The Empress / Comments

  • Aj_

    Aj_ (100)

    lol no worries!! kinda hard for me to hate stories about vampires... lol XD
    and yeah i'm from down under... go me XP
    aw really? would you come here if you could?? where do you live?
    April 12th, 2009 at 02:11am
  • Aj_

    Aj_ (100)

    aww yay!! it's really good and I can't wait for the update =)
    April 11th, 2009 at 04:09am
  • Peace to the world

    Peace to the world (100)

    United States
    Wanna read mine so far??
    April 4th, 2009 at 06:28am
  • Peace to the world

    Peace to the world (100)

    United States
    I absolutley love your story. I just wrote a start to one, but its certainly not as good as yours!
    March 29th, 2009 at 10:30am
  • Lady Nikki Nightmare

    Lady Nikki Nightmare (215)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    really? Wow. I'm sorry you stayed up so late,
    but I'm glad you read and enjoyed the story.
    Just so I'm not confused anymore, we are talking
    about the Maddie and Kegan Series right?
    March 2nd, 2009 at 03:56pm
  • inflatablecactus

    inflatablecactus (100)

    United States
    Ooooooooh. I get it now. I was really confused for a while and couldn't figure out how to comment. I sort of like the red stars. They're a nice dash of color.

    Yeah, finals don't really do anything unless you have a borderline grade. Good luck on all of your exams!

    My break was all right. I baked a lot, which was wonderful. Your parents were out of town? I love that. I truly enjoy being left alone without parental supervision. I'm really, really ready to move out.
    January 17th, 2009 at 06:05am
  • inflatablecactus

    inflatablecactus (100)

    United States
    Even superheroes have to go to college. The SAT blows. I much prefer the ACT. Seriously, that essay? Who can write a presentable essay in that short amount of time?

    Ew, you have finals after you come back? That's cruel. Mine are before break, so I mostly get to relax, except for a few articles for the newspaper I'm supposed to be writing. How has your break been so far?
    December 31st, 2008 at 08:00am
  • inflatablecactus

    inflatablecactus (100)

    United States
    Oh, pish-posh. I firmly believe that high school courses do nothing to prepare you for real life.

    A lacto-ovo vegetarian is someone who doesn't eat meat or fish but still eats dairy products and eggs. Being vegetarian isn't really as hard as people seem to think it is. The only hard part is going to restaurants. Menus rarely contain vegetarian options.
    December 15th, 2008 at 06:01am
  • inflatablecactus

    inflatablecactus (100)

    United States
    I know, isn't it? Suspense!

    Our school is known for its language program. There are 8 different languages you can take, and four of them go up to the eighth level. (Not French, unfortunately.) A B is still good! It really depends on the class. I worked my butt off for a B in English 9 and 10 Honors, but I barely have to lift a finger for an A in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics. Yeah, I'm good at science, but I hate it.

    I've had a busy month myself. I'm so glad it's over!
    December 7th, 2008 at 04:13am
  • inflatablecactus

    inflatablecactus (100)

    United States
    I actually just changed that layout today. New layout, new attitude, new me.

    Yeah, I do it all the time. I just have beginnings of stories laying around. The nice thing about having something published online is that there's some actual incentive to keep working on it. I typically need music and the occasional candle to write. Some teachers throw fits about that and insist you should write with zero distractions, but I need music to get me in the right mood! *cough*that's what she said*cough*

    No, not yet. I'm still in high school. I love writing, so I make time for it even if it means losing some sleep. The biggest problem is any time I'm going through an emotional crisis, it's impossible to write. I journal a lot too. I started a new journal in July, and I currently have 28 pages written out. That isn't very many, but it's nice to see the progress.
    October 9th, 2008 at 07:55am
  • inflatablecactus

    inflatablecactus (100)

    United States
    Everyone feels that way at first. You just have to practice the language as much as possible and be willing to make mistakes. We blab on and on in French during class, even though we mess up grammar and pronunciation all the time and just make up words when we don't know the actual word. XP

    Oh, I hate trying new foods! Usually when I go to a restaurant, I pick one meal that I get every single time. I am an immensely picky eater, although I prefer to say that my taste buds are more sensitive that normal. I don't think it'd be bad to try new things with just a camera because you can't really see the other people, so once you get used to the camera and sound men, it's like no one is watching.

    That's a huge problem for me too. It's easy to come up with story ideas. The hard part is actually finishing them. I have dozens of stories where I've written 30-50 pages and just stopped. I need to get more organized and finish them all, but it's hard to plan around my real life. I used to hate English a lot, but I'm learning to appreciate it more. Well, I've learned to not read books I don't like because then I'm just wasting my time, but I really enjoy the books I do choose to read. [i]David Copperfield[/i] and [i]A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man[/i], for example, I decided to skip, but I loved [i]Cat's Eye[/i], [i]Frankenstein[/i], [i]Oedipus Rex[/i], and [i]Jane Eyre[/i]. (Yes, those are all the books we've read so far!) Basically skip anything by Mark Twain or John Steinbeck, and English is more fun.

