mr. word vomit / Comments

  • Cyanide Nightmare.

    Cyanide Nightmare. (100)

    United States
    Oh wow, thanks so much for the one shot comment.
    It's one of the nicest comments I've ever gotten, so Thanks you soo very much.

    It took me forever to finish, so I'm glad you liked it.
    I did start making a sequel... but I'm not sure when it's going to be finished. Hopefully soon. :)
    November 6th, 2008 at 09:28pm
  • Dani Delightful

    Dani Delightful (100)

    United States
    Muchas gracias for your comment on You Never Looked So Scandalous! It's one of my favorite comments, not gonna lie. I just posted a new chapter last night and Chapter 5 will be up on November 24. Yeah, I have a knack for accidentally setting deadlines that coincide with holidays. So go check it out! And Happy Halloween!!!!!

    Cut me up like lines,

    Dani Delightful
    October 31st, 2008 at 10:47pm
  • RAWRitslainey

    RAWRitslainey (100)

    United States
    thanks for the comment on my rydon one shot
    October 30th, 2008 at 01:32am
  • RAWRitslainey

    RAWRitslainey (100)

    United States
    its stuttering.profanities. from quizilla.
    just tellin ya i subscribed to mad as rabbits and mathod to maddness, cause you know i adore them. :]
    October 29th, 2008 at 02:19am
  • yourverity

    yourverity (100)

    United States
    Your welcome as always, the way you write is amazing so most of the time I feel like [i]I[/i] should be thanking [i]you[/i]...

    Anywho, I knew I was missing something! That bit about how the world made it seem like Ryan was better than Brendon and Brendon, being Brendon, got all wrapped up in that (and as a result became extremely bitter) makes soooo much more sense. Thanks for clearing that up :)

    And as for Pathetique (the song, not the story,) I usually don't listen to a whole lot of classical outside of band and what my dad listens to in the car, so that was kind of an eye opener for me. I've been listening to a bunch of classical on youtube and just... wow. I can't even put into words how amazing some of it is. It goes way beyond what we play in band, it's so... beautiful. There's no other word to describe it.

    How someone can put that much emotion into something without using the spoken word astounds me. Now, that may just be because I'm a tad bit more language-minded than musical (only by a bit though,) and I would explode if I didn't have words to express my emotions with... but still, those men must have been brilliant.

    That may sound rather... obvious, I mean people tell you that all the time about composers, but I've never fully comprehended that before. Probably that's because I've never [i]really[/i] taken the time to listen (and by listen I mean really [i]listen[/i], not just hearing) to a classical piece outside of band. Either way it blows my mind.
    October 26th, 2008 at 01:13am
  • the hatter.

    the hatter. (100)

    United Kingdom
    It's okay. :)
    You never have to apologize to me.

    I hope things work out too but sometimes I can just see things falling apart around me.
    I actually go to see my dad every other weekend (one of those divorce things xD) and he's...different now.
    But sometimes, I can still see that little glimmer of...something hateful in his eyes.
    And sometimes when he raises his voice, or speaks with a certain inflection, my stomach ties itself in never ending knots then my mind takes me back to the times when my parents were still together.
    I remember once when we were getting ready to go out, my dad told me to put my shoes on and I, being the stupid little three year old I was, said no because I was busy playing. When I said no, my dad picked me up by the collar of my tee shirt and lifted me high above his head, then he just sort of...barked at me to get my shoes again and then he just let of me. He let go of me and let me drop to the floor from that height, and he's a fairly tall man.

    I mean, just take away the fact that it was me that happened to and can you believe that would happen to a three year old kid!?
    Well, I suppose you could seeing as we live in such a corrupt world.

