Are you still on Mibba? If you are, I would appreciate it if you updated Behind the Scenes! Please, I really like it, although there's only 2 chapters, but I don't care... so... yeah
heyyyyyyy, guess who? Christy thats who! and guess what is extremely depressing, my name came up as a misspelled word just now, isn't that sad? hehe ^^; anyyyy wayyss... I am suppppper bored, and I promise I will try to work on getting Saving Grace up here for you to read! =D
you got me all excited.
I went to the Sports forum and saw that field hockey was replied to; so I was all "ohmuhgawsh someonereplied"
...but it was just you.
I was just thinking of Ryan's old band called "Tally Ho" when i saw your name.
AH! I saw a hotel called the "Tally Ho-tel"!
yup yup.
see thou at warped.