    I've actually been in a really bad mood lately. I'm having troublesome dreams again, and I'm really anxious about upcoming events. I'm so restless that I can't stay put for very long, and I'm getting really bad headaches. I need to play some soothing music and get my nerves under control.
    October 1st, 2008 at 05:43am
  • inflatablecactus

    inflatablecactus (100)

    United States
    I do, but I doubt I'd ever find someone who fits that description or even get on the show. I'm always ready to try new things (with the exception of food), and a race around the world would be amazing! Think about how much you'd experience! Alternatively, it'd be fun to keep track of all the places they go and all the things they do and try to retrace their steps at your own pace some day.

    I'm the same way. I'll be obsessed for a few weeks and then not play at all. I am proud to say, however, I beat my friend at his own video game! It was my first time playing it, and it was even on the hard mode!

    I may write some more this week. I love writing, but I unfortunately have to be in the perfect mood. I always feel self-conscious too, but I've gotten a lot better with accepting constructive criticism. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Besides, I think it's better to write total crap and at least be practicing than not writing anything at all. (Stephanie Meyer is an exception to this rule; I hope she doesn't write anything for another decade.)

    It takes about eight years to become fluent, and I've only been studying for five years. (I'm technically in French 6 though because I skipped a year when my parents hired a French tutor one summer.) It definitely gets easier though. French 1-4 you're really just learning vocabulary and grammar and pronunciation, and from then on, it's just practicing speaking, listening, reading, etc.
    September 29th, 2008 at 11:29pm
  • inflatablecactus

    inflatablecactus (100)

    United States
    I can kind of understand that. French is my second language, so I have to focus really hard when I'm watching or listening to something in French. It's easy to not pay attention and let it all just blur past. It's also much harder than just speaking with someone because they won't slow down or enunciate for your benefit.

    Yeah, I just have one sister, but she doesn't live at home. When she's visiting, she'll watch it with us. lol, video games are fun. They are extremely time-consuming though. I love Zelda and Final Fantasy!

    You should watch it! It's really entertaining, and it's probably the only reality show I'd actually go on. I need to find a partner though, preferably a strong, athletic man with a mathematical mind, a good sense of direction, and a willingness to eat anything. He should also not be stressed out easily and work well under pressure with little sleep or food and speak at least Spanish.
    September 28th, 2008 at 09:09pm
  • inflatablecactus

    inflatablecactus (100)

    United States
    Yeah, they also disappear when you accidentally click outside them. That has happened a few too many times. Yeah, it's really the only show my parents and I all enjoy, and as an added bonus, my sister likes it too! (That's super rare.) My parents and I also watch the Amazing Race together, which starts on Sunday!
    What language do your parents speak?
    September 23rd, 2008 at 11:25pm
  • inflatablecactus

    inflatablecactus (100)

    United States
    Oh, my parents and I watch every single episode. Dale the Whale didn't kill Trudy. He does, however, know a lot of the people involved in her murder. He tells Monk that Warrick Tennyson was the one who made the bomb. When Monk finds Tennyson, he says that he was hired by a six-fingered man. The six-fingered man, Frank Nunn, is shot (by a man hired by Dale the Whale) before Monk can get any answers out of him. After searching Nunn's apartment, Monk does discover that he was hired by "The Judge." Dale the Whale probably knows who "The Judge" is, but of course, he isn't saying anything.

    Our stupid DVR didn't record the last episode, though! Ack!
    September 17th, 2008 at 02:21am
  • inflatablecactus

    inflatablecactus (100)

    United States
    I need sleep so bad. Blech, now I'm sick too. (Yes, again. I've been sick every weekend for the past month.) I know! I'm excited! I actually just watched the 100th episode yesterday. Man, I really hope he finds Trudy's murderer. Do you remember the episode where that woman pretended to be Trudy? That one was so sad.
    September 14th, 2008 at 03:38am
  • inflatablecactus

    inflatablecactus (100)

    United States
    Glad you liked it! Ooh... it's a mystery.... lol, the effect is kind of lost on me because I know what's going on. It's like always having a spoiler. It's kind of annoying sometimes. Wait, am I complaining about writing my own story? Sheesh. I need more sleep.
    September 11th, 2008 at 05:53am
  • Vampire's_Addiction

    Vampire's_Addiction (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hi! If you likie romance stories, with a bit of heart break in them, then there are quite a few, I think the best ones are 'My Guardian Vampire', 'My version Of Prince Charming' and er...not sure about others than I can think of now!
    I'll let you know if I think of any!!
    August 1st, 2008 at 07:55am
  • inflatablecactus

    inflatablecactus (100)

    United States
    Ew. That's sick. Harry Potter was way better than this crap. Twilight is just so horrible. I've read better fanfiction. I know Stephanie Meyer could do so much better. Why does she lower herself to this pathetic level?
    July 29th, 2008 at 09:00pm
  • inflatablecactus

    inflatablecactus (100)

    United States
    Ugh. I [i]hate[/i] Twilight with a flaming passion. Don't bother asking why. You'll get a massive rant. Please don't tell me you're a crazed fangirl!
    July 29th, 2008 at 02:34am