 03:25am
  • I know right?!
    Seriously, it absolutely sucks.
    I live out in the country with a bunch of horses.
    Nobody has any piercings, let alone a septum piercing.
    People stare all the time. I'm getting used to it though.

    Forty days left for me. :]]
    I'm so excited.
    Considering I started counting down at 150.

    Well, mine didn't hurt that badly, to be honest with you.
    And if you take good care of it and go to a good place, it shouldn't be infected at all.
    And piercing something yourself is disgusting, especially for a septum.
    Please, please, please don't do it yourself if you do decide to get it done.
    My word of advice is that it's going to hurt differently to you.
    And you really have to take care of it, or it will get infected and you'll have to take it out.
    Also, they pierce through some gland or something down there, and it can get really hard if you have bad allergies.
    I was sick when I got mine done (runny nose), and it was hell.
    You can't blow your nose, you have to like, take a piece of toliet paper and go in there.
    So basically, it's really gross to take care of when you're sick.

    Btw, I'm starting a new story about Oliver Sykes. :]]
    June 23rd, 2008 at 06:41am
  • Yeah, you don't know the horror which is my father. -_-
    I haven't seen him in almost a year, and I'm completely stoked.
    If I still have the chance I probably WILL go for it.
    I won't be back in time for the start of school, but who cares?

    Haha, that's just how I get over it.
    I mean, people are always going to be like that, so you might as well.

    Oh my gosh!
    Your town has that much in it, and you're STILL bored?
    My town...and this is NOT a joke, it says so on the sign.
    Has a population of 950, most of which are older than thirty.

    I can't either, my friends are about thirty minutes, all up in Minooka and shiz.
    That's why when I go up there to hang out, I end up staying for a couple minutes.
    I do feel your pain though. /:
    It sucks living out in the middle of nowhere.
    June 22nd, 2008 at 09:26am
  • Yeahhhhh, I know. -_-
    You're so lucky.

    Hahaha, I know right?!
    I would have freaked if I had gotten there and they were like, btw....

    I'm thinking about it.
    I mean, I'd only be grounded until I move out.
    And that would only be like eight months by the time I get back and everything.
    Or maybe she'll send me to live with my dad.
    Oh God, that's enough to make me chicken out right there.

    Oh my gosh, I was supposed to go to one tonight too!
    Except the boy that wanted me to go with him, his girlfriend is going now, so he said it probably wouldn't be a good idea for me to go too.
    And I don't want to fight anyone tonight.
    So I agreed.
    I have people doing that to me all the time.
    I just kind of let it roll off.
    Take it as a compliment, you know?

    I think my friend Ryan is coming to stay the night tomorrow night.
    Which will be awesome, since he's the funniest kid I've ever met.
    And I'm going to a show with my friends Sarah and Amara this week, Wednesday I think..
    And I'm staying up there for a couple nights. :]
    So, I'm excited pretty much.
    June 22nd, 2008 at 04:26am
  • Hahahaha.
    I know, I know. -_-
    And of course I'm a liar because I promised them all I wouldn't tell ANYBODY.
    Hahahaha, oh well. It's too funny not to tell to other people.
    The first time I ever heard about it, they just said let's have a d00d party, and I didn't know what it was, so I said okay.
    Luckily I was informed of what it was before it happened, haha.

    I have a sign that he was supposed to sign a couple weeks ago when my friend went to see him.
    He didn't though, so I'm taking it to my Warped Tour in hopes he'll sign it for me.

    I'm actually supposed to next summer for a friend of mine.
    They said they couldn't pay me but they'd buy food and deoderant and stuff when I run out.
    That would be my kind of payment.
    That and I wouldn't have to help pay for gas ever. :]
    I'm hoping I still get to do it.
    I won't be out of school yet, so I can see my mom saying no. /:

    Ah, it's not a popular one for them to play, tbh.
    My favorite is Shameless and The Girl's A Straight Up Hustler.
    Luckily they almost always play one or the other. :]]
    I've got like...forty-two days lefttttt.
    I'm dying in anticipation.

    How was/is your weekend?
    June 21st, 2008 at 10:29pm
  • Hahaha.
    Well, okay.
    You asked for it.
    The kids in this band are really close right?
    Well, they all get in the shower together, and try to turn each other on, and they call them 'd00d parties'.
    So now it's a big inside joke with me and everyone who knows about it.
    And I always say I want to have a d00d party with ATL, because I wanna be nakey with Jack.

    I have forty-two days until my ATL fix (aka Warped Tour).
    Of course!! I want every insignifcant detail!
    And tell Jack I love him like crazy!

    Oh my gosh. I want cake!!
    I should just join a band I guess.
    You want to be a merch girl that badly too?!
    Omfg, we're gonna be merch girls together. Fer sure.
    Oh my gosh, no. I was totally more excited to meet Matt at Warped Tour than I was to meet anyone else.
    Except maybe Jack.
    Since I reallllllllllllllly love Jack <3.
    June 21st, 2008 at 07:05am
  • It's actually kinda gross.
    Hahaha, and it deals with a local band here that I'm friends with called Maceration.
    If you want to know, I'll tell you. It's a little R-Rated though.
    And I'm not involved, before you think I'm a skank or something. /:
    Actually, last year at Warped my friend made us stand in the back because she didn't want to "Fight a bunch of nine year olds"
    She was annoying the whole day. I'm not bringing her this year.
    I've only seen them that once, because I always end up sick or in a car accident the days of their shows. -_-
    I personally like them better, but what do I know?
    I could only put up with them for about three months though.
    They itch like crazyyyy.
    Mine is holding in well actually.
    And no problem. :]]
    June 20th, 2008 at 12:02am