MaggAims2Live / Comments

  • Sorry, a correction, i'm NOT attacking you personally, first paragraph lol

    October 29th, 2008 at 10:58am
  • [i]Here we go. Yes, God wanted to spread His love through a new race. Of course, He was perfectly happy all by Himself before He created us, as the Bible says.
    God has the power to control our free will, but he chooses not to do so. He wants us to choose to love Him of our own account and freely make good choices. He could, and I duly wish that He would, with a snap of His fingers, rid the world of all things bad. He chooses not to do so for reasons that we will soon learn in the time to come.[/i]

    Now please, for the arguments sake, read over what you wrote at the start of the second comment on my page.

    No offense; but where did you get this stuff from? It sounds to me, and again i'm attacking you personally, but more the institution that would tell this sort of stuff to people, like a little kid justifying some fantastical lie they've just told.

    I'll use the examples of faeries. You know, the whole ''there are faeries at the bottom of my garden. They're magical and they can do anything they want but they don't because they don't like adults. Thats why you'll never see one''.

    Now; there is no way for you to disprove that statement. But we both know i just made it up then to prove a point. It seems the same way with the church. They say these things to convince others (and themselves, i have no doubt) in there own rightousness. You yourself say its hard not to doubt this catholic concpet of god? God should be beyond doubt, irrefutable. Any belief you have to convince yourself of using suspicious lies like; 'he's just waiting, he could do something if he wanted' is not a true belief, in my opinion. With all due respect.

    Then you sort of implied that maybe god has created/allowed so much suffering in order to make a lucky few feel even luckier and more self satisfied. Now, i'm sorry, but that hurts me to read. If your christian god truly existed, there are no situations or justification for the amount of people in the world suffering. I mean, its all very well to say, it makes us feel better, but what about the african kid with a pillowcase and a bowl of oats and water once a week? That kid's hit rock bottom. There's no one he can look at and say, you know, at least i've got a [b]pillowcase[/b]. Thats not the result of a kind, compassionate God. If anything, that's an Ammoral God with no concept of good, bad or right and wrong. Which is fine too. Sure, believe that, but don't use that to tell Gay people not to have sex, or unmarried mothers they're living in sin.

    Can you see what i'm getting at here?
    If not, please say lol

    October 29th, 2008 at 10:57am
  • Thanks for replying; its more than most would do.
    Firstly, you said in your comment that all three of us feel strongly about God. Your right. Most people should. The question of our existence is underpinned by something rather constant; our existence; and i'm certain it occurs to the majority of people at least once in their lives to deal with the fact that they exist.

    Thats fine. The problem comes for me when we start putting our existence into the hands of someone else to deal with. What link do you have to the Church? upbringing i imagine. And yet you choose to believe; with very little interrogation into the matter (it seems); nearly everything they espouse. How i hate that word; espouse.

    Which is also fine to a degree, if that's what you want, because they're just as qualified as anyone else, aside from perhaps yourself, to deal with your own existence.

    Next. You agreed with my statement that [i]understanding the reason behind something working[/i] doesn't rule out the idea that it was created (or is allowed to function) by God.
    Now this is a complicated issue to approach but i shall do my best; here's the way i see it:

    Firstly in regards to a Christian God; i would say that a flower blooming, birth, the universe and the human mind could all be used to justify a belief in a Creator of sorts, however, they can't be used to justify the Catholic Church, if you get my meaning. Because sure, consider every moment of your life a miracle, but i don't think you can use that to justify Adam and Eve, Original Sin, Cane and Able, Heaven, Hell or any of the other key christian beliefs and morals. There's no link between those things and there isn't any way [i]to[/i] link them.

