Ice Storm

All of north Arkansas is covered in ice. The trees that are left standing look like glass. The trees that snapped under the weight of the ice crashed to the ground and broke all of the power lines. My house hasn't had power since Tuesday. My family has been crammed into a hotel for warmth. I think I'm about to loose my mind. When the lights didn't come back on on Tuesday I was actually scared. I'm...
January 30th, 2009 at 06:32pm

My Top Ten For 2008

10. For favorite snack:Red Bull and McDonald's french fries.9. Favorite outfit:Black, skinny, Tripp jeans, Monster Shirt, and high-top converses.8. For favorite object:iPod Touch7. For favorite beauty supply:The Colossal Volume Express Mascara (The one in the fat yellow tube you know?)6. For favorite book:Twilight! (obviously) Close second would be Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging by...
January 25th, 2009 at 06:27pm