    But he's not like that anymore.
    It's like...all his hate and anger had transferred itself into me.
    Yesterday, for example, a boy I know pushed me over.
    It was just a harmful little joke but for some reason, I completely flipped out.
    I started to punch him and kick him and for those moments, I just really wanted to kick hitting him until he fell onto the floor and I wanted to rip open his stomach and pull out his insides and dangle them in front of his face.
    One of my other friends actually had to pull me away from him. >.<

    But anyway...
    Haha, yeah. I was reading one of your stories with Ryan in and I was just thinking 'this kid reminds me of someone...' xD

    I tihink my family's okay now.
    Sometimes it seems we're in such a fragile state...but then again when we all sit down once in a blue moon to watch a movie together, I can help but feel a sense of unity.
    I suppose its hazy days.

    No, I don't mind. (:

    There's not much I can say to that...
    I mean, its sad, yes.
    Its unfair, yes.
    But what is there you can do?
    Apart from try your best to never let it happen again.

    Where's the fairness? The equality? The justice?
    They're in you.
    I would say they're in your heart but you're heart is just an organ.
    Those three wonderful things, they're in everything that makes
    And maybe someday you can share them with the world.

    I suppose God works in mysterious ways.

    I'm glad you have such empathy but I'm sympathetic, too.
    It must really...suck, for want of a better word.

    There are the select few in the world - yourself included - that care and those people are trying hard to make the world care with them.
    I suppose sometimes God just can't be fair he leaves the choice up to his children.

    I won't take offence at the alcohol and all that. :)
    I know its an awful habit. >.<

    Getting stoned and wasted is just a...teenage thing.
    A popularity thing.
    Its just show that you're at a much higher standard of maturity than everyone else
    You're expectation aren't too high, it's just that the people who fit your bill are hiding away.

    You're worth alot of peoples time, you know. :)
    And being "too Asian" is cool! xD

    These kids, they're just fucking up their lives.
    Its stupid and pointless.
    But 99% of the population had done it.
    Without that 99%, you wouldn't have these feelings, you wouldn't be so amazing, you wouldn't be you.

    If you lose something, you can always find it again.
    Don't fret.
    And you'll never be alone. :)

    Now, Star Wars may be just a few movies but it comes up with some damn good sayings - "Even in the darkest nights, dawn will arrive."

    I tried bullimia once or twice, too.
    Its stupid.
    I know its hard to find a non-destructive outlet but its something we all have to try and find.
    Please don't start being bulimic, it may not leave scars but it still kills.

    I've been dying for a fight club for a long while but no one else is open minded enough to think its a good idea.

    I wish we weren't so far away, as well.
    I think it would be amazing if we were to meet one day.
    I feel like there something wrong knowing that you're a whole huge ocean away from me.

    Haha, I thought you might enjoy Emotion. xD
    Its more than likely that you'll end up being in it by the fourth or so chapter.
    All the chapters are going to be named by an emotion!
    Hence the title. xD

    Haha, yeah!
    Our supernatural joint would amazing!
    And Brendon going, "Blahblahblah..., but don't....It's bad" would just be sooo cool. :D

    Well, my day was okay...
    It was certainly better than yesterday where I got sent out of one of my lessons.
    But I had a Maths lesson today, and its getting to the point where I really can't stand to be in that classroom.
    I couldn't really say why, I just don't like it.
    I create entertainment for myself during that lesson.
    I do no work and just annoy the teacher.
    She's ended up sending me outside or speaking to me after the lesson alot recently.
    Its really annoying my mum but I don't think I could stand 6 more months of that lesson 3 times a week.
    It makes me want to hurt somebody, gah! xD
    But yeah, the rest was fun.
    I got bundled by about 8 was fairly painful, haha.
    I got told I don't eat enough, as well. >.<

    But how was your day!? :D
    October 21st, 2008 at 05:15pm
  • astronaut.

    astronaut. (100)

    no thank you myfriend.
    i havent found anyone who likes panic at the disco AND the great gatbsy :) its like we were made for each other ;)
    October 20th, 2008 at 04:02am
  • the hatter.

    the hatter. (100)

    United Kingdom

    Just wondered if you got my last comment 'cos I'm not sure if it got through or not. xD

    It was a damn long comment. >.<
    October 19th, 2008 at 11:56am
  • yourverity

    yourverity (100)

    United States
    You're very welcome, as always :)

    To be quite honest, The Blood Doll is a lot different from TTC, there are just small similarities here and there, and because we just got finished with studying the book I can't resist commenting on it.

