mr. word vomit / Comments

  • Ryro.

    Ryro. (100)

    United States

    I swear, this is the last time! xD
    I just saw a bit of The Making of Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off and you know how they have those fish tanks, they had to be really careful with Ryan with those. xD

    'Cos he's (obviously) really skinny, he weighs about 100 pounds or less and those fish tanks were about 75. xD

    Poor little anorexic kid. xD

    I am spending far too much time on the computer.
    I should really shut up...
    August 7th, 2009 at 03:03pm
  • Ryro.

    Ryro. (100)

    United States

    Have you seen the video of Brendon siging the Super Mario theme?
    It's epic.

    I'm having one of those days where I just sit and find stuff on YouTube, litterally all day.
    I've been doing it for hours now.

    Remember when I send you the link to that video called something like 'The Best of William Beckett'?
    Yeah, I found that on a day like this. xD
    August 7th, 2009 at 02:27pm
  • Ryro.

    Ryro. (100)

    United States
    I'm having a weird, fangirly, hyperactive moment right now!
    I'm sure you know I have many of these, the most recent being that drunk video I found of Ryan yesterday.

    But, I found something else now!
    Ahhhh, jxisuaebfvrtjhdf! Have you seen Fall Out Boy's new video for What a Catch, Donnie?
    I adore it! :D
    August 7th, 2009 at 01:16pm
  • kelylilia

    kelylilia (100)

    Honestly, i am your huge fan, i admire you A LOT. cause you are the masterpiece i have ever seen.
    You write with beautiful words.
    And your plot is rarely seen by the others author. I like your rydon story so bad. You build the story dramatically.
    please, i beg you.
    You should update ALL OF YOUR RYDON STORY. And i will wait your update impatiently.

    love ya. =]
    August 7th, 2009 at 07:05am
  • voldemort!

    voldemort! (100)

    United Kingdom
    You have art homework?
    Never in my life have I ever had homework for that class.

    I'm actually listening to The Libertines. I was listening to NP a while ago.

    I'm good. I'm just procrastinating so I don't have to write something for this contest I entered a while ago... So far I've counted how many icons I have saved on my computer (I have 497 xD), and then I uploaded them all onto my Photobucket, and now I'm looking for pictures to make new icons with.
    I think I'm addicted to icons. xD
    August 7th, 2009 at 02:13am
  • voldemort!

    voldemort! (100)

    United Kingdom
    Hey :)
    Thanks for the add.
    How're you?
    August 7th, 2009 at 02:09am
  • MyTragedy

    MyTragedy (100)

    United States
    Lol No. It was kinda like i was talking to the girl bout ry ross and im like "Ive been a fan for 4 years. Of him and the band. Lol i determan if your a true fan XD...Imma start a club!" All it requires is the fact that your A fan. Im so cool i just kinda make a club. Lol so yeah...Theres no form cuz i dont know how to make one. Lol. If you want to co-found this with me i would love you! Haha.
    August 6th, 2009 at 04:41pm
  • MyTragedy

    MyTragedy (100)

    United States
    Lol u a patd fan? Wanna join the (mibba) ryro fan club?
    --Bella the random commenter.
    August 6th, 2009 at 04:39am
  • Littlemissthing

    Littlemissthing (100)

    i will and thank you. man you are one of the most intellectual people i have ever talked to :) <3 and call me tori
    August 6th, 2009 at 04:19am
  • Littlemissthing

    Littlemissthing (100)

    i am so enjoying your stories at this point there the best i've read at this point and if you were to publish a book I'd read it ! and your just that amazing :)
    August 5th, 2009 at 08:34pm
  • Ryan_Rainbow

    Ryan_Rainbow (100)

    Don't be ridiculous,one is ones worst critic,and you are great.In my books,you've already achieved such a level.^^
    August 5th, 2009 at 05:45am
  • Ryro.

    Ryro. (100)

    United States

    Gahhh, Gaia's got a coded/script virus that appears when you try to post a reply or PM someone, so my advice is not to post anything until it stops. xD
    Or try and block the script. I tried, I failed. It's really hard, the virus break through anything.
    If you get redirected to a virus checking page (which is fake) on Gaia, do not click on anything and exit it immediately.

    It's making me crazy, 'cos I can't rp! xD
    August 4th, 2009 at 05:05pm
  • Ryro.

