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for a first effort this,

What do we have if not belief?
My name is danielle or dani. I do not like capitalizing my name. I am a sophomore at St. Norbert College in Wisconsin majoring in art (with an emphasis in graphic design) and minoring in media studies. I am from Green Bay, Wisconsin.
I have far too many interests to list them all, but I do enjoy reading, watching movies, listening to music, playing sports for purely fun reasons, hiking, video games, and animals.
Since I am from Green Bay, it is required that I like the Packers or I'd get run out of town, but I would like them anyway. I back my Pack. World Champions!
Hockey, however, is my favorite sport. The Pittsburgh Penguins are my team, followed loosely by the New Jersey Devils and then the Chicago Blackhawks.
"When you are arguing against God, you are arguing against the very power that makes you able to argue at all" -C.S. Lewis
feels kind of last ditch.