    TTC, is a lot more about the revolution of France and how it affected the lives of a family living in England than anything else. Darnay is an annoying goody two-shoes who appears to have no flaws, whereas Gerard is much more entertaining as a character.

    Darnay got on my nerves 'cause he never ever did anything wrong and no person is like that, fictional or no. The only reason I saw a connection between the two were their corrupt aristocratic family history.

    And as for Salem and Azriel, they are far more cool than Madame Defarge ever was. Weather or not they represent the same thing... I'm really not sure. Madame Defarge was supposed to represent the idea of Fate, and one of the themes of the book was that we can write our own fate, nothing is decided for us (hence Madame Defarge is killed.) I'm pretty sure you meant Salem to portray justice, not fate, so you should be good there.

    They are, however, both quite mad and, if I'm inferring correctly about Salem's past, rather tortured by the injustice of life. Both are trying to avenge the wrongs served to them and their people, and both are doing so violently, but fundamentally I'm fairly certain that they represent different ideas.

    TTC is also more a warning to the England of Dickens' time that the French Revolution could happen to them. Although there is a [i]tiny[/i] bit of that theme in The Blood Doll so far (hell, I could even be wrong about it's existence in your story, it's too early for me to tell) I don't think that that's your main point.

    Aristocracy, corruption, and the taken-advantage-of lower class are just your way of expressing the idea of justice vs. injustice, right vs. wrong, etc, whereas Dickens' was trying to instigate social change. Or at least I think that's what it is... tell me if I'm wrong. I only have two chapters of Blood Doll to go off of so I might be totally missing the point.

    I hope that helped, let me know if I was confusing anywhere in there. My explanations tend to sound better in my head XD
    October 18th, 2008 at 05:49am
  • the hatter.

    the hatter. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I think I might possibly get the longest comment award here. xD
    October 13th, 2008 at 09:09am
  • the hatter.

    the hatter. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Aw, yes, Justin Long! He's awesome. :D
    As is Christian Bale, obviously.
    He plays the best Batman out of all the Batman's I've seen. xD
    And Shia Labeuf is just yumm!
    And he's a very good actor.
    I really wanna see that film Eagle Eye that he's in.

    Have you ever heard of Jason Statham?
    He's pretty amazing. He plays the hard, cockney Londoner types.
    He's also extremely attractive. xD

    Don't kill him off!
    I'll die if you do.
    You could just post less... xD

    Haha, yeah. xD
    It's also an general anime convention so there's going to alot of people dressed up as Sailer Moon characters and all that, haha.

    Yes, sounds like a good deal. :)
    I'll try my very haredest not to die.

    Well, I've been reflecting on my past a fair bit recently and it wasn't a very nice past so its just been...hard to remember it.
    Emotionally hard and remembering it is actually really hard because of you know all that repressed traumatic memories.
    Some of the stuff my mum's told me about my childhood, I don't even remember.
    But it's not very nice. xD

    But also, my step dad was made redudant from his job a long while ago and now he's starting to find work and our family is financially starting to get back on its feet.
    My step dad has always struggled to cope with depression and getting made redundant has made him even more depressed and its on the point where he's refusing anti-depressants.
    Its making my mum unhappy, which really annoys me, and I'm just really scared that I'm going to come home one day and find him hanging dead or with slit wrists.
    And sometimes when its late at night, they start arguing and he starts shouting and I just freeze.
    Because it reminds me of my dad.
    And when my dad shouted, it was absolutely fucking terrifying.
    My step dad is nothing like my dad but when I hear someone shouting, it scares me.
    Sometimes I scare myself...because I'm exactly like my dad.
    Anyway, I'm gonna shut up now. xD

    Yeah, I think seeing as we're probably going to end up writing alot of joint stories, we should make a joint account.
    It could be like a mix of our current usernames like 'BlindedDeity' or something.

