Please READ me if you read any of my stories....

So I am stuck with my Rian Dawon story. I haven't got as much feed back as I would have hoped. But I want to continue writing it, it just might take a while to get it out.My Travis Clark sequel is coming along just fine. I have a reason for it to be the way it is, Sometimes I am sick of the whole living happily ever after bull shit we all seem to be accustom to.I want my stories to mean something...
November 13th, 2008 at 09:57am

The place between Just Friends and Best Friends

So this guy is totally awesome. Chill has hell. And he cant stand my ex. Plus he is adorable. Went to his band's show tonight. Drama let me tell you, his ex was there. Wanted to start shit with me for 'fucking her man', I was like hello I'm a VIRGIN. God. I can't stand her. Then my friend got in a fight with her best friend. Totally smashed her face in. I told Andy I couldn't deal with this drama...
August 29th, 2008 at 10:55am

Sitting In This Room Playing Russian Roulette.

Okay so how many of you hate me right now?I totally take responsibility if you do. I haven't updated in forever.But expect some updates soon. I'm praying to have Travis done by next week [Please don't bet on it] Just some wishful thinking. My next story will either be on Rian Dawson or Shaun White I haven't decided yet.My parents have officially "Taken a break". Josh and Katie are "Official" or...
August 23rd, 2008 at 08:37am

Aug. 13 2008

Okay its totally one in the morning and I cant sleep.I'm dealing with a lot of negativity in my life from my parents, my siblings and Josh. My parents are fighting more. There has even been the dreaded "D" word thrown out. I think that would be a better solution then listening to them fight all the time. How horrible is that to think that your parents should split up. My sister is taking her hurt...
August 13th, 2008 at 10:30am

Perfect Only In Her Imperfections

I'm actually quiet sad right now.My Jack story is almost done. I'm going to finish the update I am working on. Then the end will come. And that will be it.It will be FIN.I guess the point of this is to ask all of you your opinions on who to write my next story about. I have narrowed it down to four, two from bands and two are snowboarders. If possible pick one from column A and one from column B....
July 10th, 2008 at 10:19am