and she runs up to him...

and screams "MARK! It's been a month for me and Chelsea!"Mark sees the sparkles in her eyes.and the 2 months, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.And then Monday April 13th, she walks into her 5th periodSpanish class. and there is no more sparkle. No more smileon her face. Just bags under her eyes, a mixture of nosleep and crying for hours, and a mess of a usually peppy girl.and you know what? Mark wasn't there to...
April 20th, 2009 at 06:27am

I'll never take your ring off.

I would be empty, lifeless, without you.You've taught me how to love. Don't ever let go, baby.This may be a rough ride sometimes,our ideas may conflict, but I'm here...Just hold onto me.You're my safety, my home, my everything.You keep me sane. I love you.Words can't even begin to describe my feelings towards you.This is not just A reality. It's our reality.We may argue, hang up because we're...
January 3rd, 2009 at 06:01pm

How did we get here? How the hell...?

Setting: Parking lot of Mellow Mushroom.Time: Around 8 PM, on a Wednesday night.(Zoom in, a girl's sitting on the curb, crying. We don't know why. She doesn't know why. The door opens, her girlfriend walks out, and sits next to her. She ignores it, begins looking at her phone, texting. Just to get her mind off of things.)Girl 1: to me.Girl 2: I can't.Girl 1: You have to.Girl 2: I...
January 2nd, 2009 at 09:02am

The greatest love story that was ever told, baby, me and you could be one of those.

I was talking to a friend.You walked out of your car.You sat down.I thought you were beautiful.Every spoken word sounded pretty.A car ride home, thinking about you.Log onto Facebook.Added “Chelsea Elizabeth Juhan”Reluctantly, of course.“Friend Request Accepted”An awkward IM conversation.An amazing birthday.The first 32 minutes the best, of course.Nights wishing I could see you,Talking on...
January 2nd, 2009 at 08:59am

It was only a dream, damn.

I had a dream last night.I was lying in your arms, we were watching a movie, and you kept looking at me,“What are you thinking about?” I spoke softly as you sighed.“I’m thinking about you.”“Me?”“Mhm, I can’t stop thinking about you, no matter how hard I try.”My heart stopped. I hesitated answering.“Well, come on now; tell me, what exactly are you thinking?” I could tell you...
June 5th, 2008 at 11:25pm

Sometimes I Wish I Was Like Mariella.

Yeah, you know the Kate Nash song, "Mariella", right?Well, if not, look it up. Her music is addicting.But I really do wish I was like Mariella.I can't keep my mouth shut. I always voice my opinions,which can be a good thing, but it's getting me in ashitload of trouble lately.I think to myself ALOT, but half the time,whatever I think just sorta comes outof my big mouth.It's ended friendships,...
June 5th, 2008 at 07:23pm


Right now, I'm finding that I'm totally helpless. A past relationship still has it's hold on me. I mean, It's like there's the huge chain thats just pulling me back every time I try to do something on my own. Everything reminds me of this boy. This amazing singer, drummer, boyfriend and boy. He was my everything, though I sometimes treated him like my nothing.I miss him more than I ever thought I...
June 5th, 2008 at 05:59am