    "And then Ryan's just like 'oh, well I'll leave then' and Brendon's like 'wait, I know you're just gonna go find some heroin somewhere else...but don''s bad'."

    Haha, yes, Brendon is amazing! xD

    I'm glad you're working on your self-esteem.
    If I could, I'd scrape off some of mine and give it to you but it, unfortunately, seems to be quite attatched.

    I hope I do well, too. xD
    I'll probably fail maths, though.
    I suck...mainly 'cos I don't actually do anything in the lesson.
    ...Apart from occasionally shout at the teacher when she's telling me to work. xD
    October 13th, 2008 at 09:09am
  • yourverity

    yourverity (100)

    United States
    You're very welcome as always. honestly you're one of the only authors on here who I leave comments because a lot of the other kids on here write generic crap (myself included) and I really can't find anything interesting to say about other people's stories... but you're different and origional and such, so obviously, I have stuff to say :)
    I only read A Tale of Two Cities because I had to for honor's english. I actually hated it at first but after we went back and looked at all the aspects of it I grew to like it, mainly because I failed to understand most ofit on my first read through. It's a bit confusing and there are a lot of characters to keep up with, but it's a really good story.
    Anywho, once again kudos for writing such amazing stuff. Did you know that I can't stand to read a lot of the rydons/frerards I was reading before 'cause they're crap in comparison to yours? It's actually a good thing because I was reading way too many to begin with. Plus it was an eyeopener to the fact that most of them had no plot XD What I'm trying to say is you saved me from continuing to read some truly shitty stories, so thank you <3
    October 13th, 2008 at 01:25am
  • the hatter.

    the hatter. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oooh, rewriting!
    I am excited.

    Well, genius' are allowed mistakes too.

    Haha, well, maybe one day you could come to England! :D
    Oh, have you heard that Gaia is coming to an expedition in London!?
    I'm so going. :D

    Aw, I love you too. :)
    And I will try my hardest not to get pregnant.
    I guess its just, you know.
    Well, cutting helps people relieve stress.
    Cutting is an outlet, a vice.
    Fags and booze are mine.
    There's some stuff going on with my family at the moment.
    I'm happy to explain it all to you - because I feel like I can trust you - but if you don't want me to, then its your choice, obviously.

    Well, your bad habit pleases me alot! :D
    Seriously, I'm loving the new stories.

    You should republish Crimson Sin!
    It's amazing and I miss it.
    As for plagurism - fuck it!
    Plagurism and hatemail are the best things that could ever happen to an author - it means people like your work so much that it moves them!

    I love it when you put me in stories. :D
    It inflates my ego even more, lol.

    Ew, PE exams?
    That sucks.
    I'd just bunk it.
    I have to take my English GCSE's in 2-3 weeks, whereas everyone else takes them in April.
    So, I'm like "shiiiit" xD

    Yay for Gerard! xD

    Well...I'm not sure about HMISY?
    We could just have some typically lovey-dovey thing happen and then leave it like that.
    It would be the easiest.

    As for the Rydon, well we have that beginning bit that I sent to you and then I was thinking we could do a Ryan's P.O.V then Brendon's then Ryan's then Brendon's, etc.
    But I can continue Ryan's first one to the point where he just goes to his dealer, who is Brendon's brother.
    And Ryan goes to his dealer's apartment but he's not there, but Brendon is.
    And then Ryan's just like 'oh, well I'll leave then' and Brendon's like 'wait, I know you're just gonna go find some heroin somewhere else...but don''s bad' xD

    But I think that's the most we should plan the story.
    After that, we can't tell each other what we're going to write next.
    That way, it'll be like, we can just make it up as we go along and write off of how each character reacts, if you get what I mean.