    Ryro. (100)

    United States
    Ooh, okay! :D
    Well, I think it would be good to stick with Ryan being an addict/ex-addict. But that it should not be the central storyline, we should make it almost a backseat thing that suddenly crop up halfway through and shocks everyone because they've almost forgotten about it. If you know what I mean...? xD

    I think we should make it like a roleplay, like one of us is Ryan and one of us, Bden. And then it can be like just one of us creates a dilemma/whatever and then the other makes another post to counter it.

    I don't know if you like this idea, but maybe we could create our own private rp on Gaia and post as Ryan and Bden. That way we don't have to trouble with sending each other PMs all the time, we can post it on Gaia and then it will always be there. What do you think of doing that?

    Nah, I didn't see the Sistine Chapel. I have no clue why but they told us we weren't seeing it. xD

    Aw, I'm glad you liked the one shot. (:
    It's a little weird for me to do something that's not Ryden or fanfic at all but it was fun too.

    Thanks. (:
    So far, I have two sentences of the Ryden but they're a good two sentences. xD
    I'll keep working on it. :D

    I tried a half-autobiograpy thing about my father and I but I just couldn't do it. It hurt too much.
    But some people find it a good release.

    Oooh, this new story idea sounds interesting. I like it. :D
    But yes, you should finish a few of your others before that. xD

    Ooh, did you ever read a Ryden (that orginated on Quizilla and now is on DeviantArt) called Swallow Your Tongue? It's really pretty damn amazing. You might like it.

    I look forward to seeing it all aligned and whatnot. :D
    Ah, yeah, that seems a good idea. So, whichever one of us gets sent the profile can forward it to the other one and point out dislikes/likes and whether or not we want the person or not.

    Well, with your words of wisdom, I'll give it ago in this week. xD
    I'll send you stuff if I make anything. xD

    Haha, nah, I was glad you shipped him away. Otherwise, I'd have had no clue what to do with him when I came back. xD
    The Rebels have a plan to let everyone escape, so this would be an idea time for Rhys to enter and kick ass with Amherst. :D

    Oooh, I might give Xanga a go then.
    The only thing I used it for before was to look at Thinspiration sites. xD

    Ooh, good luck with being a junior! I'm excited for you. xD
    I wish I could go to American school (with you, of course), it seems so much better than English schools.
    Our system is simple compared to yours! xD

    Ah, yeah, I know what you mean. You know, you never have to just hold a fake smile with me. You can tell me about it if you need to or you feel like your breaking down.
    I'm a self proclaimed expert on divorce, my dad's had two splits. xD

    Hell yes, we will hang out one day.
    We /have/ to stay friends forever and we have to meet.
    Either one of us is going to have move closer to the other. xD
    I can't spend the rest of my life without someone who knows me so well. xD

    I know, Ryan's fucked up right now!
    Even before Panic split, he wasn't quite right. I think he's just falling apart a bit right now.
    Someone's apparently told him he didn't actually get married.
    I think he might be drinking a lot or something. I mean, if you take a look at the lyrics from the Fever album and things in his past, like his abusive father, it points to him being a pretty fucked up kid.
    But have you heard Panic's & The Young Vein's new songs? They're both pretty amazing, so they're both atleast carrying on with their careers.

    Oh, yeah, yesterday I watched Dead Poet's Society again (and cried, again xD). Have you noticed that Neil is Wilson from House?
    I never realised that! Which probably makes me very dumb.

    You know, me and you, we're Wilson and House, we're Neil and Todd. (:
    August 4th, 2009 at 01:49pm
  • Ryro.

    Ryro. (100)

    United States
    P.S. I posted a one shot! :D
    It's not Ryden, just a sort of account/memoir from my holiday. xD
    It's kind of weird, sort of written in that Chuck Palahniuk devastatingly sarcasm-through-short-sentences way. I don't know if it's any good, haha.
    August 3rd, 2009 at 06:33pm
  • Ryro.

    Ryro. (100)

    United States
    It's to be be back. :D

    Damn straight, you should be jealous! xD
    I got to go the Vatican City and see the cathedral there and I'm not at all a religious person, but fuck me, that place was amazing. I kept bumping into people 'cos I couldn't stop staring at the ceiling. Its truly gorgeous.

