News! News! News!

Hey there, so if anyone really is interested in what's been happening with me some crazy things are happening. First off got a job as an ironworker, yay right? Actually fcking sucks lol, but until I can save a bunch of money guess. I'm stuck with it.More news, had a bf for about a month then he dumps me over text -.-He couldn't be a man and tell me to my face I guess. I'm not really reading...
July 27th, 2011 at 04:07am

Bucket List

Earlier today, actually yesterday night I decided to make a bucket list.I'll tell ya, it has been the best 4 or 5 hours I've spent in a while. So far I have 73 things on the list. I'm working on getting to 100 for now, in the future I'll add more. Anyways, I just wanted to know what other people have on their bucket list.What's the craziest thing you have on the list?So far mine would be #60- Bare...
February 24th, 2011 at 11:29am

18 Today!

Final it is my 18th birthday!Glad that this year some people actually remembered and told me happy person I was expecting to send me a msg or something was my dad cause that's pretty much the only way we talk. But nope he didn't even say I love you, oh well I guess I have to let that one go.So tonight I'm going out with my mom and my aunty somewhere, anyone got any ideas as to...
September 29th, 2010 at 05:39pm

Moving On Month

Well the month of July is the moving on month, why you may ask.First off, if you've red my previous journals some one them are about a boy. Not just any boy the boy who stole my heart, ripped it to pieces, stuck needles in the pieces and left it there on the dirty ground to get some sort of disease....Anyway it keeps telling you guys about how much I love him blah blah blah blah blah. You see I've...
July 5th, 2010 at 03:35am

Faber Drive =)

Yesterday I got an e-mail from a radio station saying I won tickets to go see Faber Drive!!It was pretty funny I had to e-mail the people back asking if it was real or not, and about 1 minute later the radio station called my house saying it was real! =)So for a grad present to myself and my sister we are going to see Faber Drive on Saturday. WHOOP! WHOOP!It's going to be pretty awesome.Oh and...
May 18th, 2010 at 07:44pm

Avenged Sevenfold!!

I got on my e-mail this morning and the thing that makes my day so GREAT is the fact that I see something I've been waiting to see for a really long time.Avenged Sevenfold is coming to my city in September!!! a day before my birthday and on my birthday they will be in the city that is close to the city I live in!So hopefully, I will get to see them. it would make my life so much better!I now have...
May 11th, 2010 at 08:41pm


Today's my BIRTHDAY!!yay for being 17.Just wished everyone would remember atleast once.Not that many people said happy birthday. maybe about 14 ppl and i have a lot of friends.and out of all those people i didn't have to remind 4 of them.this is the lameist (i don't thing that's a word) birthday's on a Tuesday, and i'm sick, my ankle still hurts really bad and lastly school sucks.I'll...
September 29th, 2009 at 08:15pm

Sarge is a GIRL! LMAO

So it turns out my step brother thought that his dog was a boy. What an idiot Sarge as he became known is actually a GIRL. Yes a girl, I have no idea how he thought she was a boy. There are no male body parts on her.My mom and I took it into our own hands on what to name her, the name is pretty lame but it works for her Bubbles. I still can't believe that him and his dad didn't know, they had her...
July 16th, 2009 at 10:09pm

Just like old times?...maybe not

The weirdest things are happening to me this year.Lets start with when I decided to go back to regular school, in my math class. There was this guy whose name is Oliver and when I first got there didn't really pay much attention to him. He's one of the 'popular' people and I'm more of everyone's friend and no ones enemy. One day we have a sub and he's sitting with his buddies beside me, here I am...
July 8th, 2009 at 10:16pm

Happy Birthday to Him!

Today is Brian Elwin Haner Jr.(aka. Synyster Gates)'s birthday so I Brittany am going to sing him happy birthday.Here goes nothing.Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday Brian Elwin Haner Jr.Happy Birthday to you!one more timeHappy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday Synyster Gates,Happy Birthday to you!=)I hope he has a great birthday!Yay for being 28.If you...
July 8th, 2009 at 02:15am

One of Yesterday

Today is the 7th but yesterday was the 6th. well duh.but yesterday was the "anniversary" of me being on here for a year.your probably thinking 'ya, so...'Well this site means a lot to me, when ever i feel i need to express myself i come on here and write a poem. a love poem, a sad poem or just a plain stupid one.Some of them don't make it on here because i get scared that people are going to hate...
July 7th, 2009 at 09:45am