    Oh, yeah!
    In your new stories, with Michael Cera, do you mean the guy from Juno?
    Or is there some other Michael Cera that I don't know about? xD
    October 12th, 2008 at 09:45pm
  • Smashed Pumpkin.

    Smashed Pumpkin. (120)

    United States
    haha no problem :D I live in London and seriously, apart from central the rest is pretty drab.

    I can't wait for more of blood boy it rules :D Oh and i'm glad to hear u like my land :P you can totally come and live with us, theres only 3 occupants at the moment :file:
    October 12th, 2008 at 06:49pm
  • the hatter.

    the hatter. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I just want you to know that I'm never going to stop loving you and there's nothing you can do about it.
    October 12th, 2008 at 06:39pm
  • the hatter.

    the hatter. (100)

    United Kingdom
    "It's hard to explain, there's so much I can see in you in the."

    *"It's hard to explain, there's so much I can see in you in the stories"

    I'm a dumbass. >.<
    October 10th, 2008 at 05:13pm
  • the hatter.

    the hatter. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Aww, I love you too. :D

    It's hard to explain, there's so much I can see in you in the.
    But the part about being a hero and no one ever appreciating it, that was one of the main things.

    Don't kill your characters off! TT - TT
    Dude, you must have an insanely busy day!
    Tell me - 'cos I'm curious - what your days consist of entirely. xD

    I look forward to more chapters of...well, everything. xD
    You know, it's kinda creepy that in alot of your stories I see myself in Ryan. xD
    Except the quiet, good natured bit, lol.

    I shall be excited about HMISY?
    Don't rush it, though.
    Take all the time you want.

    I've been pretty awesome lately.
    I got back from Belgium a few days ago.
    It was the greatest trip ever! xD
    Although you won't be particularly happy with me. >.<
    I was drunk every night.
    And I smoked a whole lot of cigarettes.
    I currently reek of fags (cigarettes. xD) and will probably reek of alcohol later on seeing as its a Friday.
    I have unbelievably bad habits, I know. -.-
    And I apologise.
    I hope your keeping c-sober. :)

    That would be quite an intesting story - "Carlyn, a young Asian/American genius artist, is trying to stay c-sober whilst her friend, Sam - a conceited little fucker - is just trying to stay plain sober."

    I'm also currently in the process of deciding what courses and where to do them after finishing cumpulsory education, which is quite interesting.

    Anything much happening at your end of the world?
    School stuff?
    Home stuff?

    October 10th, 2008 at 05:12pm
  • yourverity

    yourverity (100)

    United States
    *squeals* you would actually write a one shot 4 me? I’m honored :) my favorite slash pairing is rydon (if you couldn't tell…) and I’m also a huge frerard fan... either one of those would be insanely cools :)
    October 10th, 2008 at 01:18am
  • Velvet.Tears.

    Velvet.Tears. (100)

    United States
    You are very welcome.
    You have to give yourself credit also for me to have such a constructive comment.
    I can’t just do that without an amazing story with such detail.
    Thank you for writing the story.. =]

    Nice to meet you too.
    Well, talk to you… but same difference.

    “!” are amazing though…
    Hey, even if it is Panic’s fault it’s all good..

    Well thank you.
    I should be working on some homework, and studying… but oh well.
    I need to work on writing updates too.. I almost have another update for His Dirty LittleSecret.. :]

    My day has been pretty good.
    I had golf distracts today, did horrible but I had a good time so it’s all okay.
    Plus it also means no more golf for the year, and I say ‘yippie’ to that…
    October 8th, 2008 at 02:39am
  • Velvet.Tears.

    Velvet.Tears. (100)

    United States
    I'm Shelby, I just decided to leave you a comment.
    I'm like in love with your stories... lol.
    October 8th, 2008 at 01:39am