    Personally i think there are some things that aren't explainable because of they've always existed; for instance: the existence of energy, the existence of Gravity, the way chemicals interact; these are the things we can observe but can't explain, because they are the things we use to explain other phenomena, if that makes any sense at all?. If you want to term these constants 'God', while i call them the laws of nature, then so be it. That's just a matter of terminology. Its when you, and the church you ascribe to, use this belief in 'God' to justify the rules and regulations you call 'Sacred' and the stories you call 'Truth' that i object.

    Gabe, again
    October 29th, 2008 at 10:41am
  • So, to get to the point. It seems to me that both of you have been somewhat caught in the sticky web of the God Argument. To be fair; its michael here thats making sense, even if he's being a jerk about it. Unusual i know.
    The fact is, you can't [i]prove[/i] God. Its a crazy, irrational idea. If god is real, which i doubt, then, as michael said, your crazy to attempt to [b]understand[/b] or interpret the reasoning behind his creation, existence and moral judgements.

    Oh, and briefly, it was a bit dog to have a go at michaels avatar. Its actually pretty clever really, and if you find nudity offensive, i'd say you need a little humility and perhaps, if i may suggest, a little appreciation of God's creations.

    But seriously, onto this idea of God, because i think its fine to believe what you want to beleive, but you've got to recognize that its faith you espouse; and not logic.
    In your comment to michael you practically begged correction. If you want answers i can give you answers, birth, growth and space are hardly miracles unless your ignorant of the mechanism behind their function/operation. And if you want to go ahead and say; well thats a miracle anyway, there's no argument for me to take, because thats al very well but it certainly doesn't justify the existence of a christian god.

    And this is important; because the idea of a christian god is to me (and to shcopenhaur as well, if you cared to ask) a bit silly.
    If you look around today; at the war, the famine, the strife, the disease, the river bore worms that drill into little boys eyes and send them blind and in agony before their 15, the rapists, the murderers, the kiddy-touching priests, the unhappiness, and the general schism between every nation on earth; do you see 'Good'. Do you see a benevolent, almighty, all seeing God?
    Why would God create humans, in his image, with a susceptability to sin? Why would an all knowing god, capable of seeing everything at once, create humans if he [i]knew[/i] the state they'd create. Only a cruel, harsh or ammoral sentience would do something like that.

    So well may be your miracles, but to agknowledge them as gods work is also to recognize his design in everthing from Stone-fish to scorpians, from brown snakes to torture.


    F'n Hereos...
    October 28th, 2008 at 06:25am
  • Hi, i'm Gabe.
    I just read your article on Homosexuality, which, as you've admitted yourself is a little sketchy. Then i read your comment....

    To be continued

    October 28th, 2008 at 05:50am
  • DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!

    i checked to see if it was sent! GRRRRRRRRRRR
    hope you saw it before it just cut out.
    October 28th, 2008 at 05:35am
  • Hahahaha, the word ignorance coming from you amuses me. I'll leave the god bit till last, because if you weren't so shut up in your own little world, oblivious to whats going on, you'd know that picture is a photo taken by a guy named Bill Henson, and when it featured on the cover of a art magazine the media went nuts about how wrong it is etc, and another group of people who were very vocal about the issue were the catholic church. I dont know if you are catholic yourself, but the argument still remains. They claimed it was a disgrace to parade one of gods creatures around like that - but this assumes they know the mind of God. Lets just use the example here of me, who you seem to have taken a disgusted interest in:
    Every sunday, i make eggs. eggs and bacon to be exact. Ive been doing this for a while, but every time i make those eggs, almost without fail they are 'too dry' or 'taste like charcoal', the point here being that i cant cook eggs. But there are many people out there with difficulty's in the easiest of tasks. So can you blame me? no. I am only human. So if the mind of your average, human being cant cook two minute eggs, or trips up the stairs occasionally, how do you expect that we as a whole species could fathom the mind of God? If God DID create the earth and stars, IS the reason for childbirth and love, how could people like you or me possibly get into his mind and find out what he wants or why he does things? The simple answer here is that we cant. And seeing as that is what Christianity almost revolves around, id say that this blemish in the system alone is enough for me to know - and for you to at least consider - that God is a fallacy. A hoax. A dream that something is up there that makes us oh so important, because people cant accept that we're not.
    Now onto your proof that i supposedly see every day of my life and am an ignorant bastard for conveniently ignoring. My thoughts on this aren't non-existant, they're just not in line with yours. Everyone Has Free Will. Everyone Makes Their Own Choices. If someone is going to have a baby, being an example you used, that comes about from choices they've made and decisions that they have had to make. Now i'm no science freak, but im pretty sure that there are reasons for why this sort of thing happens that dont involve an old guy with a beard. We've got genetics, for one. Mitosis, Meiosis anyone??