    Ah, I do love your BdenBastard fics, though.
    I'm having a bit of a struggle with my RyroBastard one shot at the moment, I'm trying to think of something original and non-cliqued instead of the typical Ryan is an alcoholic/depressed/psycho/loves the Wentz as well as Bden or all the other stuff most people do. xD

    I almost dislike alcoholic fics now 'cos they just remind me of myself and how terribly pathetic I am. xD

    I shall send the text in a PM as soon as I've finished this comment. :D
    I'm really excited to see the graphics!
    My life is so pathetic at the moment that the only things keeping me happy is you and a certain Dr Gregory House. Haha. But they're enough.
    I'm happy to post the rp, if you'd like.
    It depends who is going to/wants to edit the accepted profiles of who has joined and such. I'm perfectly happy to do that but if you'd like to, then by all means, go ahead. (:
    Ooh, and I found a site that lets you get a free trial of PS so I might download it and give it a go but I could end up being a complete dunce at it. xD

    Yeah, I saw the rp has been getting a bit smaller. I haven't posted on it yet, but I will if I get time today. I'll keep posting on it until everyone else stops. I'll put my Seeker in soon, I think.

    Ooh, you can rp on Xanga? I got one a while back when you told me about it but I've never done anything with it. It confused me a little bit so I might spend some time working it out.
    I would cry if Amherst and August suddenly died. xD

    Your summer's almost over!? Aww, bummer! I hope going back to school doesn't bog you down too much.
    What grade will you be going into again? (I'm terribly at understanding the American school system xD)

    Ah, right. How're you feeling about the divorce?
    I hope its not messing you up too much.
    Aw, have fun in NY! (:

    You know, I was thinking the other day, I'm old enough to travel by myself now and if I pushed my parents they couldn't stop me, so I could come visit you if I can get the money. xD

    Yeah, we can do the joint story like we did our Frerard - sending each other the parts we write bit by bit. We can take as much time as we want. (:

    Ooh, have you been keeping up with Ryro's twitter?
    It's fucking crazy over there!
    August 3rd, 2009 at 05:12pm
  • Ryro.

    Ryro. (100)

    United States
    Hell fucking yes, I am back! :D :D :D

    :: hug ::
    I missed you so much! I mean, seriously I really really missed you! <333

    It was a pretty epic holiday.
    I got sick for the first few days but after that I was totally fine and I had a great time. I got a tan, too. xD I'm no longer the freakishly pale girl.

    I make it my goal to try and comment everything you write.
    I love your stories so much. :D

    I wrote a little bit whilst I was on holiday.
    I made a first draft of my first post for the fairytale/Sapien Solum rp. :D
    Which reminds me, I can't wait to see the PS work you've done!!!

    I also started a new Rydon one shot. I decided I'd do one from Brendon's POV, with Ryan being a bit of bastard instead of our Bden being one for once. xD
    But it's pretty rough at the moment and I want to start work on other ideas too, so I don't know when/if I'll post this one shot.
    I have a whole summer to work, though! So, hopefully, I can do one or two one shots and maybe start work on a new story and if we both feel up to it (which I'm hoping we are) we could do that joint story we were thinking of.

    But, on top of your writing, my writing, both our Gaia rps we're in /and/ the joint rp, we might not get around to the new joint story.
    August 2nd, 2009 at 06:15pm
  • Littlemissthing

    Littlemissthing (100)

    thanks i will have to go through it i'm glad your enjoying it and no nothin new. :) i'm boring didn't cha know
    July 23rd, 2009 at 06:48pm
  • Victoria Flannel

    Victoria Flannel (150)

    No problem. :) I honestly believe the story deserves a lot more comments than it already has, because, as I mentioned, it is one of the best Ryden/Rydons I've read.

    Your vocabulary is pretty admirable, as well, I have to say.

    And thank you! I read my own About Me every time I feel a tad miserable. Somehow it makes me feel better, haha. <3
    July 23rd, 2009 at 12:26pm
  • Littlemissthing

    Littlemissthing (100)

    hi i was wondring cuz your like my favorite writer i was wondring if you could read my story and give me pointers? i would be onard if you did. thank you and keep making these beautiful works. (PS just mistress.) you rock! so whats new?
    July 17th, 2009 at 12:03am
  • Ryro.

    Ryro. (100)

    United States

    ^ Check it! :D

    July 16th, 2009 at 04:52pm