    It seems to me that you've got a tendency to arc up against ANYONE who could cast even the slightest sliver of doubt into your mind about god, but you dont really think about what you say before you say it - not from a rational point of view anyway.
    Once you've taken a while to digest this lump of common sense, something you may or may not not be familiar with, come and tell me what you think about it now.
    October 28th, 2008 at 12:43am
  • Er... Ok... frist and olny question... What's MK?
    October 20th, 2008 at 11:22pm
  • Well I don't think it's moving fast at all. Sometimes stories on here just drag out. I like it when they keep even pace. Long chapters don't mean the story is going to fast,it just means you have more things to write. But yea short chapters really tick me off...
    October 20th, 2008 at 10:43pm
  • Haha, you're almost right.
    Malil will die! I'm adding a new chapter now, so enjoy!
    October 20th, 2008 at 03:46pm
  • Lol, yeah well I hate it when you know someone subscribed to one of your stories, but they never actually comment. Especially when you work so hard on it.
    So that's one thing about me, I'll only subscribe to a story if I'm sure I like it, and that I'll comment on every chapter. Cuz I know how much it means to a writer to get feedback =]
    October 19th, 2008 at 01:24am
  • Yay! I can't wait for it! This story is seriously awesome ^^
    October 17th, 2008 at 07:51pm
  • Ow... I didn't mean to say that you follow the rest... It's just that I don't care if I embarase myself, the people... last week end I made a "campfire" (I looked for it in the dictionary) in the midleof a marriage... welll not exactly in the middle but in front... It was very funy because people looked at us like "nandertals " xD
    October 17th, 2008 at 06:45pm
  • More less the same... exept of the good looking guys part ^^ I actually don't care. I just been my self... and if they don't like it, not my problem :D
    I want to joing the impro :D (impro is a drama techique baced in improvisation ... you may had figured it out) And I'm going to be alice... in my play.... (alice in wonderland) I really enjoy acting
    October 17th, 2008 at 05:06am
  • Hahahaha, You're welcome
    so how are you doing lately?
    October 16th, 2008 at 03:08pm
  • heey and yes. i really like your story, "do my eyes deceive me...a gorgeous sadistic vampire?" : )
    i guess i shouldve subscribed. i didnt know how to until now
    October 16th, 2008 at 02:09am
  • Wow that was quick! You must be online lol.
    I can't wait to read your stuff, and don't worry, I didn't think you'd plagarize me or anything, I didn't invent the concept of vampires you know.
    Good luck with your story!
    October 15th, 2008 at 05:08am
  • Hey thanks for the profile comment! They always make me smile!
    I didn't like the new development either, hence the long time between updates, because I was debateing changing the angle.
    In the end I went with my original plan.
    As to your'll have to wait and see. :)
    October 15th, 2008 at 05:01am
  • Really?That was my goal in life!xD But I really do understand. It's kinda like waiting for your favorite book's sequel to come out and having to wait a year or more. Only I hope you don't take THAT long...hehe
    October 15th, 2008 at 04:47am
  • That's cool. Spend time on it if you want to perfect every detail. Make sure it's exactly the way you want it to be, cuz that's what counts. =] x Can't wait.
    October 14th, 2008 at 11:44pm